234 search results for “employee well-being” in the Organisational structure
Employee Council Educational Board Teacher Education Programme
- Open Access Policy
- Faculty of Science > Manual Programme Committees
- Rules of Procedure Faculty Council Archaeology
- Regulations on filling vacancies
- Your thesis (LION)
- Alcohol policy at Leiden Law School
- AIO Evaluation Casimir
- Regulations of the Faculty of Humanities
Within the Programme Committees and the Faculty Council, students and employees may influence the Faculty policies.
- Faculty of Science > Guide to Quality Assurance of Teaching
- Leiden Law School > Rules of Procedure
- Rules and Regulations Institute Public Administration
Training and Supervision Plan for Contract PhD
Training and Supervision Plan for Contract PhD within the Leiden Law School.
Regulations of the appeals and objections committee
These regulations convey the constitution and competence of the committee as well as provisions on the procedure.
- Rules of procecure bachelor's Programme Committee Political Science
Training and Supervision Plan for PhD Candidates
Training and Supervision Plan for PhD Candidates within the Leiden Law School.
Regulations of the Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Rules of procedure master's Programme Committee Political Science
Exam procedure FSW
The exam procedure supplies information on what is expected from you before, during and after the exam.
Rules and Policies for PhD fellows
Rules and Policies for PhD fellows within the Leiden Law School.
Rules and Policies for PhD candidates
Rules and Policies for PhD candidates within the Leiden Law School.
Rules and Policies for contract PhD.
Rules and Policies for contract PhD within the Leiden Law School.
Protocol PhD defence
Read which conditions apply for PhD defences.
The Faculty of Archeology has various committees that deal with a wide range of organizational topics: from the quality of education and research, to the careers of employees and the admission of students.
- Faculty of Science > 2004-2005 > Course and Examination Regulations > Master
- Institute Regulations Cultural Anthropology & Development Sociology
- Faculty regulation Social and Behavioural Sciences
Training and Supervision Plan for PhD fellows
Training and Supervision Plan for PhD fellows within the Leiden Law School.
Parameter Model Faculty of Archaeology
Parameters for the Definition and Division of Tasks for Academic Staff at the Faculty of Archaeology
Electoral system
Leiden University has both a list system and a candidate system for elections. Co-participation councils decide for themselves which system they will use. List system The list system places the emphasis on the lists. Voters select one candidate on one list. Therefore by selecting a candidate, they also…
Polling stations
A polling station exists for every election of the University Council, Faculty Council and Employee Council. The polling station arranges the practical and formal matters regarding the elections, such as inspecting the list of voters, gathering candidate application forms and determining the election…
Contact the Faculty HR department via hr@arch.leidenuniv.nl. HR advises managers, management assistants, Faculty Board and Department Chairs on personnel policy. If you have any questions about working conditions, please contact the PSSC first. Depending on your question, they can refer you back to…
Leiden University considers plagiarism to be a serious offense which can result in severe penalties. In the code of conduct on plagiarism you will read what the university means by plagiarism and what the possible consequences of plagiarism are.
Regulations Ethics Committee
As of January 1, 2019, the Ethics Committee will review all new research by FGGA researchers (including all doctoral research, excluding student research).
Reorganisation Code of Conduct
A scrupulous procedure is applied to reorganisations at the University. This is set out in the Leiden University Reorganisation Code of Conduct.
ICLON Regulations
The management, organization, duties, powers, and mandate of ICLON are stated in the regulations.
Staff Ombudsman Regulations
Contents of this regulation: Definitions Ombudsman Person making the report Report Decision not to investigate Procedure Findings Annual report Additional provisions Entry into force
Privacy Notice Staff
Leiden University holds some of your personal data to make your work at the university possible. The university deems it important to process your data with care. What data are collected and what we do with them is described in the Privacy Notice Staff.
By-laws Institute of Political Science
See also › BSc and MSc programme rules and regulations
Code of Conduct Remote Teaching
Online Classroom Participation This code of conduct establishes guidelines for teaching and learning via remote environments, or any form of education that relies primarily on IT services.
Procedural regulation for establishing chairs and appointing professors
Would you like to know more about the procedures for establishing and filling a chair and recruiting and appointing regular professors and professors by special appointment? You can read all about it in Appendix 4 of the Policy for Appointing Professors.
University Services Department
The University Services Department (in Dutch: Universitair Facilitair Bedrijf, UFB) provides facility services for the entire university. By working both in a customer-oriented and market-oriented manner, the UFB contributes to a pleasant working environment for employees and students.
Protocol on studying with a disability
The protocol on studying with a disability is intended to provide clear information about studying with a disability at Leiden University.
Code of ‘Good Governance’
Leiden University - just like the other universities in the Netherlands - attaches great importance to transparency of and accountability for the university’s management. The universities have therefore drawn up and signed a code of ‘Good Governance’. You can consult this code on the VSNU website. &…
- Rules and regulations Board of Examiners Political Science
Privacy Notice
Leiden University keeps (personal) data as secure as possible. What data is collected and what we do with it is described in several privacy notices. Privacy Notices: Staff Students Prospective Students Prospective Students Leiden Matching Alumni Guests Job Applicants
Electoral regulations on University Council
You can vote for your representatives for the University Council during the elections. You can read about the organisation of the election in the electoral regulations.
University Council Procedural Regulation
The University Council Procedural Regulation consists of various components. From the style of meetings to agenda setting, and from the voting procedure to reporting. This document is only available in Dutch.
Regulations of the University Council
The University Council is the central co-participation body of the University. Composition, term of office, elections, powers, rights and obligations are defined in these regulations.