Educational design
Here you will find information about educational design, focusing on faculty resources and support. Do you want to share more useful resources about educational design? Email your suggestions to
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Roadmap for education design
Step 1.
Map the context of the course/educational component. You will learn about the context of the course or educational component you will be designing by delving into the educational vision(s), the place of the course/component within the curriculum and its level, and the student population that will be taking this course/component.
- Read up: use the university vision on teaching and learning, the faculty Vision and Strategy Plan 2022-2027, and the faculty Vision for Blended Education - to guide content, learning environment and format of work.
- Evaluate target group: what are the important characteristics of the students taking the course? How can this be properly addressed?
Step 2.
Formulate clear and measurable learning goals (for example, using Bloom's taxonomy and/or the learning objective generator).
Step 3.
Ensure constructive alignment: choose your forms of work and assessment based on the stated learning objectives. Check out these links for inspiration.
Step 4.
Shape the practical organization of the course/educational component: create a Brightspace page, pay attention to scheduling and study guide, request weblectures, etc.