472 search results for “vice-chairman executive board” in the Staff website
Meet the new Board Secretaries at Archaeology: ‘This is the game I want to play a role in’
With the departure of Janneke Mulders as Board Secretary of the Faculty of Archaeology, Hilde Adriaenssens has been enlisted as an interim until the new Secretary, Mischa Hautvast, starts in January. We sat down with both to get a clear picture of their activities and backgrounds.
Intensive Leiden collaboration on ICT for research
Leiden University and the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) have signed an agreement on ICT for research. This is the further concretisation of previous cooperation between the two.
Henk-Jan Guchelaar temporary member of LUMC Board of Directors and interim Dean of the Faculty of Medicine
Dialogue and experimentation to embed Recognition and Rewards within the whole University
A culture change is needed within the University in the area of Recognition and Rewards, and a start can now be made on bringing about that change. The Recognition and Rewards steering group has published a change vision and recommendations people can start to work with. Their advice has been welcomed…
Getting people on board with the energy transition: ‘Times of crisis can help’
The gas prices now exceed 300 euros per megawatt hour – a record. The transition from fossil (natural gas, coal, oil) to renewable energy is needed and soon. But how do you get a society (and its citizens) to switch to sustainable energy?
Registering new programmes
If you have an idea for a new degree programme, be aware that the registration procedure is complex and time-consuming. Your faculty, the Executive Board, the Efficiency Committee for Higher Education (CDHO) and the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO) must all approve.
A real professor in the classroom
It’s starting to become a real Dies Natalis tradition: on 8 February professors from Leiden University teach a class at primary schools in the region. This introduces children to academia and teaches them more about conducting research. ‘Had you expected me to be a woman?’
300 million euros for new international stem cell consortium
The Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), the Danstem Institute from the University of Copenhagen and the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in Melbourne have received 300m euros from the Novo Nordisk foundation. The aim of this new international consortium is to bring stem-cell based therapies…
New entrance, new allure: Gorlaus Building officially completed
The Faculty of Science has gained an extra 30,000 square metres: Thursday 25 January marked the completion of the new Gorlaeus Building. In this second phase of the project, the Gorlaeus Building has acquired a new main entrance on Rosalind Franklinplein with a striking facade. The new space will be…
Brand-new Ehrenfest car park at LBSP is a breath of fresh air
The new Ehrenfest multi-storey car park at the heart of the Leiden Bio Science Park was opened today by the Vice-Chairman of the Executive Board of Leiden University, Martijn Ridderbos. The car park, an initiative of the University, should improve accessibility and quality of life on the campus.
Budget report
The Budget report is issued every four months and gives an overview of the financial results of the University as a whole and of the individual units. This provides information about our results and helps us maintain financial control.
What is the financial position of the University? The budget is where you can read about the University’s financial results and forecasts. It is adopted by the Executive Board and approved by the Board of Governors.
Leiden University and Oegstgeest to build affordable green housing
Leiden University is seeking bids from developers for housing in Nieuw Rhijngeest-Zuid, the Oegstgeest part of the Leiden Bio Science Park.
Symposium on technology and privacy should offer new insights
Video conferencing from your sitting room and algorithms on social media that know your interests: new technology is an increasingly integral part of our lives. At the same time there is a growing call to protect our privacy, and this is causing friction, at the University too. In part because of the…
Student and staff representation in challenging times: ‘We need each other more than ever’
The bodies representing student and staff interests met at the start of the academic year for a day of training. New and familiar faces had come together to learn more about their role as council members and meet the Executive Board − and each other.
Privacy Service Point
The Privacy Service Point is responsible for the application of and compliance with privacy legislation.
State Secretary Gräper visits to discuss cultural heritage and opening up collections
How should we address our colonial heritage? And how digital and accessible are our collections? Outgoing State Secretary Fleur Gräper spoke with researchers and heritage specialists about this on 25 January.
Leiden Register of Programmes
The Leiden Register of Programmes lists all degree programmes that the University offers. The Executive Board is responsible for these programmes. There are two sections to the Register. The first section comprises a framework document that describes the nature of the teaching at Leiden University…
Marjet de Ruyter
Faculteit Archeologie
m.h.de.ruyter@arch.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272384
The internal auditor appraises the effectiveness and reliability of the internal organisation of Leiden University. We work in close collaboration with an external auditor during the financial audit of project reports and the financial statement. The various audits provide a clear picture of what is…
Training course Leading from the middle
Management, Leadership
Honorary doctorates for Belgian virologist Marc van Ranst and German Arabist Beatrice Gründler
Leiden University is awarding an honorary doctorate to virologist Marc van Ranst. Van Ranst has been one of the main advisers of the Belgian government during the Covid pandemic. German Arabist Beatrice Gründler will also receive an honorary doctorate for her work in the field of Oriental Manuscript…
Distribution of funds
Much of Leiden University’s income comes from the government and the tuition fee (first income stream). Each year the Executive Board distributes this income among the faculties and institutes. For the sake of transparency, the University applies the First Income Stream Allocation Model. Alongside being…
What does the outline agreement mean for us?
The outline agreement proposed by the new cabinet will have serious consequences for higher education and research. If the plans go through, there will be significant cutbacks in our sector. We will keep you up to date with developments on this page.
Programming in Python
Policy on Professorial Appointments
Our staff members, naturally including professors, are the cornerstone of our university. We set very high standards and expect them all, especially the professors, to possess recognised qualities in the areas of research and teaching, PhD supervision, academic leadership, integrity, maintaining international…
Prices and total cost price
When performing contract research or providing courses for a third party, you must charge a fee. This fee must be at least equal to the total cost price.
The Landscaping department manages, cares for and maintains all green spaces, road surfaces, waterways and ponds located on University grounds. The Landscaping department also performs work on request.
Annual Report
The Annual Report of Leiden University reports on its teaching, research, innovation, knowledge valorisation, infrastructure, staff and finances. It is the cornerstone of the planning and control process, and is a detailed financial statement on the policy that has been enacted.
Privacy policy and procedures
The protection of data is the responsibility of all of us. The university observes a privacy policy for the purpose of protecting personal data as effectively as possible. An overview of the procedures can be found below.
Hester Bijl
College van Bestuur
h.bijl@cvb.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3057
Travel to high-risk areas
If you want to travel for work to an area with a security risk country or area with the color code orange and/or red, you need prior permission from the university.
Dies Natalis
University ceremony
Live blog: Alternative demonstrations in Leiden and The Hague against government cuts
Alternative demonstrations were held in Leiden and The Hague on Thursday 14 November after the national protest in Utrecht was cancelled. Leiden University supports these protests, which were organised by WOinActie. Read our live blog of the demonstrations.
- News
New research to get young people back into reading for pleasure
Young people are more likely to find long texts unappealing to read, particularly with all the digital distractions. To improve young people’s reading skills, Elise Swart and Hannah De Mulder are starting an innovative study to make reading fun again.
Fieldwork pre-departure meeting Archaeology
To ensure the safe and solid fieldwork season, the faculty board requests your participation in a fieldwork pre-departure meeting on November the 2nd, from 15:30 to 17:00 in room E00.3A of the Van Steenis building. Please note that participation in a fieldwork pre-departure meeting is compulsory for…
Other streams of income
Alongside the funds that the faculties receive from the Executive Board, they can obtain extra funds from other funding bodies for their teaching and research. These extra sources of income are termed the second and third income streams.
Framework Memorandum
The financial developments for the coming years are outlined in the Framework Memorandum. The Memorandum forms the basis of the Planning & Control cycle for each new year. Furthermore, it compares the expected income from the first income stream (government funding and the tuition fee) with the budgets…
Open Access
Through Open Access, research results from around the world are freely accessible to all. It is an incentive for exchanging and utilising knowledge and fresh insights between scientists, companies and social institutions. The Centre for Digital Scholarship at the University Library offers support with…
Annual Plan
An annual plan ensures that Planning & Control is embedded in the organisation. The plan states who provides what and when. This means that the right information is available at the right time, allowing for the proper financial management of the University.
Demonstrations can be used to show and explain a skill or procedure in a setting from practice, like a lab or (fictitious) courtroom.
Working in a diverse environment
The more diverse a work environment is the more creative and innovative it will be. This in turn promotes quality of education and research, which is why Leiden University is committed to equal opportunities for each individual, whether these are opportunities for appointment, for promotion, or to optimally…
University Elections
This year, there are elections for the student and staff sections of the University Council and the student section of all faculty councils. You decide who represents you to university management. What topics and viewpoints are important to you? By voting, you ultimately have a say in university policy.…
Course for (new) members of Leiden University boards of examiners
What will this new interview cycle do for me? And four other questions about GROW
The announcement was made shortly before the summer break: from 1 September the annual Performance & Development (P&D) interview will have a new format and also a new name. The P&D interview will be changing to GROW (Gesprekken over Resultaat, Ontwikkeling en Welzijn): Conversations on Performance,…
Sandra Brautigam
ICT Shared Service Centre
s.brautigam@issc.leidenuniv.nl |
Christopher Gallacher
Faculty of Humanities
c.j.gallacher@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Rivka Nasyatul Addawiyah
Faculty of Humanities
r.n.addawiyah@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Cicely Hodge
Faculty of Humanities
c.c.hodge@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727