400 search results for “executive board column” in the Staff website
The internal auditor appraises the effectiveness and reliability of the internal organisation of Leiden University. We work in close collaboration with an external auditor during the financial audit of project reports and the financial statement. The various audits provide a clear picture of what is…
Programming in Python
- News
Training course Leading from the middle
Management, Leadership
Script: Writing your text
The purpose of writing a script is to create a visually engaging storyline for the video. Depending on the extent of the video production, your text can be quite simple or written-out in detail. Filming in a studio or on location with a videomaker usually means you need to translate your story into…
Distribution of funds
Much of Leiden University’s income comes from the government and the tuition fee (first income stream). Each year the Executive Board distributes this income among the faculties and institutes. For the sake of transparency, the University applies the First Income Stream Allocation Model. Alongside being…
Honorary doctorates for Belgian virologist Marc van Ranst and German Arabist Beatrice Gründler
Leiden University is awarding an honorary doctorate to virologist Marc van Ranst. Van Ranst has been one of the main advisers of the Belgian government during the Covid pandemic. German Arabist Beatrice Gründler will also receive an honorary doctorate for her work in the field of Oriental Manuscript…
Annual Report
The Annual Report of Leiden University reports on its teaching, research, innovation, knowledge valorisation, infrastructure, staff and finances. It is the cornerstone of the planning and control process, and is a detailed financial statement on the policy that has been enacted.
Policy on Professorial Appointments
Our staff members, naturally including professors, are the cornerstone of our university. We set very high standards and expect them all, especially the professors, to possess recognised qualities in the areas of research and teaching, PhD supervision, academic leadership, integrity, maintaining international…
Prices and total cost price
When performing contract research or providing courses for a third party, you must charge a fee. This fee must be at least equal to the total cost price.
The Landscaping department manages, cares for and maintains all green spaces, road surfaces, waterways and ponds located on University grounds. The Landscaping department also performs work on request.
Travel to high-risk areas
If you want to travel for work to an area with a security risk country or area with the color code orange and/or red, you need prior permission from the university.
Personnel monitor Light 2021
The University believes it is important to provide you with a satisfying work environment. How do you feel about your career opportunities, the interaction with your colleagues and supervisors, and the work facilities at your disposal? We ask for your opinion via the personnel monitor. This survey guarantees…
Senior Teaching Qualification (SKO)
Are you a senior lecturer and do you play an active role in the university’s educational development and innovation? If so, you are eligible for the Senior Teaching Qualification (SKO). This qualification shows that you possess strong didactic and educational skills and that you contribute to the development…
What does the outline agreement mean for us?
The outline agreement proposed by the new cabinet will have serious consequences for higher education and research. If the plans go through, there will be significant cutbacks in our sector. We will keep you up to date with developments on this page.
Open Access
Through Open Access, research results from around the world are freely accessible to all. It is an incentive for exchanging and utilising knowledge and fresh insights between scientists, companies and social institutions. The Centre for Digital Scholarship at the University Library offers support with…
Annual Plan
An annual plan ensures that Planning & Control is embedded in the organisation. The plan states who provides what and when. This means that the right information is available at the right time, allowing for the proper financial management of the University.
Demonstrations can be used to show and explain a skill or procedure in a setting from practice, like a lab or (fictitious) courtroom.
University Elections
This year, there are elections for the student and staff sections of the University Council and the student section of all faculty councils. You decide who represents you to university management. What topics and viewpoints are important to you? By voting, you ultimately have a say in university policy.…
Working in a diverse environment
The more diverse a work environment is the more creative and innovative it will be. This in turn promotes quality of education and research, which is why Leiden University is committed to equal opportunities for each individual, whether these are opportunities for appointment, for promotion, or to optimally…
Other streams of income
Alongside the funds that the faculties receive from the Executive Board, they can obtain extra funds from other funding bodies for their teaching and research. These extra sources of income are termed the second and third income streams.
Framework Memorandum
The financial developments for the coming years are outlined in the Framework Memorandum. The Memorandum forms the basis of the Planning & Control cycle for each new year. Furthermore, it compares the expected income from the first income stream (government funding and the tuition fee) with the budgets…
Apply for up to €17.500 to foster collaboration with the University of Birmingham
Education, Organisation, Research
Course for (new) members of Leiden University boards of examiners
- FAQ Consultation
- Complaints committees
If you see something that doesn’t seem quite right, it’s important to report it to the confidential counsellor for malpractice. This could be excessive spending on a project, for example, or the improper use of a lab. The more we know, the more we can do about it. Your anonymity is guaranteed at all…
Code of Conduct on Integrity
Anyone who comes into contact with Leiden University should be able to trust that we will act with integrity. The Code of Conduct on Integrity describes how we can work together to ensure that this is the case, whether in relation to research, interactions with students, purchasing or the use of University…
Academic freedom Core Team
The academic freedom core team was established by Rector Magnificus Hester Bijl in the summer of 2022. It comprises five professors from five different faculties: Martine de Vries (LUMC), Frits van der Meer (FGGA), Sense Jan van der Molen (Science), Jannemieke Ouwerkerk (Law) and Herman Paul (Humanities).…
Quantitative Empirical Research Methods in Law
How to record with a video crew/in the studio
What do you need to record a knowledge clip in the studio? You can find below a checklist of the materials you need to bring to a studio recording. Keep in mind that this checklist depends on the kind of video you want to record. Always discuss the specifics for producing such a video with your video…
Role of the dean
The Dean is the most senior person in the faculty responsible for the smooth progress of PhD programmes. They are also the Dean of the Graduate School. In some faculties, the management of the Graduate School is delegated to another professor, who may or may not also be a member of the Faculty Board…
Background information on student well-being
To find out more about student well-being, check out the information below.
Guidelines for writing in English
Leiden University has a style guide to ensure consistency across all of its publications. It also has a Terminology List with the preferred translations of terms used within Leiden University and the academic world.
Career policy for academic staff
Leiden University wants to attract the best academics. What requirements does it set for new academic staff members? What requirements must you meet for a career in academia? Read more about our career policy for academic staff.
Minor programme
Leiden University gives its students the opportunity to assemble part of their programme themselves, which enables them to choose their own areas of emphasis. One way in which they can do this is to follow a minor, a coherent package of courses worth 30 credits.
Events Office: our portfolio
To give you some idea of the options, below are some examples of events that the Events Office has organised.
Joint solution for appointment of Vice-Rector of Organisational Development
A mediation meeting was held today between the University Council and the Executive Board about the appointment procedure for the Vice-Rector of Organisational Development, Erwin Muller. We have managed to resolve the dispute.
Education grants
An education grant may be available for collaboration with universities outside The Netherlands. This webpage contains information about the available grants, application procedures and where to look for help and advice.
Ionica Smeets wins Iris Medal 2023
The winner of this year’s Iris Medal for Excellent Science Communication is Professor of Science Communication Ionica Smeets.
What makes our university strong and distinctive? Let your voice be heard!
What sets Leiden University apart from other universities? And what research themes would you like us to showcase to the outside world? Share your ideas in our online consultation over the next two weeks.
Leiden University professor removed for extremely unacceptable behaviour
A professor from Leiden University has subjected various colleagues to intimidating and unacceptable behaviour for a longer period. These are the findings of an investigation carried out by the University’s independent Complaints Committee for Unacceptable Behaviour at the request of the Executive Board…
Work Balance in Action
Many people at the Faculty of Humanities engage in their work with great passion and enthusiasm. It is important that employees enjoy their work and create a healthy work balance. Work Balance in Action is intended to keep the theme of ‘work balance’ on the agenda. By engaging in dialogue around this…
National holidays and compulsory closures
The University has national holidays and compulsory closures. National holidays are not deducted from your vacation hours, whereas compulsory closures are.
Travel advice
If you are going on a business trip to a destination that poses health risks, you can make an appointment with the specialised nurses of the University. They can give you advice and indicate whether you will require any vaccinations or malaria medication.
Personal data: privacy and the GDPR
As an employee of Leiden University, you probably work with or come into contact with personal data. The concept of ‘personal data’ is core to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If you work with personal data, you must be able to explain clearly, comprehensively and in simple language how…
End Fossil occupation of Lipsius building
Members of the End Fossil climate action group, including students from Leiden University, have occupied two rooms in the Lipsius building at the Faculty of Humanities today (23 November 2023).
Corstens Commission concludes in report: no expressions of antisemitism
The Corstens Commission that investigated whether there are any grounds for the rumours of antisemitism at the Faculty of Law has found no indication whatsoever for such expressions. This also applies to the professor in question. This is evident from the report that the commission chaired by Professor…
- Support the protest against higher education cuts in Utrecht on 22 June
Carolien Metselaar to leave Leiden University