472 search results for “liveable planet” in the Public website
University Rebellion wants more attention for sustainability
Tell the truth about sustainability, become climate neutral by 2025 and safeguard democracy within the University. These are, in short, the demands of a petition by University Rebellion, a subgroup of the Extinction Rebellion movement. On 19 November they visited all Dutch universities, including Le…
Food. Rethinking global security. Earth's Future.
Today, humanity produces sufficient calories, in theory, to feed the 7.7 billion people on the planet: the amount of food produced per person on the planet has gone up more than 40% since the 1960s. Yet, ironically, the prevalence of undernourishment – which had been declining for decades – has started…
Painting with starlight : optical techniques for the high-contrast imaging of exoplanets
This thesis describes the development and validation of new high-contrast imaging techniques, with the ultimate goal of enabling the next generation of instruments for ELT-class telescopes to directly image Earth-like extra-solar planets orbiting around nearby stars.
- Leiden Observatory
Interdisciplinary research and teaching at Leiden University
Many of the challenges of our time are too complex to be resolved within the confines of a single discipline. Leiden University is a broad-based university where an incredible number of research fields converge. That makes us the ideal breeding ground for, and practitioners of, interdisciplinary research…
Leiden discovery of planetary births is worldwide news
In Germany, the United States and even in Vietnam: all over the world, the Leiden discovery of the birth of two planets was shared. Astronomer Sebastiaan Haffert and his team were able to record multiple planets in the making for the first time and published their findings in Nature Astronomy. A unique…
Adaptive Semi-Strong Ecosystem Dynamics
Developing methodes to understand the evolution of patches in natural ecosystems
Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML): best institute for quantitative environmental issues
A liveable planet. More biodiversity. And resources which are being managed wisely. At the CML, we want to make an impact with our research and education. On this website you can read what we do to achieve that.
About the programme
Within the two-year Astronomy master’s programme, you can choose from seven specialisations, ranging from fundamental or applied astronomy research in cosmology, instrumentation or data science, to combinations of astronomy research with education, management or science communication.
Don't Blink: Detecting transiting exoplanets with MASCARA
This thesis describes the Multi-site All-Sky CAmeRA (MASCARA), which consists of two small robotic telescope designed to detect exoplanets around the brightest stars in the sky.
High-resolution integral-field spectroscopy of exoplanets
This thesis describes the implementation and on-sky demonstration of high-resolution integral-field spectroscopy for extreme adaptive optics systems that are used to find and characterize exoplanets.
Atmospheres of hot alien Worlds
Promotor: Prof.dr. I.A.G. Snellen, C.U. Keller
Unveiling protostellar disk formation around low-mass stars
Promotor: Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck, Co-promotor: S. Bruderer
Suppressing a Sea of Starlight: Enabling technology for the direct imaging of exoplanets
Promotor: Christoph U. Keller, Co-promotores: Matthew A. Kenworthy, Frans Snik
Exploring the Universe
Astronomers want to understand the Universe, from the Big Bang to the present day, and what the future will hold. In Leiden they focus on two key questions: ‘How did stars and planets originate’ and ‘How were galaxies and black holes formed in the young Universe?’ A new generation of telescopes – just…
Marja Spierenburg about the importance of the EuroScience Open Forum
From Wednesday 13 July 2022, for four days, Leiden is at the epicentre of European science, as it hosts Europe's largest interdisciplinary conference, the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF). We interviewed Marja Spierenburg, Professor in the Anthropology of Sustainability and Livelihood. In addition to being…
About us
Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
Online Course The Great Sustainability Transition
In this course, you will learn about sustainability and staying with the environmental boundaries of our planet. You will gain an understanding of the effects of growing affluence and population growth, the key challenges we are facing, and ways to influence your direct environment.
Visit by Members of Parliament highlights interdisciplinary research and collaboration
High-quality education, research involving multiple faculties, collaboration between universities and central government funding to make all this possible: these were the topics covered in a working visit of the Standing Committee for Education, Culture and Science (OCW) to the Association of Universities…
Thinking about the quantum internet
Quantum computers deserve their own quantum internet. This is a network that dispatches information not in the form of bits - ones and zeros - but rather as qubits, just like in the quantum computer itself. In the view of Dirk Bouwmeester, a professor in Leiden’s Quantum Matter & Optics research group,…
Hierarchical Systems
The thesis addresses the long-term dynamical evolution of hierarchical multiple systems.
From Mimesis to Metaphor: Reconciling Nature and Humanity in the Age of Climate Crisis
Environmental humility is integral to addressing the climate crisis, but humility can also lead to political domination. How can humans relate to nature more humbly without risking domination?
Discoveries in 2023
From nanoparticles to colliding ice planets and from biological origami to new x-ray scanner techniques: this year again, our scientists have made wonderful discoveries. From the largest numbers to the smallest molecules and from the oldest galaxies up to the latest algorithms, take a look at each institute's…
- Leiden Observatory
Understanding disease suppressive soils
Soil is a home for an unbelievable diversity and abundance of microbial life that is essential for supporting life on our planet.
Laboratory studies of Water Ice in Space
Astronomical observations of cold regions in the universe show a rich inventory of ices. Part of these ices may end up on planets like our own, but in that journey they will be exposed to considerable amounts of radiation.
C.J. Kok Jury Award for Thesis of the Year
Isotopes on exoplanets, a more efficient memory for data centres or new molecules that work against the Zika virus and HIV. Which PhD candidate has written the most impressive dissertation of 2023? The jury of the C.J. Kok Jury Award faces the challenging task of deciding that. Meet the nominees of…
Leiden Observatory
With each discovery that is made, the universe reveals a fraction of its secrets: the most distant galaxies and quasars, the atmosphere of exoplanets, evidence of dark matter, complex molecules in space. This is what fills the days and nights of the researchers from the Leiden Observatory and their…
Sustainable Chemistry and Biotechnology
If mankind wants to survive into the 22nd century, we will need to change the way we live drastically. The human impact on our planet is everywhere, we are changing the atmosphere, the oceans and the land, leading to global warming, climate change, loss of biodiversity and pervasive pollution. There…
Sneak peek at 2025
How will we celebrate our anniversary in 2025?
About PRE-College
Are you an enthusiastic student who enjoys challenges next to your regular schoolwork? Do you have broad interests and an inquisitive mind? Do you always want to know all the ins and outs and are you not afraid to push your boundaries and go the extra mile? Then the PRE is for you!
Sustainable Career Event
Watch the Sustainable Career Event back!
(Re)Imagining Port Cities: Understanding Space, Society and Culture
Port cities develop at the intersection of international trade and commerce and at the interface between sea and land. What does the future of port cities look like with urbanization, sea level rise, new migrant flows and the disappearance of old industries? This is addressed in the minor (Re)Imagining…
Astronomers see star with dust disk that is still being fed
An international team of astronomers including Leiden scientists publishes the image of a young star with a surrounding dust disk that is still being fed from its surroundings. The phenomenon around the star SU Aur may explain why so many exoplanets are not neatly aligned with their star. The European…
- Interdisciplinary collaboration in Leiden: discover the interdisciplinary research programmes
- Practical Information
Sheltering 10 billion people in a warming and resource-scarce world: challenges and opportunities
Sheltering is an immediate human need and determines well-being andhealth.
Feedback from deeply embedded low- and high-mass protostars. Surveying hot molecular gas with Herschel
Promotor: Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck, Co-Promotor: G.J. Herczeg
Triple E Lectures
The EEE lectures are a monthly cross-disciplinary lecture series where globally renowned and inspiring thinkers and scientists are invited.
Monitoring Change in Ideas on Water Management
How does the vision of problems and solutions from
Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
Vulnerability and the associated levels of social resilience is what fascinates the researchers at the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology. What links a Japanese fisherman after the tsunami at Fukushima with a Ghanaian goldminer in an increasingly industrialised work environment?…
For whom?
The Pre-University College The Hague is a new programme of the Honours Academy for high school students. If your school is in the list below, it means you can apply for the Pre-University College The Hague.
Lunch Time Seminars
The biweekly Lunch Time Seminar is an online only event, but it is not publicly accessible in real-time. If you would like to attend one of the upcoming sessions, please send an email to sails@liacs.leidenuniv.nl.
The Old Observatory houses four historical telescopes. On this page you can learn more about them.
Lasers, lenses and light curves: adaptive optics microscopy and peculiar transiting exoplanets
Promotores: Prof.dr. C.U. Keller, Prof.dr. H.C. Gerritsen
JWG Leiden
The Jeugdwerkgroep is a national astronomy association for young people who are interested in astronomy. The Leiden section organizes a monthly meeting in the Old Observatory Leiden.
The Spirit of Matter
In 'The Spirit of Matter', Peter Pels explores the significance of emotionally evocative objects, challenging the denial of their existence in modern 'mind over matter' ideology.
Plant occurrence in space and time: the importance of land use, habitat structure, and pollination mode
Plant diversity is essential for us and our planet as it sustains the stability of our ecosystems, provides vital materials and food to us and supports many ecosystem services.
Shining Light on Interstellar Matter
Promotor: H.V.J. Linnartz
Nuclear Quantum Effects in Solid Water
Ice, the solid state of water, plays an important role on our planet as well as the entire universe.Despite the fact that an individual water molecule has a very simple structure, its chemical bonding in the solid phase can be surprisingly complex.