37 search results for “child law” in the Staff website
Douae Youssef
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
d.youssef@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Department of Child Law welcomes back alumna Lucy Opoka
In the summer of 2021, Lucy Opoka was awarded one of the coveted Meijers PhD positions. In October, she arrived back in Leiden, where she obtained her LLM degree Advanced Studies in International Children’s Rights in 2019. Professor Liefaard interviewed Lucy upon arrival.
Suzy Duivenvoorde
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
s.c.g.a.duivenvoorde@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3557
Mariëlle Bruning
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
m.r.bruning@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 8913
Abuse of Vlaardingen foster child reveals youth care problems
Months after the case of the abused foster child from Vlaardingen (Zuid-Holland) came to light, many questions still remain. Why was the child not listened to? Marielle Bruning, Professor of Child Law, discussed this with NOS, NPO Radio 1, NRC and Nieuwsuur.
Sophy Baird
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
s.b.baird@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Ann Skelton
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
a.m.skelton@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Mariëlle Bruning at roundtable discussion on child protection system
On 3 November 2022, Mariëlle Bruning, Professor of Children and the Law, spoke as an expert on child protection at a roundtable discussion with Dutch Lower House members of the Standing Committee on Justice and Security.
Mariëlle Bruning: ‘Juvenile courts’ role in placement in care cases relatively small’
The legal protection of parents and children in cases involving placement in care must improve. That is the opinion of Mariëlle Bruning, Professor of Children and the Law.
‘12-year-olds capable of deciding about vaccination with assistance’
Children aged between 12 and 17 years can decide themselves whether they want to be vaccinated or not. Experts say that children are capable of taking a well-considered decision.
Fact sheet on placement of children in care
At the request of the Dutch Parliament, Professor Marielle Bruning, Dr Kartica van der Zon (Dept. of Child Law), Professor Lenneke Alink and Dr Sabine van der Asdonk (Education and Child Studies) have produced a fact sheet on the placement of children in care in the Netherlands.
'Separating siblings in out-of-home care is very tough'
Every year in the Netherlands, thousands of children are placed in out-of-home care because their parents are unable to look after them properly or because the children are at risk.
Mariëlle Bruning in the media on new agreement in Dutch youth care
Mariëlle Bruning, Professor of Children and the Law at Leiden University, responded in various media to the new draft agreement aimed at reducing work pressure of youth protectors.
Mariëlle Bruning in Trouw: 'Placement in care is always harmful'
In Europe, the Netherlands is in middle position when it comes to the placement of children in care. The consequences of such a placement in care are often disastrous, says Mariëlle Bruning.
Mariëlle Bruning in the media on fact sheet about placement in care
It is not possible for juvenile courts to properly assess whether it is necessary to place a child in care. This is evident from a fact sheet that has been prepared by legal scholars from Leiden University, commissioned by the Dutch House of Representatives and others.
Nina Eggens
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
n.eggens@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Mariëlle Bruning: No full figures on waiting lists for youth care
The waiting lists in youth care are alarmingly long. This has been confirmed again by a study carried out by a Dutch foundation The Forgotten Child.
Pedagogische Wetenschappen en Jeugdrecht zetten succesvolle interdisciplinaire samenwerking voort
Onderzoekers van het Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen en de afdeling Jeugdrecht gaan samenwerken in 2 nieuwe onderzoeken: onderzoek naar het terugplaatsingen van kinderen na uithuisplaatsing en draagmoederschappen in Nederland.
Kinderen zijn tijdens echtscheidingen bang om het 'verkeerde' te zeggen tegen rechters
Houdt de rechtbank tijdens een echtscheiding wel voldoende rekening met de ervaringen van een kind? Onderzoek van Villa Pinedo toont aan dat kinderen vaak vrezen het verkeerde te zeggen tegen rechters. Hoogleraar jeugdrecht Mariëlle Bruning praatte erover met NRC.
Leiden Law School and the Mexican Supreme Court strengthen collaboration
Leiden Law School and the Center for Constitutional Studies of the Mexican Supreme Court (CEC-SCJN) have signed a memorandum of understanding, to carry out joint activities in the field of constitutional law and children's rights.
Brechtje Paijmans appointed as endowed professor at Leiden University
Stichting Onderwijsgeschillen (Foundation for Educational Disputes) is pleased to announce that it has established an endowed chair ‘Conflictoplossing en rechtsbescherming in het onderwijs' (conflict resolution and legal protection in education) at Leiden University.
Mariëlle Bruning on Inspectorate’s inquiry into placement in care
Many parents whose children have been placed in care do not understand the basis on which the decision was taken. Dutch youth protection organisations and the Child Protection Council must better document why they request such a measure from the Juvenile Court.
Online Webinar Series: Children’s Access to Justice in Practice
From Wednesday 20 October 2021 to Thursday 21 April 2022, Leiden Children’s Rights Observatory and the Centre for Constitutional Studies of the Supreme Court of Mexico organize an Online Webinar Series on Children’s Access to Justice and the Optional Protocol on a Communications Procedure (OP3)
Charlotte Parree wins Jaap Doek Children's Rights Thesis Award
Charlotte Parree won the Jaap Doek Children's Rights Thesis Prize on Tuesday afternoon, 6 December, with her thesis entitled 'Suffering knows no age; active termination of life does.' The prize was awarded for the tenth time by em. prof. Jaap Doek.
ESOF 2022: The effect of the online world on adolescents
In the online panel discussion of ESOF 2022 ‘The effect of the online world on adolescents’, together with Amy Orben, Professor Eveline Crone, Sterre van Riel, Professor Anne-Laura van Harmelen and Professor Jan Sleutels, Professor Ton Liefaard shared his research on adolescents and the online world…
Scientists: analyse corona problems with young people themselves
On 30 April, Prime Minister Mark Rutte was presented with the manifesto of the NWO Youth Challenge, which contains advice for policymakers, scientists and administrators on the empowerment of youth in the time of coronavirus. The manifesto is based on research questions submitted to the science community…
Mariëlle Bruning and colleagues on cry for help concerning secure residential youth care
Practice and science show that secure residential youth care in the Netherlands should no longer be used as a catch-all solution. This is the conclusion of several professionals including Professor of Child Law Mariëlle Bruning in Dutch newspaper NRC.
Mariëlle Bruning in Trouw about extra money for youth protection
The Dutch cabinet will allocate a total of 40 million euros extra for institutions providing youth protection and youth rehabilitation over the next four years. Local councils must make the same amount available. Will that be enough to solve the problems?
‘If you know how the system works, you can stand up for your rights’
Legal protection. What do those involved in youth care and child protection understand by this concept? And what needs to change to improve legal protection? This question was explored by researchers from Leiden University’s Department of Child Law. Their research fits with the government’s ambition…
Court case of 15-year-old anorexia patient: force-feed or right to self-determination?
Via expedited proceedings at Leeuwarden Court of Appeal, a mother is trying to impose a relatively new treatment for her 15-year-old daughter’s eating disorder. The girl is suffering from anorexia nervosa and if she does not receive urgent treatment which the girl herself supports, there is a chance…
Mariëlle Bruning: coronavirus measures and pressure on children’s rights
Children are suffering disproportionally from the coronavirus measures. They feel depressed more often compared to other age groups. But what about the legal perspective? Are children’s rights being violated?
Students from Colombia win Children’s Rights Moot Court 2021
The team from Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia) came out on top at the international online Moot Court organised by Leiden University and law firm Baker McKenzie.
Brechtje Paijmans is 'Mr.' of the week
Since 1 November 2022, Brechtje Paijmans is endowed professor of Conflict Resolution and Legal Protection in Education. Dutch trade journal Mr. interviewed her about her appointment.
Mariëlle Bruning on waiting lists in Dutch youth care
How many children are waiting for help from youth services in the Netherlands at any given time? And exactly how long do they have to wait?
Professor Ann Skelton appointed as Children’s Rights Chair at Leiden University
Leiden University’s Executive Board has appointed South African Professor Ann Skelton as the new Chair of Children’s Rights in a Sustainable World as of 1 October 2022.
Children’s Rights Moot Court 2021: 7 to 16 June 2021
48 student teams from all over the world will be taking part in the international online moot court competition. The event is organised by Leiden University in partnership with Baker McKenzie.
Nog meer kennis over kinderrechten
Universiteit Leiden en Unicef werken al 10 jaar samen om kennis over kinderrechten uit te breiden en te verspreiden. Ze verlengen deze samenwerking.