Call for Teaching Fellowship applicants: contact the advisors
If you have submitted a letter of intent to the Comenius Programme for a Teaching Fellowship, please let the central support team know by contacting Anna Terra Verhage (policy advisor for Strategy and Academic Affairs (SAZ)) or Kathelijne Smits (grant advisor for Student and Educational Affairs (SEA)) as soon as possible. They can advise you on preparing your application.
Our advice makes a difference
Our joint team from SEA, Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching (ICLON), the Centre for Innovation (CfI) and SAZ is happy to help you in all stages of the application process. We know from experience that our advice can make a difference to your chances of success. Even if you do not think you need our help, we would like to know that you are working on an application so we can monitor the results.
The deadline for pre-application for a Teaching Fellowship is 18 October (the prerequisite for application is that you submitted a letter of intent in September). We can help you with feedback on your draft, references to relevant educational literature and current developments in teaching innovations. Don’t hesitate to email us or send a message through Teams.