4,665 search results for “lectures” in the Public website
Lecture Niko Tinbergen, Sunday 20 September
In honor of Nobel laureate ethologist Niko Tinbergen, the Leiden University in collaboration with the NRC Handelsblad, NWO, and Naturalis Museum Boerhaave organizes the annual Tinbergen Lecture.
Inaugural Lecture Prof. dr. Henk Borgdorff
On February 10 at 4.15 PM Henk Borgdorff will give his inaugural lecture ‘Reasoning through Art’ at the Academiegebouw.
EFT lecture 31 October cancelled
The EFT lecture scheduled on Tuesday 31 October from 09:00-10:00 hrs is cancelled.
New lecture series on sustainability
What are the implications for life on Earth of the declining numbers of insects? How does the ever increasing stream of of energy and material flowing through our cities impact the global environmental ? Find out the answers to these and more questions on sustainability in the new monthly lecture series…
Tirana Spring School lectures online!
Thanks to the Department of Ethnology of the Albanian research institute for Cultural Antropology and Art Studies (IAKSA) the lectures given during the Tirana Spring School are now available on YouTube!
Clingendael lecture by Alexander Strelkov
On 3 July, lecturer Alexander Strelkov gave a lecture on the rule of law and EU accession to a group of diplomats from the Balkan region.
Lecture State of the ART
On Thursday 12 October 2017 Janneke Wesseling will give a lecture as part of the Studium Generale Programme at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e).
Guest Lecture by Joao Nataf
On Monday 15 May, 14.15-16:00, Joao Nataf gave a guest lecture to third year bachelor students in the honours course “The Impact of Global Transformations on Violence”, coordinated by GTGC’s Deputy Coordinator Valentina Carraro. Mr. Nataf is the Secretary of the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture…
Rick Lawson delivers Cleveringa lecture in Rome
On 26 November 1940, Professor Cleveringa – at the time the Dean of Leiden Law School – spoke out in protest against the decision of the Nazi Occupying Powers to dismiss Jewish academics. Every year Leiden University appoints a professor as rotating Cleveringa Chair, whose task, amongst others, is to…
Europa Lecture by Alexander Italianer
On Tuesday 13 May 2014, Alexander Italianer, Director-General for Competition of the European Commission, delivered the second Europa lecture entitled: Competition: the heart of the European cause.
Fewer teaching positions, more lecturers
Bringing research and teaching closer together is part of the mission of Leiden University. The 'Career Policy for Academic Staff' working group that has draw up new guidelines for appointing academic staff discovered that the University has many members of staff who do not conduct research.
TTIP lecture by Giovanni Gruni
Gruni has been invited to Wageningen University on 15 March 2016 to speak on trade issues. What does the historical context from which TTIP emerged tell us about the present negotiations and the direction this trade agreement is taking? How does the TTIP relate to the broader context of global economic…
Lecture series: Mmmonk School 2023
Mmmonk and Henri Pirenne Institute for Medieval Studies (UGent) will host the second edition of Mmmonk school in the autumn of 2023. Mmmonk School offers lessons for advanced beginners about the medieval book. It is an interdisciplinary practice-focused programme about medieval Flemish manuscripts.…
Europa Lecture by Radosław Sikorski
On Thursday 12 June 2013 , Radosław Sikorski, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, gave the first Europa lecture entitled: 'Poland, the Netherlands and the European Union - Common Challenges'.
Upcoming Lectures by Project Members
Project members will be giving various lectures in the academic year 2011-12.
NGL presents: biweekly lectures on Corona
The Natuurwetenschappelijk Gezelschap Leiden (Leiden Science Society) is organising short online evening lectures, every two weeks on Thursday, held by a Leiden scientist who will talk about an aspect of the Corona crisis from their expert point of view. NGL members, alumni, (former) employees, students…
Online education in the lecture hall
Everything around us is in motion. Students, the University, technology, society, the labour market and the world. These developments provide an impetus to experiment with new forms of education. This article samples a small selection of the many dozens of innovative educational projects. What is striking…
Tatiana Afanassjewa public lectures about physics
After a succesful first lecture, the Leiden physics institute LION is launching an online series of (Dutch language) lectures about physics, intended for a broad audience, named the Tatiana Afanassjewa lectures. Upcoming speakers are science historian Dirk van Delft, neutrino physicist Dorothea Samtleben…
Twenty lecturers awarded Senior Teaching Qualification
It was time for a celebration in the Faculty Club on 11 December. Twenty driven lecturers were awarded their Senior Teaching Qualification by Vice-Rector Magnificus Hester Bijl.
Lecture Agro-ecology in Finland
Dr. Irina Herzon has given a lecture about
Kaiser Launches spring lectures. Destination: The Moon!
This Saturday will be the first Kaiser Spring Lecture of this year! - A series of public lectures on Astronomy in the Old Observatory.
Lecture series “Early Music as Discipline”
In a series of six lectures, Jed Wentz, the Utrecht Early Music Festival’s artistic adviser, will acquaint you with subjects central to the developments in early music worldwide. First lecture starts 15 October!
Video Lecture and Presentation EIR Recast
In February 2015 professor Bob Wessels recorded a video lecture of some 30 minutes on the Recast of the EU Insolvency Regulation. The lecture explains the key topics of the renewed tekst for the European Insolvency Regulation.
Lecture Derek Kennet & Fernando Casamayor-Molina
On Thursday, 21 April, at 15.00 CEST Derek Kennet and Fernando Casamayor-Molina will give a guest lecture at Radboud University (Senaatzaal, Comeniuslaan 2, Nijmegen). This lecture will be held live though it is also possible to join online via zoom. To register, please email: peter.brown@ru.nl.
42th Erasmus Birthday Lecture (Amsterdam, 10 november)
On November 10th, the 42th Erasmus Birthday Lecture will take place at the KNAW. This year's speaker is Brian Cummings (York), who will give a lecture entitled: "What did the Sibyl say? Queering Erasmus".
Lecture Series Radboud Ancient and Medieval Studies
Radboud Ancient and Medieval Studies organises a lecture series for this year as well. The programme for the first semester can be found below. The first lecture will take place on September 25.
First "Hello World!" lecture by Lev Manovich
Lev Manovich, world-renowned innovator in digital humanities and theorist of digital culture and media art, is the first speaker in the Media Technology MSc program's "Hello World!" lecture series.
Sackler Distinguished Lecture Series on Human Rights
The Sackler Distinguished Lecture Series on Human Rights was established at Leiden University through an endowment given by Dr. Raymond R. Sackler and his wife, Beverly, international philanthropists with a commitment to supporting scientific research. The lectures mark the annual celebration of International…
Lecture Series (27-29 July 2021)
Student organisation Teiresias organizes a lecture series on how to turn your master’s thesis into a publishable paper. In three days, experts from the world of academics and publishing will be presenting their advice on how to write your first publication. The aim is to cater specifically to the niche…
Inaugural lecture of prof. dr. Marcel Cobussen
On November 28 prof. dr. Marcel Cobussen will give his inaugural lecture, Towards a (New) Sonic Ecology, in the Groot Auditorium of the Academiegebouw.
Armin Cuyvers lectures on Brexit for Clingendael
On 5 December, Armin Cuyvers gave a lecture on the legal complications surrounding Brexit for Clingendael, the Netherlands Institute for International Relations.
Senior Teaching Qualification for first ten lecturers
The Senior Teaching Qualification is for experienced lecturers who have done more than lecturing alone. Ten quotes from the first ten lecturers to receive the STQ award.
Commissioner Margrethe Vestager to deliver Europa Lecture
Margrethe Vestager, European Commissioner for Competition, will deliver the Europa Lecture on 14th June 2017 in the Grand Auditorium of the Academy Building at Leiden University.
Second "Hello World!" lecture by Teun Verkerk
Lev Manovich, world-renowned innovator in digital humanities and theorist of digital culture and media art, is the first speaker in the Media Technology MSc program's "Hello World!" lecture series.
Guest lecture by prof. Corinne Dettmeijer
On Tuesday 26 February 2019, Prof. Corinne Dettmeijer has given a guest lecture to students of the master programmes Child Law (Jeugdrecht) and International Children’s Rights. Prof. Dettmeijer holds the Cleveringa Chair at Leiden University.
Guest lecture asylum lawyer Bart Toemen
As a lawyer, how can you contribute to ensuring that the best interests of the child play a greater role in immigration law? That question was the topic of asylum lawyer Bart Toemen's guest lecture in the course ‘Kind en migratie’ (child and migration), given in the master’s programme ‘Jeugdrecht’ (Child…
Aart Hendriks gives guest lecture in Bangkok
Aart Hendriks, Professor of Health Law at Leiden Law School, gave a guest lecture at Thammasat University in Bangkok, Thailand, on 24 January 2020. His lecture was on the rights of people with disabilities, both in Thailand and worldwide.
The Cleveringa Lecture Now Available Online
Like every year, our institute organized the Cleveringa lecture to commemorate the courageous speech held by professor Rudolph Cleveringa on the 26th of November in 1940.
3rd Annual Leiden Austrian Studies Lecture
On Friday, 29 October 2021 (15.15-17.00), this year’s lecture will be delivered by Prof. Howard Louthan, (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA) at the Faculty Club of Leiden University. It will be titled ‘Revisiting a Renaissance Classic: Theuerdank, Maximilian I (1486-1519) and the Discovery of…
Vacancy - University Lecturer Medieval History (Leiden)
The Institute for History of Leiden University seeks to expand its academic staff by appointment of a university lecturer with teaching and research expertise in the field of Medieval History. Deadline: 20 January.
Ten lecturers receive Senior Teaching Qualification
On 28 June, ten dedicated lecturers received their Senior Teaching Qualification (SKO). Rector Hester Bijl congratulated them in an online meeting. We asked some of them what this qualification means to them, what they believe ‘good teaching’ entails and what makes them so passionate about education…
Fifteen lecturers gain Senior Teaching Qualification
Fifteen passionate lecturers earned their Senior Teaching Qualification (SKO) on Monday 22 January. Rector Magnificus Hester Bijl congratulated them in the Academy Building. Four of these lecturers talk about what motivated them to take the SKO and how it has benefitted them.
Jeroen Dijsselbloem to deliver Europa Lecture
Jeroen Dijsselbloem, President of the Eurogroup, will deliver the Europa Lecture on 17 January 2018 in the Academy Building at Leiden University.
Lecture: Aja Huang (Google DeepMind) on AlphaGo
How did Google’s computer programme AlphaGo become so good at board game Go that it could defeat the world champion? On June 29, developer Aja Huang will speak about this during a lecture in the Gorlaeus building.
Lecture Ton Liefaard at the EFCAP Congress
Prof. Dr. Ton Liefaard held a key note lecture at the 5th edition of the EFCAP Congress “Mental health needs of young offenders and victims: Assessment, intervention and legal issues”, which took place on 11, 12 and 13 May, 2016, in Porto, Portugal.
Guest Lecture Menno Cox, April 2021
On the 28th of April 2021, The Europa Institute welcomed Mr. Menno Cox, Policy Officer at the European Commission (DG CONNECT).
Inaugural Lecture Professor Herman van Vlijmen
Prof.Dr. Herman van Vlijmen was appointed as Professor of Computational Drug Discovery at the Division of Medicinal Chemistry in Leiden on April 15th, 2008. He will give his Inaugural Lecture on May 18th, 2009.
Media attention inaugural lecture ecotoxicologist Martina Vijver
Time and again synthesised substances have been shown to pollute the environment more than lab tests predicted. In her inaugural lecture on 16 November, professor of Ecotoxicology Martina Vijver gives a warning for the risks of new, man-made chemical substances and nanomaterials. Various media payed…
Four Comenius teaching awards for Leiden lecturers
Five lecturers from Leiden University have received a Comenius teaching award. With the grants they can carry out an innovation project.
Peter Liebregts guest lecturer in Canterbury
At the invitation of the Centre for Early Christianity and Its Reception (CECIR), Peter Liebregts, Full Professor of Modern Literatures in English (LUCAS), visited the University of Kent in Canterbury from March 17 to 20, to give a lecture and a masterclass.