Results of 2024 university elections announced
The results of the 2024 university elections have been announced. Who will represent us on the university’s participation councils?
Elections were held this year for the staff and student sections of the University Council and the student section of all the Faculty Councils. The election for the student section of the Humanities Faculty Council will have to be held again: one of the candidates was overlooked, so their party didn’t appear on the digital ballot paper. View all results, together with the names of the elected candidates. From the start of the new academic year, the successful candidates will be taking their seats in the various councils.
Results of the University Council election
The student section will look rather different than last year. The new combination of Democratic Student Party (DSP) and Student Collective (SC) gained three seats. ONS and LSP again won one seat each.
Number of seats of the student parties
Looking at the staff parties, Leiden Academic Community (LAG) retained four seats and Universitair Belang lost one seat to PhDoc.
Number of seats of the staff parties
Total number of votes
In total, 2312 staff members cast their vote, giving a voter turnout of 37.6 %. This is much higher than in 2022, when 29.2 % of staff members voted. Out of the students, 11.9 % (4031 students) voted, which is lower than last year’s 12.5 %.
Communicating ideas from the academic community
During the announcement of the election results, Pauline Vincenten, chair of the University Council, thanked everyone who is involved in the co-participation councils. ‘Thank you for your efforts to collectively make our university an even better place, where you can study and work with inspiration and feel comfortable to be yourself. When I see how the parties and individual council members at all levels worked so hard over the past year to communicate the issues and ideas from the academic community to administrators and directors, I have every confidence that this is going to be an excellent year.’