911 search results for “vice-chairman executive board” in the Public website
Searching by Learning: Exploring Artificial General Intelligence on Small Board Games by Deep Reinforcement Learning
In deep reinforcement learning, searching and learning techniques are two important components. They can be used independently and in combination to deal with different problems in AI, and have achieved impressive results in game playing and robotics. These results have inspired research into artificial…
444 Citizen Science
This year Leiden University exists for 444 years! This will be celebrated together with the residents of Leiden and The Hague during various activities. One of these is scientists and residents doing research on plastics and psychology together.
Annetje Ottow new President of Leiden University
Professor Annetje Ottow will be appointed President of the Executive Board of Leiden University on 8 February 2021. She will be the first woman to be appointed to this post at Leiden University.
Dean and vice-chair of LUMC Board steps down
Prof. dr. Pancras Hogendoorn is stepping down as dean of the Faculty of Medicine and vice-chair of the Executive Board of Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC). He is also resigning from all associated secondary posts. Hogendoorn has taken his decision in anticipation of the findings of an inquiry…
Bert Meijer joins Board of Governors
Professor Bert Meijer has been appointed to the Board of Governors of Leiden University by Minister of Education, Culture and Science Jet Bussemaker for a term of four years from 1 January 2017.
Cisca Wijmenga new member of Board of Governors
The Board of Governors is pleased to announce that Professor Cisca Wijmenga has been appointed by outgoing Minister of Education, Culture and Science Robbert Dijkgraaf as its new member.
New Code of Conduct on Integrity from 1 November
The Executive Board has adopted a new Code of Conduct on Integrity for staff. This new code encompasses all the existing regulations within Leiden University, including in the field of research, behaviour towards students and purchasing. 'This Code of Conduct is a very clear statement,' commented Rector…
Inclusion on International Women’s Day: pulling together for structural change
How do you achieve the structural change needed for a more inclusive university community? What challenges do female staff face in their careers and what does it take to be a woman in a leadership role? This is what over 40 female staff members from the university discussed on International Women’s…
Leiden University publishes the titles of seven tainted scientific articles
In a supplementary decision on 17 May 2022, the Executive Board of Leiden University has concluded that it will publish the titles of seven articles in which there is evidence of malpractice. This concerns a former staff member of the Institute of Psychology. The Executive Board considers it to be in…
Collegecolumn: Waarom onze samenwerking met Indonesië zo belangrijk is
Samen met een groep enthousiaste wetenschappers bezocht ik deze maand verschillende universiteiten en andere kennisinstellingen tijdens een kennismissie in Indonesië.
Memorial Year makes visible the continuing effects of historical slavery
Research into our history of colonialism and slavery, heart-to-heart conversations at a Keti Koti table, exhibitions, lectures and podcasts that establish the link between present and past. Staff and students participated in the national Slavery Memorial Year in many different ways. What have we learned…
Symposium about Rein Dool painting and University exhibition policy
At a symposium on 26 May, experts, staff and students from Leiden University will discuss what should happen with Rein Dool’s painting in the Academy Building and what the guidelines for the University’s exhibition policy should be. These issues will be explored from diverse perspectives during the…
Looking ahead to the next ten years at LDE anniversary celebration
The Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities strategic alliance celebrates its tenth anniversary in 2022. At the ‘The Next Ten Years’ anniversary celebration in the Faculty Club on 12 April, the partners looked back on their achievements and ahead to the major social challenges of the next ten years.
Hester Bijl reappointed as Rector Magnificus
Leiden University’s Rector Magnificus, Professor Hester Bijl, has been reappointed for a second term by the Board of Governors.
KHMW appoints five new Leiden members
The Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW) has appointed five new members from Leiden. Annetje Ottow, Carsten de Dreu, Pancras Hoogendoorn, Ton Schumacher and Maartje van der Woude will be joining the oldest ‘learned society’ in the Netherlands.
Start Second Cohort Executive Master's Programme Cyber Security
On January 14th the executive Master’s programme Cyber Security started for the second time at the HSD Campus
Leiden-Delft-Erasmus can play an important role in global challenges
Annetje Ottow, president of the Executive Board of Leiden University, has been the new chair of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus (LDE) strategic alliance for just two months. What does she want to achieve during her two-year chairmanship?
Protest against classroom scanners at Lipsius building
On Tuesday a few dozen students and staff from Leiden University protested on the square in front of the Lipsius building against the classroom scanners that have been installed in buildings and lecture halls. They are demanding that the scanners be removed.
Start of construction of camera for European giant telescope
Leiden scientists will be working on the development of a camera for the European Extremely Large Telescope that is currently under construction. On 28 September the Netherlands Research School for Astronomy signed an agreement with the European Southern Observatory.
Wilma Resing
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
resing@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Jeshua Tromp
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
j.j.tromp@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Marlou Grobben new assessor on Faculty Board
Campus The Hague's Faculty Board has a new member. Mikal Tseggai has passed on the baton to Marlou Grobben, making her this year's faculty assessor. So what exactly does an assessor do? What are Mikal's thoughts as she reflects on the past year and what are Marlou's plans? The two women are more than…
Lodewijk Govaerts new member of Board of Governors
Lodewijk Govaerts has been appointed by Ingrid van Engelshoven, caretaker Minister of Education, Culture and Science (OCW), as a member of the Board of Governors of Leiden University.
Debate on painting of cigar-smoking white men
The brief removal of Rein Dool’s ‘cigar-smoking white men’ painting generated a storm of reactions last November. Students, staff and alumni reflected on this at a symposium on Friday 26 May.
Robine de Lange-Tegelaar joins Board of Governors
Ingrid van Engelshoven, outgoing Minister of Education, Culture and Science (OCW), has appointed Robine de Lange-Tegelaar to the Board of Governors of Leiden University.
A thousand participants in Dies for alumni
The Dies Natalis for alumni on 11 February was an online event. Almost 1,000 alumni tuned in to Bastiaan Rijpkema’s interview with Annetje Ottow, who had then been President of Leiden University’s Executive Board for all of three days. Alumni are part of her portfolio on the Executive Board.
Ferd Grapperhaus new Chair of the Board of Governors
The Board of Governors of Leiden University is pleased to announce that the outgoing Minister of Education, Culture and Science, Robbert Dijkgraaf, has appointed Professor F.B.J. (Ferd) Grapperhaus as the new Chair of the Board of Governors.
Leiden University extends collaboration with Asian Development Bank
Leiden University will set up further activities with the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
Robert Verpoorte
Emeritus professor at the Natural Products Laboratory, Institute of Biology, Leiden University - the Netherlands
Entrepreneurial students who care about society
Students of the minor in Innovation, Cocreation and Global Impact present their idealistic projects. Watch the film!
500th meeting of Leiden University’s Board of Deans
On 9 June the deans of Leiden University met for the 500th time with the Rector Magnificus for the Board of Deans. An informal, inspiring and contemplative meeting without a strict ending time, say deans and former deans.
Flying visit by high-ranking Chinese delegation
A high-ranking delegation from China visited Leiden on 6 November. The party of some 25 officials from the CPPCC – a Chinese advisory body comparable with the Dutch Senate - visited the Leiden Observatory, the Hortus Botanicus and the Asian Library.
Board the Blockchain Train!
When talking about innovative technologies, Blockchain should certainly be mentioned. In the Honours Class ‘Board the Blockchain Train!’, students learn about the influence of technology on, for example, banking transactions or real estate appraisal.
Anchrit Wille
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
a.c.wille@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9500
‘Let’s try not to lose sight of each other’ – Interview with Annetje Ottow
The conflict between Israel and Hamas has had a clear impact on Leiden University. Students and staff are angry or scared, feel unsafe and are experiencing group pressure.
Advisory report on unacceptable behaviour published
Today, 13 May 2024, Leiden University’s Executive Board is publishing the advice of the committee that investigated reports of unacceptable behaviour and breaches of academic integrity. These reports were about a professor from the university and their partner (a former member of the university staf…
Magliano-Tromp appointed as interim member of the Faculty Board
The Executive Board of Leiden University appointed Dr. Johannes Magliano-Tromp as interim member of the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs with the portfolio Education.
Universiteit Leiden onderzoekt eigen slavernijverleden
Het College van Bestuur laat door een postdoc een eenjarig vooronderzoek doen naar het koloniale en slavernijverleden van de Universiteit Leiden.
organises PhD Masterclass with UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial executions
Mariana Gkliati co-organised and chaired on 14 September a PhD Masterclass with the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Agnès Callamard.
Vicky Kosta and Vestert Borger participate in UvA-workshop on executive discretion
On Thursday the 30st of June and Friday the 1st of July Vicky Kosta and Vestert Borger participated in the workshop ‘Executive discretion, Public Interests and the Limits of Law’ at the University of Amsterdam. The workshop was organized by Joana Mendes in the context of the research project ‘Unveiling…
Maxim Allaart appointed assessor of Faculty of Science Board 2016-2017
This academic year Maxim Allaart will hold the position of assessor within the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Science. The assessor is a student member who represents the students’ interests within the Faculty Board.
Kees Goudswaard joins board GAK Institute
Kees Goudswaard has been appointed as a board member of the GAK Institute on 1 October.
Jeroen Touwen joins Campus The Hague Board
Jeroen Touwen officially joined the Campus The Hague Board on 28 November.
2017 editions of annual report and sustainability report published
Leiden University's 2017 annual report has now been published. This year for the first time the University has also published a separate sustainability report. Leiden University is the first university to produce a separate report on the progress of its sustainability policies.
Corona policy at the University: a continuous puzzle
With the new academic year just around the corner, many more students and lecturers will soon be coming to the University. What are we doing to keep our campus safe? We spoke to Martijn Ridderbos, Vice-Chairman of the Executive Board, about the new Campus Protocol, which enters into force on 31 August.…
Editorial board JLGC welcomes new members
The editorial board of the Journal of the LUCAS Graduate Conference welcomes several new members. The coming months they will be preparing the journal's second issue, to be published in February 2014.
Marileen Dogterom new KNAW board member
Marileen Dogterom, Professor bionanoscience in Delft and Professor molecular physics in Leiden, will take a seat at the KNAW board as of June 1st. She is appointed for four years, one day per week. Dogterom succeeds Nobel Prize winner Ben Feringa, who completed his term.
In pictures: kick-off Healthy University Week
On Monday 28 October, we celebrated the start of Healthy University Week 2019. During this week, students and staff of Leiden University can follow workshops to help them adopt a healthier lifestyle.
Walkout on 13 May
A national walkout will be staged on Monday 13 May. Leiden Scholars for Palestine has called on students and staff from Leiden University to meet at 11.00 at the Lipsius building in Leiden and the Wijnhaven building in The Hague.
Food Citizens? Advisory Board Meeting in Leiden
In January 2020, the team took a break from their respective field sites and travelled back to Leiden to take stock of their research progress and to host its third Advisory Board meeting at their home institution, the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology of Leiden Universit…