Universiteit Leiden

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Come to the last AI in Education meetup @ FSW, also open to colleagues from other faculties!

17 May 2024

The meteoric rise of AI in higher education was one of the major themes of this academic year - that can't have escaped anyone's attention. During the monthly AI in Education @ FSW Meetups, FSW staff stayed informed about the latest developments in the technical, didactic and policy fields. 

On 20 June, it's time for the festive last meetup of this year, this time open to participants from across the university! Sebastiaan Mathot, Assistant Professor Experimental Psychology at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen will share how he and his colleagues use AI in their education, for example as an AI-tutor in the course Introduction to Psychology. After his presentation and a discussion, we will look back on the year past and look forward to the future. During the closing drinks there will be plenty of time to continue talking. 

Note: this time, the meetup will be from 15:00 to 17:00 in 5A.42 at the PdlC.

Will you join us? Everyone is welcome.  

Please register before 17 June. 

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