A new role for the lab coordinator
With the new SSH labs and their organisation, the lab coordinators will also fulfill a new role. An interfaculty workgroup -consisting of staff from Psychology, Pedagogical Sciences, Humanities and SOLO - is currently discussing the new role of the lab coordinators, and how the lab coordinators can best work together with the central lab manager to facilitate all researchers.
To achieve the goals of the SSH labs and promote interdisciplinary collaboration as well as better use of available resources, the employment of all SSH labs will be coordinated centrally by the new SSH lab manager Maureen Meekel (SOLO). The use of the new labs in the Sylvius building are already centrally coordinated by this SSH lab manager.
The renovation of the labs in the Pieter de la Court building is planned to start in the summer of 2024, and after this renovation these labs will also be coordinated by the SSH lab manager rather than the lab coordinator.
With the new SSH labs and their organisation, the lab coordinators will also fulfill a new role. For instance, the lab coordinators will focus less on administrative duties, but more on giving advice on research equipment and setups, and will facilitate communication between the researchers, the lab manager and SOLO.
Erik de Kwaadsteniet (lab coordinator of the unit of Social, Economic and Organisation Psychology): 'We are now in the middle of the redesign process and are preparing an initial document that states the new role of the lab coordinators and how they should work together with the new lab manager and SOLO. This is a completely different situation now that lab planning is being centralised. We are trying to make sure that the transition to the SSH labs will be a smooth as possible.'
In case you have questions about this transition, please reach out to your lab coordinator.