Universiteit Leiden

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Exhibition BrAInpower at Museum Boerhaave

Friday 9 September 2022 - Sunday 5 March 2023
Museum Boerhaave
Lange St. Agnietenstraat 10
2312 WC Leiden

From deepfakes, streaming services and dating apps to facial recognition, self-driving cars and medical applications, we can no longer ignore artificial intelligence. It is changing our lives, just as steam engines once did at the time of the industrial revolution. The exhibition BrAInpower shows where AI can be used successfully, how we are reaping the benefits, but also highlights the downsides.

How is AI already affecting our lives? The less mundane applications of AI are also discussed, such as the use of AI in medicine, in creative processes and in the development of 'smart' robots. Guest curator Bas Haring (LIACS) is your guide in this exhibition.

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