Universiteit Leiden

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Hackathon - From Person to Open Data

Tuesday 3 May 2022
Niels Bohrweg 1
2333 CA Leiden

How anonymous are you?!

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) has enormous amounts of data at its disposal, from which social networks are also derived. But how anonymous are you in this data? Is it possible for hackers to extract sensitive information from these data sets, by combining them with other data sources?

In the hackathon for students ‘From Person to Open Data’, you, as a ‘potential attacker’, will search for network relations of a given list of people. If you are able to find the most relations within 4 hours, you receive a prize!

Interested? Sign up for free before April 27th! You can find the registration form on Blackboard.

Pizza and drinks at the end of the day are included, and during the hackathon we will provide beverages and snacks.

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