Universiteit Leiden

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Debate | Roundtable

Threat(s) to Democracy

Wednesday 14 December 2022
Turfmarkt 99
2511 DP The Hague

Anti-democratic forces in Brazil, Hungary, Italy, and the USA

In both the America’s and Europe ever-stronger un- or explicitly anti-democratic sentiments are being expressed. This panel compares the contemporary political forces in four countries that held elections in 2022: Brazil, Hungary, Italy, and the USA. Each of these countries faces its own dilemma's in its own specific political context. Yet, each, as Lula da Silva recently put it, seemed to face—although not necessarily this black and white—a choice between democracy and fascism; in each of these countries anti-democratic voices were on the ballot and arguably stood a chance of doing well, or did do well.

Erik Bähre (for Brazil), Ferenc Laczó, (for Hungary), Luana Russo (for Italy), and Jessie Morgan-Owens (for the USA), will throw their lights on these anti-democratic forces and the threats they pose to democracy.

Jessie Morgan-Owens
Jessie Morgan-Owens
Erik Bähre
Erik Bähre



Ferenc Laczó
Ferenc Laczó
Luana Russo
Luana Russo

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