742 search results for “academic integrity” in the Public website
PUPOL: Academic Network Public and Political Leadership
Researchers of the Leiden Leadership Centre are active members of the PUPOL network. PUPOL is an international academic network for public and political leadership which fosters exchange of ideas and inspires collaborative research among scholars focusing on the role of leadership in the public and…
Study success: academic achievement and critical thinking competence in undergraduate education
What is the impact of research-based learning on critical thinking competence and academic achievement in undergraduate education? What are underlying factors of research-based learning in the learning environment?
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on comparative regional integration awarded to Leiden University
Leiden University is happy to announce that it has won a prestigious Jean Monnet grant for a Centre of Excellence. The Centre, called CompaRe, focusses on comparative regional integration.
Opening Academic Year 2016-2017
The opening of the Academic Year 2016-2017 took place on Monday 5 September 2016 in Pieterskerk church.
The Rome Hinterland Project
This project aims to integrate three of the largest survey databases in the Mediterranean to study the impact of the megalopolis Rome on its direct hinterland.
Improving LLA literature teaching through CLIL and disciplinary literacies
How can a CLIL approach, with a focus on disciplinary literacies, improve the teaching of the LLA programme’s literary component in senior TTO?
Conceptualising and developing the practice of CLIL teachers
How do teachers conceptualise, develop and implement an effective CLIL practice?
GAP - Gender, citizenship and academic power
The primary goal of GAP is to study the impact of globalization and internationalization policies and practices on the gender balance in research and higher education in Norway.
Understanding plant transgenesis
How is Pol θ responsible for T-DNA integration, and how do other DNA double-strand break repair pathways interact with Pol θ? How may we manipulate T-DNA integration to stimulate error-free integration at a predetermined genomic site?
New publication by Christa Tobler on alternative models of EU integration
Following the conference of the 20th Austrian European Law Day in September 2021 at the University of Liechtenstein in Vaduz, the academic papers of the conference have now been published in book form. The book contributions include a chapter by Christa Tobler: Christa Tobler, 'Finally Brexit - Alternative…
Musical Work, Free Improvisation, and Live Electronics: Towards an Integrated Musical Paradigm.
Composer, bass player and ACPA alumnus Ilya Ziblat Shay presented a paper at the Music Weekend and Midlands New Music Symposium, organised by Nottingham Forum for Artistic Research.
Armin Cuyvers invited to lecture in Japan on Brexit and EU integration
From 28 October to 2 November, Armin Cuyvers was invited by the University of Nagasaki to lecture on EU integration and Brexit.
Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
The Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR) is a centre of excellence for multidisciplinary research on drug discovery and development.
Arithmetic of affine del Pezzo surfaces
In this thesis integral points on affine del Pezzo surfaces are studied.
Meet archaeologist Tuna Kalayci: ‘How can we integrate robots into archaeology?’
In the course of 2020 the Faculty of Archaeology was bolstered by some new staff members. Due to the coronavirus situation, sadly, this went for a large part unnoticed. In a series of interviews we are catching up, giving the floor to our new colleagues. We kick off with Dr Tuna Kalayci, who joined…
- Position paper: Impact of COVID-19 on Young Academics
- Position paper: Impact of COVID-19 on Young Academics
Lifestyle Enclaves in the Instagram City?
Commentators and scholars view both social media and cities as sites of fragmentation. Since both urban dwellers and social media users tend to form assortative social ties, so the reasoning goes, identity-based divisions are fortified and polarization is exacerbated in digital and urban spaces.
Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
Drug development is a complex process in which many parties work together. Every day, the researchers at LACDR devote their energies to developing drugs that are new, better, more efficient and easier to produce. And thus to the millions of patients who know all too well why this research in Leiden…
Privacy and data protection
As a PhD candidate, you probably work with personal data. That’s not just names and telephone numbers – it can also include things like cookies. To keep (personal) data as secure as possible, the university has established an information security policy.
G-zips and Ekedahl-Oort strata for Hodge type Shimura varieties
Promotores: S.J. Edixhoven, F. Andreatta
titled “Next Generation EU 2.0 – first steps towards a fiscally more integrated Eurozone?”
On Thursday 21 October 2021, the Europa Institute held a hybrid roundtable on the legal feasibility of financing future EU policies – such as EU Green Deal measures – through debts and of thereby extending the novel funding mechanism introduced by Next Generation EU (NGEU). This roundtable was organised…
ONon-academic professionals - Working at Leiden University
Nobody is better qualified to tell you what it is like to work at Leiden University than the employees themselves. Watch the videos and meet your future colleagues. They will be happy to share their experiences with you.
ZonMw - Stimulating academic gatekeeper engagement in responsible research assessment
The project “Optimizing the responsible researcher” (see below) has enriched the knowledge base about the shared values of responsible biomedical research and the various ways in which these ideals are (or are not) put into practice.
- CompaRe conference and call for papers on lean integration
makes an appeal to all Leiden researchers in the field of migration, integration and borders
On 1 February 2018 Professor Maartje van der Woude (professor of Law and Society at the Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Society) became Associate Director of the Oxford-based Border Criminologies Network.
Unfolding the Academic Work of Teaching Faculty in Research-Intensive Universities
What mechanisms shape faculty members' perspectives on their teaching role in research intensive universities?
PhD research
LIAS staff has a strong track record in supervising internationally competitive PhD research in Asian studies, Middle Eastern studies, and the study of religion. Our graduates go on to work in a range of professional fields, academic and other. This page provides information for prospective and current…
Enhancing the societal impact of academic publications (Creatieve Industrie – NWO KIEM)
The central goal of academic publishers is the dissemination of the results of research and scholarship. Their audiences can generally be divided into two categories. Academic publications are firstly made accessible to the scholarly community, so that these texts can form the input for new academic…
Biodiversity and trade: mitigating the impacts of non-food biomass global supply chains.
Christa Tobler on the system of dynamic adaptation of EEA law
On 29 October 2020, the Europa Institute Zurich organized a conference entitled «1. Zürcher Europarechtstag: Europäische Integration, Drittstaaten und (direkte) Demokratie» (1st Zurich European Law Day: European integration, third countries and (direct) democracy
The Education and Training of Public Servants
In this book, the authors provide an overview of the history of civil service education and training by analysing cases in Europe, the US and Australia.
Quantification in untargeted mass spectrometry-based metabolomics
Promotor: Prof.dr. T. Hankemeier, Co-promotor: T.H. Reijmers
Important information
Below you will find important information for new and current PhD candidates at the Institute for Philosophy.
Optimizing the responsible researcher: towards fair and constructive academic advancement
Researchers are pulled in various, sometimes contradictory directions by the multiplication of performance metrics and new incentives to align with societal needs. Management structures, funding systems, and publication practices are increasingly influenced by pressures to promote only the highest quality…
The research-teaching nexus in the humanities: Variations among academics
Central in this thesis are the various forms the research-teaching nexus can take in the university, especially in the Faculty of Humanities. The importance of a strong relation between research and teaching is advocated by many academics, but debate is going on about the forms this strenghthened relation…
Paul Cliteur
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
p.b.cliteur@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Academics' role identities and role transitions at new universities: Novel researcher roles alongside current teacher roles
How do academics develop into novel researcher roles alongside current teacher roles in the context of new universities in transition?
Literature Overview on Evidence-Based Methods for Academic Development of Senior Teaching Faculty Members
What development pathways support teaching faculty members in research-intensive universities in becoming informal educational leaders?
Chitin in the fungal cell wall: towards valorization of spent biomass of Aspergillus niger
Aspergillus niger is an important industrial producer of organic acids and enzymes producing large amounts of spent fungal biomass.
words: number agreement in the species noun phrase in international academic English
On the 3rd of September, Adrian Stenton successfully defended a doctoral thesis. Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Adrian on this achievement!
Students open academic year
For the first time in the 441-year history of Leiden University, students will be the keynote speakers at the opening of the new academic year. Their talks will focus on refugees.
- Policies and guidelines
Current PhD candidates
You have chosen to do a PhD track at Leiden University. What do you need to know when you start your project?
Climate change cooperation of ASEAN
The ASEAN states work further for climate protection and published general and more concrete plans on how this can take place in future.
The Organization of Eastern Caribbean States appoints its new chairman
The overlapping of intergovernmental organizations sharing Member States is one of the key challenges for achieving effective regional integration.
The Enforcement of European Union Law
How to explain the apparent high success rates of the EU infringement procedures, which are the major tools for enforcing EU law, against the member states?
Nisida Gjoksi
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
n.gjoksi@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | 070 8009500
Development of a academic monitoring system for students with learning problems in secondary school
Students with learning problems experience difficulties in reading, writing, and content-area learning into and throughout their secondary-school years
A Harmonised EAC COVID Pass to Re-Kindle Intra-Regional Trade
COVID-19 poses a significant barrier to intra-regional trade within the EAC, causing interminable hold-ups at the internal borders.