Follow-up brainstorm social safety and inclusion FGGA
We had more than 20 participants from all parts of the faculty participating in one of 4 sessions at the end of May and early June. It became evident from the discussions that there are many things that the faculty can and should work on in order to foster an inclusive and safe work environment where staff feel in balance.
It became clear that work pressure / workload is a serious challenge for many at our faculty and that we need structural solutions. Also, transparency is something many of you feel needs more attention – this includes regular updates from the board and onboarding days for new staff. Interpersonal communication and the facilitation of a safe work environment are equally points that need attention. The importance of selecting people with different backgrounds for positions within FGGA and making everyone feel included.
Next steps
- Over the summer, we will be working on the strategy for 2024 including steps and initiatives (including input from the brainstorm sessions) that should bring FGGA closer to our goal: A workplace where everyone feels included, safe and in balance. This includes learning what other faculties (and universities) are doing as well as the collaboration with a few enthusiastic colleagues who formed a work group around the topic.
- For late 2023, we are planning to take some first concrete steps already by offering a few selected trainings in The Hague, relevant to the above; amongst others, the Active Bystander training.
- In early fall, we are planning to launch a new FGGA-website that should serve as the transparent gate to all information, resources and contact persons on this topic.
- In order to provide all staff with the skills to take action in case of any unsafe situations, we will be offering the Active Bystander training at our faculty in The Hague at the end of the year.
- As of today, all staff can make use of a service called “conversation sparring partners” – this is an initiative that FGGA offers in collaboration with an external company called ‘Rechtdoorzee’.