Minors in AI, Data & Digitialisation in Delft, Leiden and Rotterdam
The universities of Delft, Leiden and Rotterdam are working together to show their students what artificial intelligence (AI) means for their own field. Three AI minors will start in the 2022 – 2023 academic year and will answer questions such as: ‘How best can you use AI in your research discipline?’ and ‘What are the legal and ethical consequences of AI?’
Artificial intelligence minors
Each minor has different requirements, is designed for a specific target group with a specific learning demand and uses different teaching methods. Students from different disciplines are brought together in each minor, making it possible to think about AI-related issues from various perspectives. The Leiden University and Erasmus University Rotterdam minors are open to students from all three universities. The TU Delft minor is currently only open to TU Delft students because of the final project (which takes place in their own domain). From the year 2023 – 2024, this minor will also be open to students from Leiden and Rotterdam. The three minors are:
AI and Society (Leiden University - 30 EC)
In the AI and Society minor in Leiden you immerse yourself in courses that link the technical features of AI to law, data privacy, governance and ethics, and then integrate this into work on a case study. Joost Batenburg, Professor of Imaging & Visualisation and program director of SAILS: ‘In the AI and Society minor, you learn how to responsibly use the opportunities that AI systems offer for society.’ More information about this minor.
Engineering with AI (TU Delft - 30 EC)
In the Engineering with AI minor you work on building AI solutions and finish the minor with a project where you apply AI in your own domain. Andy Zaidman, Professor of Software Engineering and programme director for this minor at TU Delft: ‘Seeing the potential of AI for your engineering discipline, and understanding the ethical consequences of applying AI – that is what the Engineering with AI minor is about.’ More information about this minor.
AI in Society (Erasmus University Rotterdam - 15 EC)
In the AI in Society minor you participate in an active learning process with case studies and are introduced to different AI perspectives. Evert Stamhuis, Professor of Law and Innovation and initiator of this minor at Erasmus University Rotterdam: ‘In this minor you not only take a critical look at AI applications but also anticipate them based on concrete cases.’ More information about this minor.
AI-Convergence: collaboration in education
De nieuwe minoren zijn mogelijk gemaakt vanuit de samenwerking tussen de universiteiten van Leiden, Delft en Rotterdam, die twee jaar geleden is gestart onder de naam AI-Convergence. De samenwerking heeft een boost gegeven aan het onderwijs met een grootschalig educatief programma dat als optie wordt aangeboden aan alle 85.000 studenten in alle takken van wetenschap, om hun kennis en vaardigheden te versterken op het gebied van AI, Data en Digitalisatie. Dit onderwijsaanbod wordt nu verder ontwikkeld en opgeschaald.
The new minors have come about through the collaboration between the universities of Delft, Leiden and Rotterdam, which started two years ago under the name ‘AI-Convergence’. This collaboration has boosted the teaching with a large-scale educational programme that is offered to all 85,000 students across all branches of science. It is designed to strengthen their knowledge and skills in the areas of AI, Data and Digitalisation. The educational offering is now being further developed and scaled up. Read more about this collaboration.
AI education in Leiden
Leiden University offers a wide range of courses in the field of Artificial Intelligence, spread over various faculties. For example, the LIACS offers the minor Data Science & Artificial Intelligence.