3,234 search results for “the hague” in the Public website
From nuclear bunker to climate ceiling
With the opening of Wijnhaven, Leiden University now has three locations in The Hague. Photographer Nicole Romijn recorded the construction process of the former ministry building from start to finish. The result can be viewed at the photo exhibition on the Wijnhaven Building in the Old University Library…
"The key to success is to dare to break the rules"
“To change the world, you do not need everybody. You only need one. So, will you be the one? That’s the question.” Saturday December 3rd, Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus gave a special lecture at the Anna van Buerenplein campus of LUC The Hague. (Text: Jakob Semb Aasmundsen; Photography: Paul…
‘This mentor group will be their new family’
For many a first-year, student life has well and truly begun. This also applies to students in The Hague, who were thrown in at the deep end during the HOP introduction week. We paid them a visit on a sunny afternoon at Landgoed Clingendael.
Network of student well-being officers create connections
It’s an important theme at the University and beyond: student well-being. Even before coronavirus, research showed that loneliness and the pressure to succeed were causing particular problems for students, and these problems have only increased since the pandemic. Work is underway to improve the sit…
Open Day: ‘The programme is what's most important'
More than 10,000 school-leavers and their parents visited the Open Day at Leiden University on 25 February. The prospective students were given information about the different programmes in Leiden and The Hague. 'I'm curious to hear about their experiences.'
FGGA researchers about the shooting in El Paso
On Saturday 3 August 2019 at 10:30 am, a fatal shooting took place in a Walmart in El Paso (Texas, USA). Twenty people died and 26 people were injured. Several researchers from the Institute of Security and Global Affairs of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) have appeared in the media…
Arco Timmermans on NPO Radio 1 on the increasing number of protests
Arco Timmermans, Professor by special appointment of Public Affairs, discusses the current protests in the Netherlands and whether this is a new phenomenon
Giliam de Valk 'How to stay Resilient with Ever-changing Threat Assessment?'
Giliam de Valk, assistant professor at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, was one of the speakers at the third congress of the National Thinking Tank Integral Security on 6 February.
Kluitersprijs for excellent students Minor Intelligence Studies
Nineteen students who obtained excellent results in the minor Intelligence Studies received the annual Kluitersprijs.
What makes a man into a murderer?
It was a huge task, but it was worth it: Marieke Liem and her research group have completed a database of all murders committed in the Netherlands over the past 25 years. She will share their initial findings in a three-part lecture series organized by Studium Generale. ‘Beggars kill other beggars;…
Leiden, Delft and Erasmus to apply ‘big data’ for urban issues
The new inter-university centre set up by Leiden University, Delft University of Technology and Erasmus University Rotterdam is to apply ‘big data’ research for urban issues.
Guest lecture by Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg
On 19 April NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, will talk to students about 'Adapting NATO adapts to a changing world', followed by a Q&A.
Constant Hijzen in Trouw about Public Information from the AIVD
On 19 April, several mosque organisations criticized the way in which the Dutch intelligence service wrote the annual report about increasing 'anti-democratic' tendencies in after-school lessons in Islam and Arabic. Constant Hijzen, assistant professor of Intelligence Studies at the Institute of Security…
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer in NRC about Dutch Diplomacy
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Professor of International Relations and Diplomatic Practice at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), was interviewed by the NRC on 6 February about the government's warning words.
Criminologen plaatsen vraagtekens bij beroemde levenslooptheorie
How do perpetrators of notorious crimes integrate in society after their imprisonment? Marieke Liem and Daan Weggemans investigated this in in-depth interviews with ten Dutch convicts for murder, paedophilia and terrorism.
“People who have been convicted for terrorism, usually don’t relapse.”
Researchers on terrorism Bart Schuurman and Liesbeth van der Heide (Institute of Security and Global Affairs) studied the files of 159 persons convicted of terrorism in the Netherlands during 2012-2017. Their main question: how effective is the special reintegration project for this type of delinquents…
Guest lecture Jeroen Dijsselbloem
On Wednesday 21 March 2018 Jeroen Dijsselbloem, former Minister of Finance, and former President of the Euro Group and the Board of Governors of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), gave a guest lecture at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs.
Guest Lecture Ambassador Ron Keller to Global Affairs Students
On Thursday 15 November, Ron Keller, former ambassador of the Netherlands to China, Turkey, Ukraine and Russia gave a guest lecture at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs.
Arco Timmermans and Wilmar Bolhuis Discuss Dutch Lobby Organisation VNO-NCW on BNR Radio
Several media outlets made mention of an accord on the proposal for a 'verplichte arbeidsongeschiktheidsverzekering' (mandatory occupational disability insurance) for ZZP'ers (self-employed persons), which is part of the 'pensioenakkoord' (Dutch agreement on pension reform).
Arco Timmermans in Infobae about the Belgian government formation
In every parliamentary system, people vote on political parties during an election instead of a president. It is very unlikely that one party gets the majority of the parliament. Therefore, a government is formed by negotiations between parties. In Belgium, this process is far more complicated than…
Nature, Society, and Scale
On Monday-Wednesday 10-12 June 2019, Jeroen Wolbers, Wout Broekema and Sanneke Kuipers represented the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) at the fourth edition of the Northern European Conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies (NEEDS).
Jelle van Buuren discusses the death of Aboe Bakr Al-Baghdadi in Dutch newspaper de Stentor
Jelle van Buuren, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, discusses the death of Al-Baghdadi and whether this could also mean the end of IS.
Modernising diplomacy in the Gulf Region
Diplomatic services across the world are trying to keep up with the times. In Abu Dhabi Jan Melissen, Senior Fellow International Relations and Diplomacy at ISGA and the Clingendael Institute, experienced how non-Western spaces can be among the more stimulating ones for practitioners of diplomacy to…
Nikki Sterkenburg: Less stigmatization of extreme right-wing groups
In an essay in Dutch magazine 'Vrij Nederland' Nikki Sterkenburg, external PhD candidate at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, discusses how radical and extreme right voices have become mainstream over the last twenty years. Sterkenburg brings up several reasons why the prevailing stigma…
Nikki Sterkenburg discusses the Online Presence of Extreme Right
The common image of extreme right activist is people wearing bomber jackets, flags and banners while shouting defiance during protest marches. Or that of the extremist internet trolls spreading racist ideologies while sitting home alone behind their computer screens. However, the line between extreme…
Nuclear bunker under location Wijnhaven
Various ministries started building nuclear bunkers in the seventies to shield themselves from a possible nuclear attack from the East. One of these nuclear bunkers lies below our new Wijnhaven building. This specific bunker was designed for important figures of government, and was built to function…
Debating the future of soft power practices in Washington DC
On June 6th, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy launched its latest double special issue, “Debating Public Diplomacy: Now and Next”, in Washington DC. The seminar on the future of soft power practices, at the Pew Research Center known of its global opinion polls, took place against the backdrop of concerns…
Yannick Veilleux-Lepage in VICE about the French-Canadian far-right organisation La Meute
Reports from Quebec media show the French-Canadian far-right organisation La Meute dealt itself another self-inflicted blow this week, with several club executives being forced out of the group and having a former co-founder, Patrick Beaudry, publicly declare ‘the ship is sinking.’
Kantorowicz received a seed grant for conducting a project
Together with a group of researchers from TU Delft and Erasmus University, Leiden University have received a seed grant for conducting a project “Perceived Risk of Terrorism and its Implications for (Counter-Terrorism) Communication Strategies”.
Kohei Suzuki receives grant from the Swedish Research Council
Kohei Suzuki, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Public Administration recently received a large research project grant from the Swedish Research Council.
Saniye Çelik on the diversity policy of the Dutch central government
Saniye Çelik, senior programme manager at the Centre Professional Learning (CPL) at Leiden University: The diversity policy of the Dutch central government still needs work. How do we take a real step forward? Saniye Çelik, Christiaan Rebergen, Marc Allessie and Jacqueline Prins exchange ideas.
The magic of projection
Video projections in contemporary art are convincing not because they depict reality, but because they show new possibilities within that reality. Artist Sophie Ernst demonstrates this in a thesis and an exhibition. She defends her PhD on 8 December.
Dr. Paul Behrens nominated for ''Science Discoverer of the Year'' Award
The Faculty of Science grants two C.J. Kok awards each year: the C.J. Kok Public Award, also known as the award for the ‘Discoverer of the Year’, and the C.J. Kok Jury Award, the award for the best PhD thesis from the past year.
'Peace: you just have to do it'
Who doesn’t want peace? Yet we don’t always appreciate how fragile it really is. This is why Leiden University was a co-organiser of the Just Peace Festival from 21 to 25 September 2016.
The new studying
Earlier a few pictures of the new Wijnhaven complex under construction were posted. But what are the changes for the students who will find their home base here, from 2017 on?
Saniye Çelik in ScienceGuide on discrimination and inclusiveness in the Dutch police force
Saniye Çelik, senior programme manager at the Centre for Professional Learning (CPL), has been invited by the Parliamentary Standing Committee for Justice and Security to share her expertise with the Dutch House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer) in the field of discrimination and inclusiveness in the…
Managers play an important role in inclusiveness in organisations
Team leaders and other immediate supervisors play an important role in facilitating inclusiveness within public organisations. This is the finding of research by public administration expert Tanachia Ashikali. PhD defence 20 November.
‘Woolly’ King's Speech reflects broad coalition
The 2018 King's Speech was a string of statements containing little or no substance. It was obvious that, in an attempt to keep all the coalition parties happy, the speech covered more issues than in 2017. This is confirmed by an analysis of the speech carried out by public administration experts Gerard…
Jelle van Buuren and Dennis Broeders on 5G: Technological Dangers and European Chances
The 4G network will soon be replaced by 5G. 5G will enable users to set up faster and more reliable data links as well as better privacy protections. For intelligence agencies, however, the upgrade in data protections will create huge problems.
Urban Trail: entrants given the run of Wijnhaven
Not a straight road in sight, but instead a route through buildings, alleyways and gardens that aren't usually open to the public. As in previous years, the KLM Urban Trail took the entrants to the prettiest spots in The Hague. And this year, it took them right through our Wijnhaven building.
Grand opening of the 444 cycle route
Leiden University is 444 years old, and to celebrate 220 cyclists took to the saddle on 11 May and followed the new 44.4 km route around Leiden, The Hague and the surrounding area.
President Zelensky meets with students via livestream on Campus The Hague
Dreaming Big Dreams of a Future UN
From 6-9 July, a group of young students from Edith Stein College, Rijswijk Lyceum and the Johan de Witt School travelled to New York City as part of the Van Aartsen Honours Program to present their visions of the UN to the Permanent Mission of The Netherlands. Read Alanna O'Malley's report of the t…
Looking back at Leiden's 444th anniversary
You can't have missed it: Leiden University celebrated its 444th anniversary in 2019 with a year-long programme of activities for the people of Leiden and The Hague. The Dies Natalis on 7 February 2020 marks the end of this special year. High time to look back at what we did!
‘It’s time to breathe new life into the United Nations’
Historian Alanna O’Malley has been appointed to a brand-new Professorial Chair in United Nations Studies in Peace and Justice in The Hague. This extra attention for the UN comes at a significant moment in world history, she says.
Leiden Leadership Workshop: 'Werken volgens de bedoeling'
Op 13 June the Leiden Leadership Centre hosted a workshop following the research project on ‘werken volgens de bedoeling’ at the Municipality of The Hague and the SVB.
International Business Diplomacy Workshop
On 14 October 2019 the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) convened a one-day International Business Diplomacy workshop, which was held under the auspices of The Hague Journal of Diplomacy.
5 – 7 November Responsible Behaviour in Cyberspace: Novel Horizons
From 5 – 7 November the The Hague Program for Cyber Norms will take place at Het Spaansche Hof in the Hague. The theme this year is Behaviour in Cyberspace: Novel Horizons.
Leiden University College: Another quality seal for one of Europe's top liberal arts and sciences programmes
For the eleventh time in a row, Leiden University’s unique liberal arts and sciences programme has been awarded the ‘Top Rated Programme’ quality seal by Keuzegids universiteiten 2024.
Marieke Liem: ‘On the meaning of life for long-term prisoners’
Marieke Liem wrote a contribution for DJIzien, a magazine published by the Dutch Custodial Institutions Agency (Ministry of Justice and Security), about her meetings with long-term prisoners. ‘For my research on long-term prisoners I made numerous visits to Dutch prisons. During these visits, I came…