Universiteit Leiden

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KOG employees to switch to Windows 11

24 April 2024

Leiden University is switching to Windows 11 as the standard operating system for all its desktops and laptops. From 6 May to 21 June 2024, the ISSC will implement this migration for all desktops and laptops used at the KOG building. Each device migration will take approximately two hours.

Work with a desktop?
In consultation with the Institute Coordinator or Head of Department, a schedule will be drawn up for the migration of desktops.

Work with a laptop?
You will shortly receive a message containing more information and a link that you need to click to book a date and time slot for the migration.

VeraCrypt users’ devices will not be migrated at this stage. Anyone who uses VeraCrypt will receive a message about the migration of their computer in due course.

Why are we switching to Windows 11?
Microsoft has announced that support for Windows 10 is to be discontinued sometime over the coming year. Its replacement, Windows 11, is a cloud-based workspace, which means that hybrid working at locations outside of the university will be better supported. This will allow you to install software from any location provided you have a wireless network connection and a VPN, for example.  

From Windows 10 to Windows 11: what’s different?
Besides a number of visual changes to your desktop, there will also be changes to the storage, updates, security updates and software installations. The project team will provide information and support before you start working with Windows 11.

The key changes include:

  • no access to the P: drive: make sure you move your documents from the P: drive to your personal OneDrive;
  • the J: drive can only be accessed through the secure EduVPN connection;

Prepare for the migration
The email you receive next week will contain a checklist to help you prepare for the migration. For example, you will need to secure your locally saved files and settings in advance. Please do this beforehand to save time on the migration day. Transfer the contents of your P drive to OneDrive today if you have not yet done this. You can do this yourself or submit a request to the ISSC through the helpdesk portal.

Any questions?
Personal assistance will also be available during the rollout of the migration. If you would like more information about Windows 11, please read the information provided by the helpdesk portal: From Windows 10 to Windows 11 helpdesk portal (universiteitleiden.nl). A dedicated project team is here to help with the installation of Windows 11. During the migration of the desktops, this team will also be on hand to answer any questions and check that everything is working properly. If you have any questions about the above information, send an email to Beheer-ICT@law.leidenuniv.nl.

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