Leiden Revisited 2023: 'The alumni event makes me feel part of this community again'
What does it mean to be an alumnus at Leiden Law School? Apart from a monthly magazine and a large network, the faculty also organises the annual alumni event 'Leiden Revisited'. Who are these alumni and why do they like to stay in touch?
On Friday 8 September 2023, the Leiden Law School annual alumni event ‘Leiden Revisited’ took place. The bright and sunny day was packed with socially relevant and interesting lectures. These included lectures on the meaning of ‘woke’ and academic freedom by Professor Carel Stolker, the role of criminal law in disinformation and conspiracy thinking by Dr Marloes van Noorloos, and a lecture by Michiel Smit (Leiden University) on his graduation research into the expropriation of 'enemy' (German) trademarks after World War II. Of course, there was also an opportunity for networking during the drinks and buffet, which included live music and refreshingly cold ice cream. Below you will find a small impression of this year’s Leiden Revisited.
Rosalie ten Wolde (25)
‘For me, the added value of being an alumna is that you come into contact with different generations’
‘I obtained my master’s degree in business law last year. When I look back on a memorable moment during my studies, I instantly think of Moot Court and the privatissimum during my master's because those were the moments where I really had to apply my knowledge in practice. I’m currently working as a lawyer at HOYNG ROKH MONEGIER. For me, the added value of being an alumna is that you interact with different generations at events like this one. This is very valuable for building your network. Today was a good example of this. Interesting discussions took place between the different generations which also allows you to see how ways of thinking in law are evolving. Critical questions were asked which made for interesting and entertaining discussions. Very worthwhile!’
Javier Sánchez Rhemrev (29)
‘Coming back to the KOG really brings back those good old times’
‘I completed my master's degree in European law in August 2020. I’m currently a lawyer in European Competition Law in Brussels. I mostly have fond memories about the library in the Kamerlingh Onnes building. It always had such a nice atmosphere. This applies to the entire KOG, by the way; coming back to the KOG really brings back those good old times. I used to love studying in the library, but I also enjoyed going to the café. This is where valuable contacts are made and, above all, where you have fun! The added value of today's event is that I really feel part of this community again. It allowed me to reminisce about the KOG with fellow alumni.’
Jan Jonk (72)
'It's nice to rekindle some of those old stories together'
‘I graduated from Leiden University in 1985; I was studying 'Dutch Law' at the time. I was an evening student and attended the programme while working as a municipal civil servant. I’ve been retired for some time now. During and after my studies, I worked as a municipal officer. When the General Administrative Law Act came into force, I decided to become a lawyer after all - which I did for the last eight years of my career. I still meet people here with whom I attended evening classes together. It's nice to rekindle some of those old stories together.’
Louise van de Mortel (29)
'The wide variety of ages really added an extra dimension to the discussions'
‘I completed my master’s in civil law in 2020 and I’m currently working as an IP lawyer at 'Holla Legal and Tax'. When I look back on my master's, I mainly think of Dirk Visser's lectures. He was a very good teacher and I always enjoyed going to his lectures. Like Javier, I've noticed that coming back to the KOG really brings back those good old times. Having coffee with Abdoelah, the manager at the café, was also something I look back on with fond memories. Events like this help you to keep in touch with the university and other graduates. Today's lectures were interesting and topical. The wide variety of ages really added an extra dimension to the discussions. I’ve also been to Leiden Law Lunches in the past; highly recommended!’
Did you miss the 2023 edition of Leiden Revisited? We are planning to host the next edition on or around Friday 6 September next year, to which you are cordially invited! The 'Alumni in Brussels' event, referred to by Javier Rhemrev, will be held on 29 February 2024. If you would like to be invited to either or both events, please check that your details are still correct at: Update your information - Leiden University (universiteitleiden.nl).
Would you like to attend one of the Leiden Law Lunches? These take place weekly on Wednesdays around lunchtime. You can check out the different times and lectures here.