547 search results for “employee well-being” in the Staff website
Rick van Well
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
r.l.van.well@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Leiden Healthy University
Leiden University is committed to making your work safe, healthy and enjoyable and joined the Healthy Universities international network in 2018.
Register for the 2024 Staff Symposium on Student Well-being – or watch the livestream on 2 April
Alexander van Oudenhoven
a.p.e.van.oudenhoven@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7473
Service Point PSSC
The Service Point PSSC answers all your personnel and administrative questions. It is the front office of the Personnel Shared Service Centre (PSSC) department. The PSSC is part of the service unit ASSC (Administrative Shared Service Centre).
Frequently asked questions about GROW
Here you will find questions and answers about GROW, the types of interviews, the GROW tile and more.
Personnel monitor
The University believes it is important that you are happy in your work. This is why we gauge your opinion with the personnel monitor. We use the results to make improvements that enhance job satisfaction.
Skills Lab A good conversation: train your GROW-skills
Communication, Leadership
A call with Annie de Jong about the National Student Survey
It’s time once again to take the National Student Survey (NSE), the annual student satisfaction survey for all students at research universities and universities of applied sciences. Annie de Jong is a Policy Officer for Quality Assurance at Strategy and Academic Affairs and the central contact person…
Mental health monitor for Leiden students reveals need for more action
Last month, research by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) revealed that more than half of students in higher professional education and at universities experience psychological complaints and emotional exhaustion, and that a quarter of them suffer from anhedonia (loss…
- Student Well-being Staff Symposium - Translating student well-being from vision into practice
Labour Participation Act
In the context of the Labour Participation Act, Leiden University employs persons with a disability. In this context, in 2016 we created an additional 16 FTEs for ‘labour participation employees’. For the next ten years, we hope to increase this by 6.3 fte per year.
Fenna on EUniWell: ‘Students can be involved in lots of different ways!’
EUniWell, the alliance of seven European universities committed to developing teaching and research relating to well-being, is celebrating its first anniversary. Law student Fenna van Haeften has been involved as a student representative right from the start. This October she went to Florence, where…
Internal vacancies
If you are an employee at the university and you are ready for the next step in your career, Leiden University offers a number of internal job openings. To qualify for an internal job opening, you must be an internal candidate.
Moving forward together with the personnel monitor: 'Make sure it’s not just a one-off conversation’
If you want to stay fit, you have to go to the gym regularly, and – hopefully - cleaning our teeth is something we do at least twice a day. So, why shouldn’t we keep on working on a safe and healthy work climate, HR Director Esther van Opstal asks in a conversation on where things stand now with the…
Health insurance
If you wish, you can take part in the collective health insurance scheme offered by Leiden University and Zorg en Zekerheid. This scheme offers a collective discount, for you and your family.
GROW interviews
The Performance & Development interview is changing to GROW: Conversations on Performance, Development and Well-being (Gesprekken over Resultaat, Ontwikkeling en Welzijn). The new GROW interviews offer an opportunity to speak openly with each other about your work, development and well-being.
Civil Servants (Normalisation of Legal Status) Act (WNRA)
The Civil Servants (Normalisation of Legal Status) Act (WNRA) provides that from 1 January 2020 civil servants will have the same legal status as public sector employees. The Act applies to people who work for a public employer, such as civil servants employed by the central government, municipal councils…
- Join the Leiden Canal Pride parade
Internal communication tools
An organisation the size of Leiden University requires careful internal communication.
Well-being moment for staff: Summer lunch walk
Lipsius Building
Northern side: During an evacuation, all employees and students gather at the coffee room 001 of the Mathias de Vrieshof. Southern side: During an evacuation, all employees and students gather at the coffee room 004 of the PN van Eyckhof.
Human Resources
Here you will find information about our HR policy. From salary scales to career guidance, and from confidential counsellors to various insurance (schemes) at an attractive discount.
When you hear the alarm, it is important to know what is expected of you. Below you will find the general instructions for employees. Also, you will find instructions for teachers on how to lead their students outside.
A call about: one year of EUniwell and what it can offer you
The European University for Well-Being (EUniWell), an alliance of seven European universities including Leiden University, is celebrating its first anniversary! All employees and students are invited to the online FestiWell event to celebrate this landmark together. Reason enough to call Melissa Koops,…
Ancillary activities
Many Leiden University employees engage in ancillary activities. The University stimulates such activities because we believe that the right place for a university is at the very heart of society. Ancillary activities bring together research, teaching and society. However, there are some limits on what…
Staff symposium on student well-being – A shared path to well-being: students and staff
Art project has students and lecturers reflecting on pressure to succeed
What does it mean to be the ‘perfect student’? This is the focus of the Perspectify exhibition, which was opened on 16 November by President of the Executive Board Annetje Ottow.
EUniWell Rectors meet in Leiden
The Rectors of the eight European EUniWell universities met in July in Leiden. During the meeting they discussed the future of this alliance that focuses on joint research and education in the area of health.
Referral options
If you’re unsure where to refer students to for well-being support, this page should help. It provides an overview of the support available at Leiden University.
Bringing students together
Connecting with the University and with one another directly contributes to students’ well-being. This page gives an overview of initiatives that promote this.
30% facility
The 30% facility is a tax measure for employees from abroad and employees sent abroad by the University. Under specific conditions the employer may provide a maximum of 30% of the salary for the first 20 months, 20% for the subsequent 20 months, and 10% for the last 20 months of your income in the form…
Teaching academic integrity
Within all bachelor’s and master’s programmes, depending on the type of programme, attention is paid to ensuring that academic research is carried out scrupulously. For each programme, this is done in a way that is appropriate for the discipline in question.
- FSW Code of Conduct
Online self-help for students
Leiden University offers students access to the platform MoodLift. The MoodLift programmes are an easy way for students to work on their mental health. There is also the platform Gezonde Boel which offers e-modules.
New staff
Are you about to start your new job at Leiden University? Or did you just start? Below we have summarised the most important information for new employees.
If you cycle to work, you can use the University’s bicycle racks or lockable bicycle sheds; to use a lockable shed, however, you need a bicycle pass. At some locations you can also borrow a staff bicycle.
Academic Writing for PhDs
Research, Communication
Social security and insurances
As an employee of Leiden University, you are eligible to take out various insurance (schemes) at an attractive discount. On this page, you will also find more information about pension and unemployment.
Recognition & Rewards: share your experiences in this national survey
During an evacuation, archeology employees and students gather at the Van Steenis Building car park.
Johan Huizinga Building
During evacuation all employees and students gather at the Arsenaal.
Arsenaal Building
During evacuation, all employees and students gather at the Arsenaal square.
Plexus student centre
During an evacuation, all employees and students gather at the courtyard.
Wijnhaven Building
During an evacuation, all employees and students gather at the square of the Turfmarkt.
Tools for a better work balance
The pages on the left of this screen offer valuable information, tips and strategies that you can use to optimise your work balance. After all, a healthy work balance not only improves your well-being, but also contributes to better professional performance.
Wijnhaven Building
During an evacuation, all employees and students gather at the Turfmarkt square.
During an evacuation, all employees and students gather in the hall of the Lipsius building.
Gravensteen Building
During an evacuation, employees and students of the Gravensteen Building gather at Rapenburg 70, Bestuursgebouw (oude UB).
During an evacuation, employees and students of the Academy Building, Gravensteen Building and the oude UB Building gather at the assembly points in the Rapenburg area.