Submit proposals for the NWO Open Science Fund
Leiden University encourages university staff to submit proposals for the second round of the Open Science fund at NWO.
The description shows that it is mainly intended for project proposals aimed at the further development of open science in fields or disciplines where this is not yet the norm, or projects that promote open science in a large group or community. Additionally, this call for proposals is also intended for project proposals that promote cooperation between different organisations and disciplines, and between academic and support staff.
The Open Science Fund is open to researchers from all scientific fields. In the first round, 6 (co-)applications from Leiden were accepted (out of the 26 applications awarded funding), including the Journal Observatory. More applications can be accepted for the second call. Researchers are encouraged to submit proposals together with other disciplines and support services, such as the Centre for Digital Scholarship (CDS) or the Citizen Science Lab. Here, experts work on supporting researchers in the field of Open Access, FAIR research data management and software (CDS), and Citizen Science.
For questions or advice, please do not hesitate to contact Karlijn Hermans, Open Science coordinator.