1,365 search results for “cyber norms” in the Public website
Hawks and Doves: The Flawed Microfoundations of Democratic Peace Theory
On the brink of war, what influences decision makers to attack another country? Using innovative theoretical angles, Femke E. Bakker explores whether the basic assumptions of democratic peace theory are indeed correct. She stresses the microfoundations of conflict, questioning the assumptions on…
Immersive Journalism: Virtual Reality and the Future of the News Industry
This collection explores how immersive technologies affect newsmaking and the positive and negative impacts they may have on journalistic norms, professional ethics, audience engagement, and data protection.
Addressing the elephant in the room. Cyber intelligence and international security
Inaugural lecture
Centre for Public Values & Ethics
The Centre for Public Values & Ethics (CPVE) is an interdisciplinary, academic centre of expertise aiming to conduct and disseminate scientific research on normative issues in the public sector, in particular the fulfillment of public office and the planning, making and executing of public policy, both…
Bibi van den Berg appointed as Professor Cybersecurity Governance
The Executive Board has decided to appoint Dr. Bibi van den Berg as Professor of Cybersecurity Governance within the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, starting on 1 September 2017.
Deterministic equation solving over finite fields
Promotor: H.W. Lenstra
Research projects
Empirical Legal Studies has a methodological and substantive component. Our research projects use qualitative and quantitative methods for the empirical study of the intersection between law and behavior. We are interested in the interaction between empirical and normative questions.
Interests of states: insight into global politics
All players on the world stage operate strategically in order to safeguard their interests. Political scientists at Leiden University cast light on this volatile interplay of forces. Their research helps voters, NGOs, governments and international organizations make smart choices in this complex and…
Project for Innovation of Teaching Adat Law (PINTAL)
How can legal education in Indonesia become more relevant for graduates who will work in contexts of legal pluralism, aiming for social justice and providing legal services that common citizens need?
Janet Connor
Faculty of Humanities
j.e.connor@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7210
Security Studies (BSc)
In the Bachelor’s in Security Studies you study 21st century security challenges and learn to devise strategic solutions to a complex world.
Louwerse, The 2017 Netherlands election
Political scientist Tom Louwerse (Leiden University), analysing several recent opinion polls, expects that after the March 2017 elections in the Netherlands, a relatively large number of mid-sized parties will gain representation in the Dutch parliament. If the predictions are anything close to the…
- Global Justice and Human Rights
CPP Colloquium: "The Normative Implications of Structurally Supported Autonomy"
Enforcement and public opinion: the perceived legitimacy of rule of law sanctions
This article studies the perceived legitimacy of EU enforcement actions.
Europese productnormen en privaatrechtelijke normstelling
On 10 June 2020, Gitta Veldt defended her thesis 'Europese productnormen en privaatrechtelijke normstelling'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. H.J. Snijders.
Mission adapted: the hidden role of governors in shaping central bank operating missions in Hungary
In this article, Makszin developed a conceptual framework for the operating mission of an independent Central Bank and traced changes in the operating mission of the Hungarian National Bank over its recent 27-year history together with Sebők and Simons. This study aims to understand the dynamics of…
EU Executive Discretion and the Limits of Law
The increase in the European Union's executive powers in the areas of economic and financial governance has thrown into sharp relief the challenges of EU law in constituting, framing, and constraining the decision-making processes and political choices that have hitherto supported European integration.…
Inquiry and International Law
How do commissions of inquiry operating in conflict situations utilize international law, and how can inquiry findings be utilized by other bodies belonging to the international legal community?
Jus Post Bellum
Jus post bellum, the body of laws and norms governing the transition from armed conflict to peace, has emerged as a crucial issue for international law scholars, governments, and all concerned with building a just and sustainable peace. The Jus Post Bellum Project, funded by the NWO and hosted by the…
Criminal Law and Teenage Sexuality
Although sexual abstinence before marriage is no longer the central message in The Netherlands the affective relationship as a criterion for professionals within criminal justice can be seen as a more contemporary version of marriage.
Localizing the Women Peace & Security Agenda
The Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda arising from United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 has reached a critical juncture in its short 20-year history. Despite comprising ten resolutions designed to bolster the agenda and expand its scope and normative power, serious challenges to the…
Non-Liberal States and Global Governance
After decades in which autocracies were marginalised in most IOs, the rise of China, Russia’s increasingly autocratic turn, and the rising importance of powers such as hybrid regimes have produced a new reality in which various non-liberal states are increasingly present and assertive in IOs. The strategies,…
Colonialism Inside Out: Everyday Experience and Plural Practice in Dutch Institutions in Sri Lanka (c. 1700-1800)
Colonialism Inside Out: Everyday Experience and Plural Practice in Dutch Institutions in Sri Lanka (c. 1700-1800)
CPP Annual Lecture "Personal sovereignty, institutional norms, and social critique"
- Admission & Application
Latency, Energy, and Schedulability of Real-Time Embedded Systems
Systems are called real-time systems, if the correctness of the system does not only depend on the correctness of the system output but also on whether the output is delivered on time.
Pre-University Classes
Pre-University Classes are intended for high school students who want to do more than is offered in the regular school curriculum. In the classes, students follow special lecture series and through that are introduced to the world of science.
- Security Studies
Regulating Relations: Controlling Sex and Marriage
Regulating Relations: Controlling Sex and Marriage
- Borders Reimagined: Identity, Culture, and Justice in a Globalized World
The Function of Jus Post Bellum in International Law
Jens Iverson, Assistant Professor of International Law and a Researcher in the Jus Post Bellum Project, defended his Ph.D. dissertation on 21 September 2017.
Explaining Government–Opposition Voting in Parliament
How to explain variation in the extent to which parliamentary voting behaviour follows the government–opposition divide? Party Politics article by Tom Louwerse et al.
Test development
Key Publications
Here’s a selection of key publications by members of the CPP:
Rutger Leukfeldt appointed Chair in Governing Cybercrime shared by two faculties: 'You have to do this together'
Rutger Leukfeldt has been appointed endowed Professor of Governing Cybercrime at the faculties of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) and Leiden Law School. Leukfeldt: 'It’s great that the two faculties are joining forces at a time when we’re faced with enormous challenges in the field of cybercrim…
Reparations in International Law: A Critical Reflection
Almost a century passed since the much-celebrated judgement in the case concerning the Factory of Chorzów was delivered. This 1928 judgement of the Permanent Court of International Justice affirmed the essential principle of ‘reparation’ in international law, claiming that ‘restitution’ is the preferred…
Changing power relations and rising stars
The norms, institutions and power relations that have defined the last decades of international political and economic relations in the European Union are undergoing major transformations. With the return of competition between great and ambitious powers, like the US, China, EU and Russia, the need…
Making Crimes Mean: A Normative Analysis of the Acts that Constitute International Crimes
PhD defence
Public and Private Regulation of Financial Markets
How should jurisdictions, both on the national and on the supra-national level, handle the interaction between public and private law where it regards the regulation of financial markets?
Making Environmental Regulation Work for the People
The project’s overall goal is to improve Indonesia’s environmental legal framework and its implementation by strengthening the regulatory capacity of the government, and by enhancing the capacity of CSOs and scholars to hold the government accountable for its regulatory performance.
A Catalyst for Justice? The International Criminal Court in Uganda, Kenya, and the Democratic Republic of Congo
Since its inception, a central preoccupation of and for the International Criminal Court (ICC) has been the nature of its relationship to national jurisdictions. Complementarity—the idea that the Court is intended to supplement, not supplant, national jurisdictions—has been the dominant juridical logic…
The Institute of Political Science has a multi-dimensional research programme that promotes the unity of the institute as an intellectual community rooted in the social sciences and especially political science, while enabling overlapping groups of colleagues to develop particular research agendas within…
Critical moments: How do events affect how we should judge the legitimacy of political authorities?
In what ways do historical and current events affect how we should judge the legitimacy of political authorities?
Measuring emotional competence across cultures in children and adolescents from 1 to 15 years old
Development and validation of instruments that can measure different aspects of emotional competence in children with normal and atypical development, and in different cultures
Institutions, Decisions and Collective Behaviour
Research in Leiden University’s Institute of Political Science focuses on the dynamics and the interaction of political institutions, individual decision-making, and collective behaviour.
Hoe laten we vaders minder werken en meer doen in het huishouden?
Gaan vaders minder werken als andere vaders dat ook doen? Helpt betaald ouderschapsverlof hen om meer op te pakken in het huishouden? Hoe bepalend zijn sociale normen voor verschillen op de arbeidsmarkt? Onderzoeker Max van Lent gaat het uitzoeken.
Road to 2023: Our Common Agenda and the Pact for the Future
Together with colleagues from the Stimson Center and in the framework of the Global Governance Innovation Network, Dr. Joris Larik has recently published the report
Child Sexual Abuse in the Digital Era: Rethinking Legal Frameworks and Transnational Law Enforcement Collaboration
On 11 June 2020, Sabine Witting defended her thesis 'Child Sexual Abuse in the Digital Era: Rethinking Legal Frameworks and Transnational Law Enforcement Collaboration'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. J.J. Sloth-Nielsen and Prof. S. van der Hof.
Diplomacy at Leiden University
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy is hosted by the Institute of Security and Global Affairs at Leiden University. Besides the journal, there are many other activities related to diplomacy.