1,870 search results for “ssh labs” in the Public website
New SSH laboratories in Sylvius Building
On the second floor of the Sylvius Laboratory, new labs are being built for researchers of the Faculties of Social and Behavioural Sciences and Humanities. After a successful tender construction has recently started.
A new role for the lab coordinator
With the new SSH labs and their organisation, the lab coordinators will also fulfill a new role. An interfaculty workgroup -consisting of staff from Psychology, Pedagogical Sciences, Humanities and SOLO - is currently discussing the new role of the lab coordinators, and how the lab coordinators can…
Researchers get free rein with new Social Sciences and Humanities Labs
There was a lot of interest. In front of nearly a hundred researchers, supporting colleagues and Martijn Ridderbos, the Vice-Chairman of the Executive Board, Lotte van Dillen, Research Director of Psychology and Saskia Goedhard, Director of Humanities Operations jointly opened the new lab with a classic…
Lab facilities
The LUCL Labs consist of four spaces equipped to conduct high-quality experimental linguistic research.
PhD Labs
Monthly PhD Labs offer COI PhD researchers an opportunity to present their work and receive specific feedback about their projects in a supportive and collegial environment.
Phonetics Lab
Experimental research
Digital Lab
You can find the Digital Lab on the ground floor of the Huizinga building. The Digital Lab is part of a collection of labs designed for staff and students who require a place to work, experiment, and find support for their digital research.
Psycholinguistic research
Leadership Labs
In the Leadership Lab (4 EC) you tackle a topical problem presented by one of our partner organisations and develop important leadership skills in practice.
Ludic Lab
The Leiden Ludic Collective is an open initiative and shared space for scholars and gamers of any level to hold discussions, exchange ideas, and, most importantly, play together.
Experimental Linguistics Lab Facilities
Psycholinguistic research
Psychology Lab on Wheels
Psychology Lab on Wheels makes research accessible to all: with our mobile lab we literally reach people on the street. From bustling city centres to remote areas, our lab travels all over, making it easy for you to participate in our research. And with your help, we gain new insights and deepen our…
General Lab Facilities
Shared, general-purpose labs.
Support the mobile lab
Psychology Lab on Wheels comes to you. Will you help with a donation? Your contribution allows us to purchase state-of-the-art measurement equipment, support researchers and recruit participants for our studies.
Yellow Lab
A 24 person classroom on the floor 0 of the Pieter de la Court building. Designed for groupwork, rolling, flexible tables and chairs are arranged around shared monitors. Each group has a small whiteboard. The frontal projection point has a short-throw projector with motion tracking and live annotation.…
Computational Network Science Lab
The Leiden Computational Network Science Lab (CNS Lab) researches methods for knowledge discovery from real-world network data.
Rent our Lab
Psychology Lab on Wheels is available for rent for your on-site research. What does the mobile lab look like? What are the requirements? How do you make good use of the mobile lab?
Game Research Lab
The Game Research Lab uses digital games as a medium for academic research. It considers entertainment games and 'serious’ games as objects of study, develops novel approaches for creating, playing, and analysing games, and studies the interactions between games and AI.
Applied Data Science Lab
Although science and education have top priority, exploratory projects with companies, governments and NGOs generate ample opportunities in terms of societal challenges, science strategy, valorisation and research collaboration. In the LIACS Applied Data Science Lab, our master's students and graduates…
Eye-tracking Lab
Psycholinguistic research
[A]Social Creatures Lab
The [A]Social Creatures Lab is an interdisciplinary research lab that focuses on understanding social interaction with and between artificial creatures. Researchers and students from the Media Technology group collaborate in it.
Educational Sciences lab
Cognitive processes of learning with a focus on reading comprehension and the development of mathematical skills.
Game Research Lab (GRL)
The Game Research Lab (GRL) uses digital games as a medium for academic research, and consider ‘serious’ games and entertainment games equally valuable objects of study.
ELSA Lab Defence
Embedding ethical legal and societal aspects for responsible military AI.
Clinical Psychology Lab
Psycho-physiological reactions to stress.
Citizen Science Lab
The Citizen Science Lab brings together scientists, citizens and community stakeholders to arrive at new insights for both science and society through citizen science.
Lab facilities EEG
Measurement of brain activity by external electrodes (EEG).
Lab facilities Cognitive Psychology
Reactions and reaction times in cognitive tasks.
Hensen Lab - Quantum Magnetomechanics
Welcome to the Hensen Lab! We are a young dynamic experimental research group starting at the Leiden Institute of Physics. Our lab addresses one of the key challenges of modern physics: understanding the interface between quantum mechanics and general relativity.
System Verification Lab (SVL)
The correctness of computational systems is of great importance to our society, since it becomes ever more reliant on the benefits of computing.
Psychology Lab on Wheels
The mobile lab, the Psychology Lab on Wheels, brings science to the general public!
Creative intelligence Lab
The Creative Intelligence Lab is an interdisciplinary place which connects researchers with different backgrounds across the cognitive and computer sciences.
ELS Lab meetings
Our lab meetings are organized almost every month for researchers interested in empirical legal research.
[a]social creatures lab
The [a]social creatures lab focusses on understanding social interaction with and between artificial creatures.
Creative Intelligence Lab
The Creative Intelligence Lab (CIL) is an interdisciplinary research lab that connects researchers with different backgrounds across the cognitive and computer sciences. It is affiliated to the Media Technology MSc program. Researchers and students from the Media Technology group play a large role in…
Living Lab Vrouwe Vennepolder
The 'living lab' Vrouwe Vennepolder is situated just north of Leiden, The Netherlands, and aims to find ways to improve the agriculture of the future.
Navigation Lab Leiden
The Navigation Lab Leiden is part of the department of Health, Medical and Neuropsychology at Leiden University, and led by Ineke van der Ham We study human spatial cognition, with an emphasis on navigation ability. We examine factors that can explain for individual differences, such as gender and age.…
Brain and Education Lab
The Brain and Education lab is a research group in the Institute of Education and Child Studies at Leiden University in the Netherlands. We use a Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience approach to study the development of complex cognitive processes involved in learning and academic skills such as reading…
Louise Jawerth Lab
Research in the Jawerth lab focuses on using principles from soft condensed matter physics to understand important biological materials.
LIACS Media Lab (LML)
The goal of the LIACS Media Lab (LML) at Leiden University is to conduct state-of-the-art research in the areas of deep learning, artificial intelligence and computer vision.
Living Education Lab
This minor combines the domains of design thinking and technology-enhanced learning and teaching with interdisciplinary group work.
Citizen Science Lab
Leiden University's Citizen Science Lab supports and organizes initiatives where anyone can get started with scientific data and research. This is how we enrich research with insights from the community, make science accessible to all, and tackle important local issues together.
Natural Products Lab
We focus on natural products research, traditional medicine, ethnobotany and phytochemistry.
Bio-informatics lab
On the basis of the characteristic aspects of a picture, certain computers can tell us what the picture is showing. They can learn this in the same way that young children are able to learn to recognize images. Further improving these techniques opens the way to a whole range of new applications. Biology…
[a]social creatures lab
The [a]social creatures lab focusses on understanding social interaction with and between artificial creatures.
Writing Lab Leiden & The Hague
The Writing Lab helps students to become better academic writers. Our tutors offer support during any stage of the writing process, whether you’ve only just started and need help with planning, incorporating sources and/or making an outline, or whether you’re already writing a text and want to improve…
Lab facilities Clinical Neurodevelopmental Studies
Neurobiological, cognitive and behavioural measurements of normal and abnormal child development.
Developmental and Educational Psychology Lab
What is the relation between brain development and social and cognitive development across childhood, adolescence and adulthood?
The Living Lab, Schouwburgstraat
A large, 64+ person space with multiple working zones in the Schouwburgstraat building, Den Haag. Tables fold and wheel, and chairs are also on wheels. There are multiple movable whiteboards which allow group working in various sizes. Windows and tables are additional writing surfaces. There is also…
Quantum Lab (aQa)
Quantum computing is a novel paradigm for computation, which is nearing real-world impact with the coming generation of limited, but nonetheless powerful quantum devices.