309 search results for “corona” in the Public website
YAL during corona
Young Academy Leiden holds up the interests of young academics and this is especially important during the corona crisis.
YAL Corona survey
Young Academy Leiden has conducted a survey among young academics of Leiden University.
YAL corona survey
Young Academy Leiden has conducted a survey among young academics of Leiden University.
Law and Corona
The impact of the coronavirus crisis on the judicial system.
Young Academy Leiden during corona
Young Academy Leiden holds up the interests of young academics and this is especially important during the corona crisis.
Editorial: Sanity and Resilience in Times of Corona
This editorial to RHCPP discusses how COVID-19 can be seen as a 'creeping crisis' according to the authors of its lead article (Boin et al, 2020) and how resilience may depend on the real heroes behind the scenes of response to disaster and adversity.
Corona protocols
(04-11-2020) The visitor center of the Old Observatory is closed until November 15th 2020 in line with the national corona measures in the Netherlands. When we reopen, please pay attention to our corona regulations:
Corona Measures
A message from our director
AI versus corona
It’s all hands on deck at the moment to resolve the COVID-19 crisis. Researchers from various disciplines are helping where they can, also from the field of artificial intelligence (AI). AI offers great opportunities both at the frontline of the crisis and in its expected aftermath. Leiden professor…
Corona virus update
Following current regulations regarding the attempts to constrain the effects of the Corona virus outbreak, the University of Leiden has cancelled all physical forms of teaching until 6 April. As conference organisers, we will use this period to consider how to proceed with the conference. In the most…
Coalitions during and after corona
Arco Timmermans, professor by special appointment Public Affairs, wrote an article about coalitions in times of corona for Verenigings Management Magazine van De Nederlandse Associate.
Students against Corona: A Think Tank Helping Organisations Find Answers to Corona Questions
Many students are looking to contribute during this crisis but are not sure how and where to turn. A group of students from Leiden University and the TU Delft have developed a platform to facilitate this: www.studententegencorona.nl. The platform was created to link organisations trying to find answers…
Corona research crowdfunder attracts media attention
Within a month, the Wake Up to Corona crowdfunding campaign had already raised 600,000 euros for corona research in Leiden. The goal is to raise enough money for the LUMC to set up a second laboratory that is safe enough for research into the new virus. The initiative has not escaped the attention of…
GP in Spain in times of corona
What’s the situation like in Spain in these times of corona? Dr Jan Otto Landman (Medicine, Leiden, 1979) has a GP practice in Torremolinos and Fuengirola, Southern Spain, and since 16 March he has been writing blogs about corona on the Facebook page of his practice. He has covered issues such as the…
Corona crisis: how is the Netherlands responding?
‘The Netherlands’ response to coronavirus is inconsistent.’ These are the words of Leiden political scientist Arjen Boin, an expert in crisis management. Vulnerable groups such as the elderly need more personalised advice. ‘It would be better to cancel bridge tournaments than football games.’
Corona crisis: ‘People want analysis, not emotion’
‘There’s a lot of evaluation in the Netherlands, but this doesn’t always lead to change,’ says Wout Broekema, Assistant Professor of Crisis Governance at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs. Learning from a crisis is complicated, but experts can help.
Support the LUMC’s corona research
Scientists at the LUMC are working hard on potential virus inhibitors, antiviral screening and a treatment for COVID-19. SteunLeiden.nl has started a crowdfunding campaign for this research, under the hashtag #wakeuptocorona. Professor of Virology Eric Snijder explains why this is desperately needed…
How can families weather the corona crisis?
Suddenly everyone is at home, but this is not a holiday – far from it. Because work and school are ‘simply’ carrying on remotely. How can parents and children keep a cool head? Lenneke Alink, Professor of Forensic Family Studies, gives her advice.
Fighting corona starts with sharing data responsibly
Gathering and distributing patient data can make an important contribution to containing the coronavirus. But if we want to be successful, we need better data. With this objective in mind, Leiden data stewards have joined the Virus Outbreak Data Network (VODAN).
LUMC and CHDR to test Janssen Vaccines’ candidate corona vaccine
Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) and the Centre for Human Drug Research (CHDR) are taking part in the phase 2 clinical trial of Janssen Vaccines’ candidate coronavirus vaccine. The vaccine will be tested on 45 test participants in Leiden from 14 September onwards.
Dutch universities work together in times of corona
How are Dutch universities working together in times of corona, and which solutions are they offering? On 15 May VSNU chairman Pieter Duisenberg presented the e-zine ‘Universities in times of corona’ (LINK) to Ingrid Van Engelshoven, Minister of Education, Culture and Science. The e-zine contains a…
International media report on Leiden dosage app for corona patients
Coen van Hasselt's research group quickly produced an app that enables doctors to determine the correct dosage of commonly used medicines for corona patients. Media in the Netherlands and abroad reported on the app.
Hester Bijl in the media on corona and female leadership
In the past few days, Vice-Rector Hester Bijl was interviewed by Leiden TV station Unity and the Zuid-Holland Economic Board. In both interviews she looks in more depth at the effect of the corona crisis on the University and her future role as Rector Magnificus of Leiden University.
May employers require employees to be tested for corona?
When an employee returns from an area considered to be a corona risk, can their employer require them to have a corona test? This is a complicated issue if you consider labour law and legislation in relation to privacy of employees. However in some cases Barend Barentsen, Professor of Labour Law, believes…
Corona waste kills animals throughout the entire world
Face masks and gloves designed to protect us are, in fact, dangerous for the animals around us. Scientists from Leiden warn that throughout the world, on land and in the water, animals are ingesting corona waste, or getting entangled in it. The two biologists are asking for everybody’s help to better…
Call for Proposals | Diplomacy After the Corona Crisis - Forum Discussion
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy is pleased to announce this call for proposals on the topic of diplomacy after the corona crisis for Forum Essays, a special category in the journal of shorter and more argumentative essays. For more information, please check the poster below. We look forward to receiving…
Call for Proposals | Diplomacy After the Corona Crisis - Forum Discussion
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy is pleased to announce this call for proposals on the topic of diplomacy after the corona crisis for Forum Essays, a special category in the journal of shorter and more argumentative essays. For more information, please check the poster below. We look forward to receiving…
App helps doctors find the right dose of corona medication
Leiden researchers have developed an app that doctors can use to more easily determine the right dosage of medication for corona patients. At the moment, doctors are prescribing many existing kinds of medication to patients. Using the app, they can determine a safe and effective dosage.
International Espionage on the Lookout for the Corona Vaccine
With the ongoing development of a corona vaccine, intelligence services worldwide are being deployed for international espionage. Willemijn Aerdts, Lecturer Intelligence Services at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, was interviewed by the Dutch BNR News Radio. Aerdts is an expert in the…
Lessons to be learned from the corona crisis
Professor Bussemaker and Professor Koenders draw lessons from the handling of the current corona crisis. In a blended guest lecture with some 60 students in Wijnhaven and some 250 online participants, they entered into a discussion led by Willemijn Aerdts. The guest lecture took place on May 25.
The corona crisis through the eyes of social scientists
The corona crisis relates to not only the medical field but also the field of the social sciences and humanities. SSH Beraad, a consultation body that aims to improve the position of the social sciences and humanities in the Netherlands, has launched a website bringing together experts in the social…
Second call-for-papers closed; corona-update to follow in December
The second call-for-papers has now closed and those who have submitted an abstract will hear whether their papers have been accepted or rejected by the end of November. The organizing team is keeping an eye on all developments regarding the Coronavirus and will decide in December whether ICEHL-21 will…
Corona virus update: June conference cancelled; new date pending
Due to the by now world-wide Covid19 restrictions on travelling and holding meetings, the committee has decided to cancel the conference in June. We are now looking into postponing the conference (either to a later date in 2020 or to 2021). We will keep you informed about any further developments. All…
Corona Crisis: National Approach of the Dutch Government
'How is the Dutch government tackling the corona crisis?' and 'what are the most important aspects for such approach to succeed?' are questions that Dr. Sanneke Kuipers and Mr.drs. Wouter Jong explore in their article for the Montesquieu Institute.
Stranded: students and PhD candidates affected by the corona crisis
The travel ban and closed borders have had a big impact on our students and staff. Some are stranded abroad, while others are stranded here in the Netherlands. Others again have returned early to their home country. Three personal stories from Wuhan, Leiden and The Hague.
Corona policy at the University: a continuous puzzle
With the new academic year just around the corner, many more students and lecturers will soon be coming to the University. What are we doing to keep our campus safe? We spoke to Martijn Ridderbos, Vice-Chairman of the Executive Board, about the new Campus Protocol, which enters into force on 31 August.…
Leiden research into corona waste ends up in New York Times
Face masks and plastic gloves are supposed to protect us from corona, but they are becoming an increasing problem for the environment. In a special series of the New York Times, Leiden biologist Liselotte Rambonnet and alumnus Auke-Florian Hiemstra talk about their research and the special website they…
Christa Tobler, EU Corona law: Restrictions on the export of protective equipment
In mid-March 2020, the European Commission adopted, against the background of the Corona pandemic, temporal common rules for the export into third countries of personal protective equipment, needed in the context of the Corona pandemic, out of the EU.
Jelle van Buuren Discusses Corona Conspiracy Madness on 'De Groene Live'
Zijn corona-complotten waanzin? Jelle van Buuren, universitair docent bij het Institute of Security and Global Affairs van de Universiteit Leiden, discussieert in de online talkshow De Groene Live #25 vanuit Pakhuis de Zwijger over dit thema.
Jeroen Wolbers on Capacity and Network Management Dilemmas during the Corona Crisis in The Netherlands
Decision makers are faced with dilemmas as result of the corona crisis. Dr. Jeroen Wolbers, Assistant Professor Crisis Governance at the Crisis Research Center explains the existing dilemmas and what makes the corona crisis unique when compared to other crises.
Luuk van Middelaar on the EU's response to the corona crisis
In recent weeks, Luuk van Middelaar has commented widely in the European press on the EU response to the corona crisis.
Blog Part I: Lobbying in times of (Corona)-Crisis: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
An article by Bert Fraussen, Adria Albareda, Caelesta Braun, Moritz Muller & Erin Sullivan, published as a three-part blog series.
LUC Well Being Week: A Panel Discussion on Racism in Times of Corona
In light of the changes made to face to face teaching by Leiden University, LUC student association Fortuna rose to the challenge by coining a virtual Well-Being week and facilitating it online.
Blog Part III: Lobbying in times of (Corona)-Crisis: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
An article by Bert Fraussen, Adria Albareda, Caelesta Braun, Moritz Muller & Erin Sullivan, published as a three-part blog series.
Blog Public Affairs in corona time: the quality of lobby relations deteriorates
The digital lobby or the virtual advocacy, it seems to work. But in the long run, the quality of the relationships deteriorates, according to public affairs professionals from large companies. They miss the physical lobby, the contact in person. Read the blog of Erik van Venetië, trainer within the…
Sanneke Kuipers on the Dutch Administration during the Corona Crisis in Dutch Newspaper AD
There is an ongoing struggle between the Minister of Public Health, Hugo de Jonge, and the Dutch Municipal Health Services (GGDs). De Jonge wants the GGDs to speed up testing, conduct more tests, and allow priority testing but the GGDs are pulling on the brakes. The waiting lists for a corona test have…
From field work by boat to excel sheets: how the corona virus is impacting education
Professor of Ecotoxicology Martina Vijver had planned an eight-week field work course for her students, but the corona virus threw a spanner in the works and Vijver had to come up with a new plan at short notice. ‘Without the help of my own network and that of my colleagues this would have been very…
Explaining the gender gap in COVID-19 vaccination attitudes
In this article, Dimiter Toshkov aims to explains the gender gap in COVID-19 vaccination attitudes.
The Bulgarian governments' response to Covid-19
Emerging from the first wave relatively unscarred to an increase in infections. This research analyses the response from the Bulgarian government to Covid-19.
Crimmigration, corona and exclusion: Creating space to talk about difficult topics through art
Professor of Law and Society Maartje van der Woude is searching for innovative ways to facilitate dialogue about topics that are usually experienced as ‘difficult to talk about’ – such as racism, ethnic profiling, exclusion, crimmigration – with a wide audience.