Universiteit Leiden

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Risk Inventory and Evaluation

A safe and healthy work environment begins with identifying risks. A risk inventory and evaluation (RI&E) maps these risks per faculty, institute, service or department. In addition to an inventory and evaluation of risks, an RI&E also contains an action plan. This allows us to reduce risks and bottlenecks.

Priorities in the investigation

An RI&E investigates all health and safety risks. The most important risks at Leiden University include

  • Physical circumstances, such as screen work or lifting heavy objects
  • Psycho-social circumstances, such as workload, intimidation or bullying at work
  • Dealing with biological and hazardous substances

The investigation procedure

We apply the following guidelines when conducting an RI&E investigation:

  • The investigation takes place at least once every five years.
  • In the event of changes in the organisation, building renovations and changes in the primary process, we conduct a new or additional investigation.
  • The organisational unit is responsible for conducting its own RI&E, in cooperation with the prevention officers and in consultation with the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE/VGM) department.
  • The RI&E is concluded with a written report.
  • The Health, Safety and Environment (HSE/VGM) department makes sure the RI&E is reliable and complete and whether or not recent findings regarding working conditions are incorporated.
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