All university locations and buildings are monitored and fitted with cameras. Read on to find out where to get advice about security for a building, person or event that may be at higher risk.
All university buildings are monitored. Outside office hours, this is carried out by an external company.
Video surveillance
There are cameras and video recorders at all sites and in all buildings belonging to Leiden University. Stickers and signs let you know where this is the case.
We take great care when processing this footage. The Dutch Data Protection Authority website (Dutch only) contains more information about how we protect personal data when using, storing and processing the images, or see our privacy notice video surveillance.
Reporting an incident
If you witness a threatening situation, theft or damage, it is important that you report it. There are different reporting procedures depending on whether the incident takes place during office hours, outside office hours or in an emergency situation. Click here to find the appropriate contact details.
Leo Harskamp and Jaap van Zaanen are available for:
- Advice on how to act in threatening situations.
- Advice about security for a university event that carries potential risks (VIPs, political events, large numbers of visitors).
- Questions regarding physical safety or unsafe situations.
- Reporting (potential) incidents.
- Business trips to orange or red zones.
- Questions about video surveillance.