Universiteit Leiden

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Register publications and activities in LUCRIS

9 November 2023

As a researcher, you are required to report your research output (including publications and other outreach such as interviews, conference attendance, etc.) on a yearly basis through LUCRIS. Registering it in LUCRIS allows you to share your output on the repository, where it can be made available to other researchers. Furthermore, these data are used to assess the quality of the Faculty's research during our research evaluation.

You may register your publications at any time of the year, but it is important to note that a report of the Open Access publications for the calendar year will be compiled on December 31st.  Therefore, we urge you to register your publications as soon as possible, ideally before mid-December.

More information about research output registration is on the University Library website. If you have any questions, please feel free to write to lucris@arch.leidenuniv.nl.

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