Universiteit Leiden

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Arts and leisure - Dance

Modern dance basics

Tuesday from 17:00-18:15 h

Lenna Schouten

For whom
The class is designed for beginners, as well as experienced dancers who have never practiced the modern dance style before.

This class introduces you to modern dance. The class is designed for beginners or more experienced dancers that wish to work on the basics. You will discover what it is like to dance from release, use of space, breath and body awareness. We work on a free body posture and you learn to play with gravity. It is an introduction and deepening of the basic techniques of modern dance and an allround dance training. Expect a physical and dynamic class with depth!

NOTE: This class combines well with Modern Dance - Improvisation, Composition, Performance.

Lenna Schouten is a dance professional based in Leiden. Graduated in 2011 from Codarts, Rotterdam she works as an independent dance artist and teacher. She recently performed in work from Ryan Djojokarso, Danstheater AYA , Jort Faber en Yuri Bongers, Danstheater VOS. As a dance artist she founded Danstheater Rúm to create dance performances combined with spatial and visual arts. As a teacher she currently works for Nederlands Dans Theater and DansPark. She is specialized in Inclusive Dance, (Certified Danceability Teacher), Somatic Movement and Real-time composition (Iris van Peppen and Marisa Grande) , Alexandertechnique (Tom Koch), Countertechnique (Anouk van Dijk) and Modern Jazz (Ben Bergmans). Lenna likes to experiment and explore. Dance to her is a physical sensation, an adventure and an exciting play with time and space. 

Please contact info@lakcursussen.nl if you have troubles registering for the courses. You can also give us a call at 071 527 2317 

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Register on time! A course can only start with enough participants (this will be decided a week before the start).

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