Universiteit Leiden

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Training and Supervision Plan

In the course of your PhD you make agreements with your supervisor(s) concerning your personal development and the supervision you receive. No later than three months after the start of your appointment, these agreements should be recorded in a Training and Supervision Plan. External PhD candidates must do this within a maximum of six months following admission to the Graduate School.

Agreements concerning training and supervision

One year after the start of your appointment, the Training and Supervision Plan is elaborated in more detail and revised if and where necessary. It should in any case cover the following aspects:

  • Any courses and training programmes you are going to follow in the context of your training as a researcher and when you will take the courses.
  • Agreements concerning the form and frequency of the personal supervision you receive during your appointment as a PhD student and the distribution of responsibilities between the various supervisors.

These agreements concerning the content of the Training and Supervision Plan are included in the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities (CAO Nederlandse Universiteiten).

Individual faculty guidelines

The guidelines for the Training and Supervision Plan may vary per faculty. For more information, see your Faculty tab.

Training and Supervision Plans

For the various categories of PhD researchers, different Training and Supervision Plans are applied. More information.

Rules and policies

Rules and policies concerning the PhD trajectory may differ for the various categories of PhD researchers. More information.

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