Security Studies and Liberal Arts and Sciences (LUC) awarded bronze medal EW Best Studies 2023
The BSc Security Studies and LUC both received a bronze medal in EW Best Studies 2023. This means that students of these programmes are above-average satisfied with the quality of the programme. Every year, EW Best Studies selects the top programmes in Dutch higher education.
A programme receives a medal if it scores considerably higher than average compared to other programmes within the same sector on at least five components. Three years at the top earns gold, two years silver and one year bronze. Security Studies and the LUC belong to the 184 programmes that receive a bronze medal this year.
Students satisfied with the programme
The scores were calculated based on the results of the National Student Survey 2023. In this survey, students assess various aspects of their study programme. Not only the content of the lectures and the quality of the lecturers are assessed, but also the information provided by the programme, the facilities and the atmosphere. The medals are therefore not awarded based on objective facts and figures about the programme, but rather by comparing students' opinions.
Security Studies scores highest in the categories ‘programme in general’, ‘programme content’, ‘educational feasibility’, ‘atmosphere’ and ‘general skills acquired’. LUC receives a bronze medal for the second year in a row and scores the best in the categories ‘programme in general’, ‘programme content’, ‘general skills acquired’, ‘lecturers in general’ and ‘atmosphere’.