292 search results for “privacy” in the Public website
Leiden Islam Academy launches online course ‘Islam in de klas’ for teachers
‘Islam in de klas’ is a new course targeting primary school teachers to go online on 18 March by the Leiden Islam Academy (LIA). The online course aims to help teachers get better equipped when dealing with Islam-related dilemmas in primary classrooms.
By educating and doing research together, you can discover things that really matter.
Bringing young, enthusiastic and driven academics from different disciplines together, that’s the goal of the Young Academy Leiden (YAL). As a new member, Assistant professor Jan van Rijn is excited to look at AI from different perspective. ‘I want to bring my expertise together with different point…
Two more alumni with their sights on the European Parliament
It's a no-brainer: of the candidates that you can vote for on 23 May, 14 studied at Leiden University. We asked four of them about their motivation and ambitions. In this article we interview Samira Rafaela, alumna of Public Administration, and Caspar Rutten, who is studying Law.
Leiden scientists working on public course on artificial intelligence
Since January the Dutch public have been able to follow a free course on artificial intelligence (AI) and its far-reaching impact on our lives. Leiden scientists Marlies van Eck and Valerie Frissen, from the Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of the Law at Leiden's Law Faculty, are part of the…
The FAIR Principles herald more open, transparent, and reusable scientific data
Today, March 15 2016, the FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship were formally published in the Nature Publishing Group journal Scientific Data.
Big data on a small scale
Mirjam van Reisen favours big data built up from local inputs in developing countries and suitable for local use. The new Professor of Computing for Society at Leiden's Faculty of Science connects data science with development sociology. Inaugural lecture 10 March.
Sharing personal health data
Comparing individual health data with group data allows doctors to give personalised advice and patients to learn from one another's experiences. Wessel Kraaij, Professor of Applied Data Analytics, shows how personal data can have a valuable predictive function. Inaugural lecture 24 February.
The life of nomads in turbulent times
In recent years, the Walad Djifir from Chad found themselves in a turbulent environment due to the unrest in Nigeria, Libya and the Central African Republic. How did they adapt? Inge Butter explored their situation in her PhD thesis. PhD defence will take place on 2 July.
Spinoza and Stevin Prizes for three Leiden professors
Three Leiden professors have recently been awarded the most prestigious scientific accolade in the Netherlands: Maria Yazdanbakhsh and Marc Koper have been awarded a Spinoza Prize and Judi Mesman a Stevin Prize. They received their prizes on 13 October.
Peace in the Middle East? Students seek solutions in Peace Academy
Finding solutions to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the not-inconsiderable task of the new Peace Academy in The Hague. Professor Maurits Berger and twelve students from different conflict zones are starting a creative thinking process that aims to discover the basic conditions for peace in the…
‘Think what you want to do about international students before developing your housing policy’
Students used to live with a landlady or even with the professor whose course they were taking. Student accommodation has since become more professional, making it something the new government will have to tackle. What should the new government do?
OSCoffee: Open Science in Criminology - barriers and opportunities
Your rights and freedoms on the World Wide Web
- SAILS Lunch Time Seminar: 7 June
SAILS Lunch Time Seminar: Jan Sleutels
Blog Post | Incorporating gender considerations into international cybersecurity policy and practice
Gendered dynamics and assumptions are prevalent throughout the field of cybersecurity.
News from the Food Citizens? team
At the project closure on February 29, 2024.
Theses Children's Rights online
Master of Laws: Advanced Studies in International Children’s Rights Outstanding Student Research Theses
Blog Post | Diplomacy’s Response to the Coronavirus (Part II)
The previous blog post in this series discussed the role of international diplomacy during the coronavirus crisis. This post focuses on diplomacy and its challenges in post-corona times. Specifically, the blog post argues that diplomats will face a range of challenges following the Covid-19 pandemic…
Leiden cholera epidemics mapped out, literally
Three cholera epidemics struck 19th-century Leiden. Today’s corona epidemic prompted Martijn Storms, curator of maps and atlases at the Leiden University Libraries, to scour the library for maps about these past epidemics.
Dies natalis: ‘Collaboration requires firm grounding in the individual disciplines’
‘Collaboration is increasingly important,’ Rector Magnificus Carel Stolker said at the 445th Dies Natalis of Leiden University on 7 February. But, as he heard from a number of Leiden researchers, this is contingent upon a firm disciplinary basis. A novelty of this year’s celebration was a joint dies…
Screening enormous databases to find a cure for cancer
Pharmaceutical research should make more use of data science, says Gerard van Westen, postdoctoral fellow at the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR). ‘If we want to have better drugs, we should start with data.’
Rising infections: how is the University responding?
The infection rate is rising again in the Netherlands, which means it may also be rising among Leiden University’s students and staff. How is the University responding? And what dilemmas is it facing? We spoke to our Rector Magnificus, Chief Security Officer and two other administrators.
‘Leiden has a special atmosphere, almost like a family’
From a lovely blossoming garden in Barcelona, Eduard Fosch Villaronga is talking enthusiastically about his postdoc at Leiden University. Due to the corona lockdown, he is currently spending the 2020 summer at his mother’s place, but he is looking forward to returning to Leiden (and to the Dutch bit…
‘Sickness and health have become a continuum’
Professor of Health Psychology Andrea Evers is one of the coordinators of the national Health and Wellbeing programme and of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus (LDE) programme that goes by the same name. The aim is to use technology to promote our health. LDE has already been working on this topic for some ti…
Anoma van der Veere: ‘In Japan, the awkward little masks symbolise the government’s failure’
Leiden Asia Centre researcher Anoma van der Veere argues that the Japanese government has failed to respond properly to Covid-19. There were difficulties with implementing government measures aimed at limiting the spread of the virus – in some cases those measures were not even taken seriously. How…
- OSCoffee: Open Science in Criminology - barriers and opportunities
China Seminar: The Digital Geographies of Secrecy
Data Management Plan course for PhD's
Didactics, Career development
India in the World: Interaction with Rahul Gandhi and Sam Pitroda
Lecture, Event
- OSCoffee: Trust vs. accountability - from red tape to red flag
Our Digital Future 2023
LCN2 organizes seminars on the last Friday of each month.
Books for Review
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy regularly publishes book reviews of approx. 800-1000 words, upon invitation by our Book Reviews Editor. We are currently accepting reviews of the selected books below, as well as any other contribution within the field of diplomacy and global affairs.
Professor Willem Otterspeer on his retirement: ‘My career is like the Danube.’
University historian Willem Otterspeer is about to retire, and he will give his farewell lecture on 4 November. Although... it is really a farewell? He still plans to write another five books, using oceans of archive material. 'An archive should be like the surf breaking on the seashore: wonderful…
Historicizing Security. Enemies of the State, 1813 until present
The research project ‘The History of National Security, 1945-present', is funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), the Campus The Hague/Leiden University and the Netherlands Institute for Military History (NIMH). The project will run until the summer of 2013, when we hope…
- Media Technology exhibition HYBRID in V2_ gallery space
GP in Spain in times of corona
What’s the situation like in Spain in these times of corona? Dr Jan Otto Landman (Medicine, Leiden, 1979) has a GP practice in Torremolinos and Fuengirola, Southern Spain, and since 16 March he has been writing blogs about corona on the Facebook page of his practice. He has covered issues such as the…
- Social and Behavioural Sciences
Opening of the academic year
University ceremony
Small Grants Past Research Projects
The LUCDH foster the development of new digital research by awarding a number of Small Grants each year. These are our past awardees.
Lunch Time Seminars
The biweekly Lunch Time Seminar is an online only event, but it is not publicly accessible in real-time. If you would like to attend one of the upcoming sessions, please send an email to sails@liacs.leidenuniv.nl.