665 search results for “the hague” in the Staff website
A quick call with Ella Picavet on affordable period products
Many will add them to their shopping list without a second thought, but what if you don't have enough money to buy period products each month? The university has recently started providing packs of affordable sanitary pads and tampons in the SchoolSupply vending machines. ‘It's just like providing toilet…
Three Leiden students in the running for an ECHO Award
Three Leiden students are in the running for the annual ECHO Award. This prize is for students from non-Western backgrounds who are actively engaged in society and promote diversity and inclusion. The three Leiden nominees are Gnimdou Yaovi Assih, Husna Jalal and Sohana Jethnani.
Executive Board column: Participation keeps the Board on its toes
This week we can vote in the University elections. The University Council and faculty councils are incredibly important. During the fantastic seminar on 50 years of participation that the University Council recently held, our former Rector Carel Stolker aptly said: ‘Without participation, there would…
A quick call about Service Centre International Staff
The Service Centre International Staff supports and advises all international staff at Leiden University. Not just about things like immigration, accommodation, taxes, insurance and dual career, but also about the social side of things like feeling welcome and at home at Leiden University. SCIS’s recent…
A call about: Comenius programme
The new Comenius Calls have been published. You can use a Comenius grant for innovation projects that help improve higher education. Associate Professor David Ehrhardt from Leiden University College (LUC) in The Hague received a Comenius grant in 2020 and is now implementing his Comenius teaching project…
Collaboration with Leiden University: Rector of College of Europe visits
Frederica Mogherini, Rector of the College of Europe, visited Campus The Hague on 23 November for the official launch of the Europe Hub. This new interdisciplinary platform for research and teaching at Leiden University focuses on the social and governance challenges facing Europe.
For Ayo Adedokun, gratitude prevails: 'Happy with national recognition for my passion in teaching'
Ayo Adedokun, Assistant Professor at Leiden University College The Hague (LUC), was one of the four finalists for the National Teacher of the Year Prize for 2022. The National Prize is an annual event organized by the Dutch National Students Association (Interstedelijk Studenten Overleg, ISO), and the…
What we are doing to ensure our students and staff can work and study safely
In the last few days, reports have appeared in the media about security in our buildings. These have raised questions and caused concern. This is to inform you as best we can about the security of our students, staff and visitors, in response to this media coverage. We fully understand there is a need…
Whale poop reveals plastics problem: three million microplastics per day
Whales in the vicinity of the city of Auckland, New Zealand consume large amounts of microplastics every day. A team of international researchers reached this conclusion after carefully examining whale poop. The team included Thijs Bosker, Associate Professor in Environmental Sciences at Leiden University…
Wopke Hoekstra in gesprek met studenten over de NAVO-top
Wopke Hoekstra, outgoing Minister of Foreign Affairs visited Campus The Hague on 6 July to talk to students about the upcoming NATO summit in Vilnius.
White paper: we can’t just let smart cities happen
In a new Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities white paper, researchers and practitioners start the conversation that society desperately needs to have. ‘We’ve outsourced the visionary thinking to tech companies.’
Well-being moment for staff: Spring lunch walk
Lunch walk
The EU’s “Geopolitical Awakening”: Beyond Trade and Defence
Public Panel
Summer School 'The European Union, the United Nations and Global Governance'
Course, Summer School
Ethics of Political Commemoration: Applying a New Paradigm to Remembrance
- Media Outreach Training for Young Researchers in the field of Climate and Energy
Cancelled: Europe Debate
Summer School 'The European Union, the United Nations and Global Governance'
Course, Summer School
Fireside Peace Chat with Arnold Stepanyan
Debate, Fireside Peace Chats
Well-being moment for staff: Summer lunch walk
2023 Conference on International Cyber Security: War and Peace. Conflict, Behaviour and Diplomacy in Cyberspace
Blue Monday: buddy workouts
Sports activity
Public installation & meme battle on anti-Asian racism
Meme battle
Inclusive Peace in Ukraine
Debate, Panel Discussion
Global Transformations and Governance Challenges (GTGC) Conference 2023
War in Europe
Life after Security Studies: five alumni share their thoughts about the bachelor programme
Five students who graduated from the Bachelor Security Studies share their experiences. Where did they end up after graduation? Are they still using the skills they gained during their studies?
Tailoring support for refugee students: ‘They are amazed at the number of options’
Many people have fled to the Netherlands since the outbreak of war in Ukraine, including students. But even before this war, students with refugee backgrounds were eager to study at Leiden University. How does the University help young people from various backgrounds find their way around the Dutch…
- Week of Indonesia-Netherlands Education and Research (WINNER)
SAILS x GTGC Roundtable on AI & Governance
KVS New Paper Sessions 2023
Public Leadership in the Digital Age
- TEDxLeidenUniversity Pitch Night
2022 Conference on International Cyber Security: Navigating Narratives in Cyberspace
In gesprek met Minister Hanke Bruins Slot
Boekpresentatie 'Publiek management'
Ethics of Political Commemoration: Applying a New Paradigm to Remembrance
Well-Being Moment: Workshop – Meditation for beginners
How to Work for Peace: A Dialogue with Dionysius Mintoff, the ‘Father of Peace’
Debate, Fireside Peace Chats
The 2024 European Parliament election: what’s at stake?
Political Economy and Public Policy Talk: Juliana Chueri (VU Amsterdam): Evaluating the Political Power of Platform Companies
Lecture, Talks
Faculty Council FGGA: meet the student members
Public leadership in a wider perspective: ‘Leadership is for everyone’
The field of leadership suffers from ‘adjectivism’, says Professor Ben Kuipers. He immediately caveats this by saying that he too is going furnish the word leadership with an adjective: ‘Public’. But the goal here is to view leadership in a different light in his new role as Professor of Public Lead…
Historian Ronald Kroeze: 'We must view political integrity from a historical perspective'
The democratic rule of law is under pressure due to a series of scandals and integrity issues, as seen in the recent parliamentary inquiries. Professor Ronald Kroeze explains: 'Public office holders are expected to show complete dedication, but that norm is quite absolute, and what we mean by it is…
Executive Board column: interdisciplinary collaboration, from suspicion to snowball effect
How is interdisciplinary collaboration faring at Leiden University? And has disciplinarity been completely abandoned? I’d like to reflect on some concerns among colleagues and on our plans for the future.
A call about: the national university funds campaign
Various thought-provoking questions have been appearing online and in print adverts. They are part of a national university funds campaign in which the Leiden University Fund (LUF) is also participating. We wanted to find out more, so we called LUF Director, Lilian Visscher.
Cybercrime: who is the perpetrator?
There is no such thing as the quintessential cybercriminal. It can be a Russian gang or the boy next door. What we do know is that cybercrime is an enduring societal problem that can affect every one of us. ‘We do not know enough about the criminals’, says Professor of Governing Cybercrime Rutger Le…
Consultation Meeting Faculty Council and Faculty Board 21 June: Determination OER
De faculteitsraad is het medezeggenschapsorgaan van de faculteit. De raad fungeert als de vertegenwoordiger van studenten en personeel, en als klankbord voor het faculteitsbestuur. De overlegvergaderingen tussen de faculteitsraad en het faculteitsbestuur zijn openbaar en vinden ongeveer om de zes…
Academic and non-academic staff do an exchange: ‘We don’t know enough about each other’s worlds’
At a work meal HR Policy Adviser Petra Boerlage and Associate Professor Robert Stein got talking about the ‘worlds’ of academic and support staff: are they really that different, they wondered. And wouldn’t it be good if staff knew more about each other? The two put their money where their mouths are…
Augustinus receives first Student Well-being Award
A growing number of student organisations are focusing attention on the mental, social and physical well-being of their members. This year, the first Student Well-being Award was therefore presented at the annual reception for new student association board members (’omgekeerde constitutieborrel’) in…