27 search results for “islam” in the Staff website
Islamic TV in Indonesia: piety or commodity?
In Indonesia, some Muslim preachers are TV stars with massive followings. Syahril Siddik studied how they operate and how their viewers react. On 9 November, he successfully defended his dissertation in Islamic Studies.
What can Europe learn from Islamic thought?
Islamic banking, freedom of religion, LGBTQ+ acceptance and education are topics that European Muslims find important for their future. These are the results of a survey by Professor of Islam and the West, Maurits Berger. The survey is the starting point of a citizen project in which Berger wants to…
Feminist fatwas of female Islamic scholars
It matters a lot whether a fatwa is given by a female or male Islamic scholar, discovered doctoral student Nor Ismah.
Three questions to Maurits Berger about his new Islam podcast
Maurits Berger's new English-language podcast, Matters of Humanities: History of Islam in Europe covers no fewer than thirteen centuries of history. In eight episodes, professor of Islam and the West Maurits Berger argues that the Islam and Muslims are an important part of European history: ‘That was…
Large grant for research into Islamic non-conformism
In the coming years, Asghar Seyed Gohrab receives an advanced European Research Council grant of two and a half million euros to spend on his research into non-conformism in Islam. ‘Hopefully I can use this to contribute something to society, to pass something on to future generations.’
‘Islamic primary schools have been important for Muslim emancipation’
The opening of Islamic primary schools has made an important contribution to the emancipation and integration of Muslims in the Netherlands. This is the conclusion of PhD candidate Bahaeddin Budak in his research into 25 years (1988-2013) of Islamic primary schools in the Netherlands. PhD defence on…
Back to the roots of Shia Islam: ‘We need to get the full picture.'
When discussing the history of Islam, the focus is almost always on the history of the Sunni majority. University Lecturer in the history of Islam, Edmund Hayes wants this to change. His new ERC-funded project , focuses on the development of the early Shia community.
Researchers from Leiden make Ted Ed videos: ‘We want to integrate Islamic history into world history’
What are the origins of the Islamic Empire? And what was daily life like there? Two new Ted Ed animations answer these questions in simple language. Arabists Petra Sijpesteijn and Birte Kristiansen explain what the process of developing the videos was like.
Maurits Berger on Ruetir about national holidays
Why are the majority of our national holidays based around Christian festivities? Arabist Maurits Berger talks about this in an article on Ruetir.
Making Islam Work: Islamic Authority among Muslims in Western Europe
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
Fitri Murfianti
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
f.murfianti@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3451
Anglophone Islam: English-language Islamic curriculum in post-Apartheid South Africa
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
- What's New?! Spring Lecture Series 2021
Book Launch: Provocative Images in Contemporary Islam
Imagining the Unimaginable: Finding the Islamic in Muslim Futures
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
Religious Discourse and Tribal Affiliation in Early Islamic Ifrīqiya
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
Between Admiration and Repulsion: The ‘Witch’ in Medieval Islam
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
Loes Willemien Oudenhuijsen
l.w.oudenhuijsen@asc.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Fatiha Azzarhouni: ‘Even during Covid, Ramadan is about fasting'
Mosques with limited opening hours, fewer family visits and fewer events: for the second time, Ramadan was different due to Covid. Islamologist and deputy director of the Leiden Islam Academie Fatiha Azzarhouni looks back on a special month.
Annachiara Raia receives NWO Impact Explorer grant: ‘We want to ensure that literature is once again voiced by its own society and resonates
For decades, the trade in pocketbooks prescribing how to be a good Muslim flourished in East Africa, but in recent years the number of books in circulation has been declining. University lecturer Annachiara Raia is the recipient of an Impact Explorer grant to revive this tradition, in cooperation with…
Careful Waiting in the Last Phase of Life: Islam, Medicine and Life-Limiting Illness in Indonesia
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
The Processes of Conversion to Islam in Contemporary Spain: From the Betrayal of Spain to Community Insertion
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
Elena Burgos Martinez
Faculty of Humanities
e.e.burgos.martinez@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5273
Streaming Piety: Religion in Turkish Television Drama
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
Publish or Perish: Religious Zaydi publishers in Yemen during the 1990s
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
Towards a Muslim Futurist Movement: On the Power of Imagining, Space Building, and Community
Lecture, LUCIS Meets | Masterclass
Concubines vs. Khatuns: Sexual Slavery and Marriage Policy in the Turco-Mongol Middle East
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series