Privacy and security officers
You can contact the privacy or security officers with questions about privacy or data security.
It depends on your question whether you should contact a privacy or security officer.
Privacy officers can help with questions about privacy and data protection, such as how to handle personal data.
Security officer (or Local Information Security Officer; LISO) can help with information security questions on matters such as sharing company information or using certain software. The LISO is the first point of contact in your faculty or department.
Faculty / unit | Privacy officer | Security officer (LISO) |
Archaeology | Astrid Gravenbeek | Jasper Kanbier |
Humanities | Espen van den Burg | Paul Delfos |
Governance and Global Affairs | Astrid Gravenbeek | Ellen Touwen |
Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) | | |
Law | Eric van Hoof | Thomas van Beek |
Social Sciences | Max van Arnhem | René Ouwerkerk |
Science | Eric van Hoof | Johan Detollenaere |
Administratief Shared Service Centre (ASSC) |
Monica Arrigoni | |
ICT Shared Service Centre (ISSC) |
Paula de Nie | Bram Choufoer |
Leiden Learning & Innovation Centre (LLInC) |
Anna Gerasymenko | |
Luris | Lisa Bogers | |
Expertise Centre for Student and Educational Affairs (SEA) | Frank Imthorn | |
Leiden University Library (UBL) | Bas Vat | Bas Vat |
University Services Department | Jamy Becker Hof | |
Real Estate |
Mark van Beijnen | |
ICLON | Carla den Hartog | Karel Roos |
African Studies Centre (ASC) |
Willem Veerman | |
Finance Directorate |
Jelle Verbiest | |
Directorate HRM | Simone Heidt | |
Directorate IM | Bertine Drejer | |
Directorate Strategic Communication and Marketing | Jos de Kooker | |
Strategy and Academic Affairs Directorate |
Moena al Homsi | |
Audit and Internal Control | Bas van Haastrecht | |
Management Support |
Merel Snoeck |
If you are unable to get hold of the above contacts, please get in touch with the central privacy or security office.
Privacy office:
Security office: