Your pension explained: join the ABP presentations for international employees
For many people, retirement still seems a long way off, while for others it is getting closer and closer. Either way, it is important to have an understanding of the Dutch pension system, and your own pension in particular. If you receive a salary from Leiden University, you automatically accrue a pension with Algemeen Burgerlijk Pensioenfonds (ABP). So who better to tell you more about your pension, than the experts from ABP themselves?
This year, ABP is holding four online sessions during which you will receive answers to questions like: can I retire sooner, or later? How much pension and state pension do I accrue? What happens to my pension if I work less? And how does the ‘MyABP’ application work?
Dates and times
You can attend an ABP presentation on one of the following dates. They will be in English and you can follow them at home or at work through Microsoft Teams.
- Wednesday 15 February, 10.00 – 11.30 hours
- Wednesday 7 June, 15.00 – 16.30 hours
- Wednesday 13 September, 13.00 – 14.30 hours
- Wednesday 6 December, 11.00 – 12.30 hours
Register here
Are you interested in learning more about your ABP pension? Register for the presentations via this link. Slots are filling up fast, so don’t wait too long!
Please sign in to Microsoft Teams 10 minutes before the presentation starts so it can start on time. Make sure you have a stable internet connection: the pension officer will not be able to solve any technical problems during the presentation.
Dutch presentations
ABP is also working on presentations about pensions for Dutch-speaking employees. We will inform you as soon as we know more.