10 search results for “nwo” in the Organisational structure
Committee on Second Source of Funding
The Committee on Second Source of Funding gives advice to writers of research grant applications about their draft applications. Assessment committees at NWO comprise representatives of several different disciplines, which means that applications can also be assessed by ‘lay people’. The Faculty’s Committee…
Research Policy and Support
The staff member working on Research Support coordinates the Research Support Office, Research Visitations, and the nomination of staff members for research awards. They also function as Secretary to the Faculty Research Committee and Ethics Committee. In addition, they have the Converis / Lucris…
Ethics Review Committee Social Sciences
The Committee’s main task is to review research proposals on criteria concerning ethically responsible scientific conduct within the Institutes of Cultural Anthropology and Developmental Sociology, Political Science and the Centre of Science and Technology Studies. The conditions and principles…
The department of Finance advises, informs, and supports the Faculty Board with the financial planning and control of the Faculty. The team translates the University Planning & Control cycle to a faculty context and draws up the relevant products in close consultation. The most important of…
WeCo, Permanent Committee for Academic Practice
The Permanent Committee for Academic Practice (WeCo) consists of professors, including the chairman. They are appointed for four years and their fields are evenly spread across the disciplines of the faculty. WeCo tasks and responsibilities: Provides advice to Faculty Board on research programmes…
Ethics Committee
In light of the duties of care mentioned in the new Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity The Faculty Board of FGGA decided to install an Ethics Committee, that will evaluate all research of FGGA researchers. Ethical review of research proposals is already common practice for research…
Procedure ethical evaluation
As of 1 January 2019, the Ethics Committee will assess all new research proposals of FGGA researchers (including PhD research projects, excluding student research projects) using the 5 criteria set in the Code of Conduct for Research Integrity: honesty, scrupulousness, transparency, independence and…
Committee on Academic Practice
The Committee on Academic Practice is the standing advisory committee to the faculty board, the dean and academic directors, on matters relating to academic research. The Committee advises, in any case, on issues regarding research policies, professorial chairs, quality insurance and, in so far as it…
Committee Ethics and Data
The Committee’s main task is to review research proposals on criteria concerning ethically responsible scientific conduct. The conditions and principles applied by the Committee are set out in the Regulations that have been drawn up for this purpose. Ethical review can be relevant in cases concerning…
Self-evaluation Report Research 2017 - 2022
Based on the self-evaluation report 2017-2022 and interviews with a delegation of researchers and staff from the Leiden Institute of Psychology, the committee concluded that the quality of the Institute is very high and in line with the institutes of other universities.