5 search results for “citizen participation” in the Staff website
Rigtje Passchier
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
r.passchier@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9400
Using online platforms for citizen participation: Not a magic cure for inclusivity
You may have noticed this happening more often: your municipality sends you an online questionnaire to find out your opinion on the renovation of a certain area or the design plans for a new district. But how inclusive are these online platforms where citizens can participate in decisions on government…
Ton van Gestel
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
a.f.j.c.van.gestel@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9589
Een permanent burgerberaad, de missing link in de Nederlandse politiek
Landen om ons heen laten zien: als burgers mogen meedenken, komt er beweging in vastgelopen politieke discussies. Zou een dergelijke derde kamer ook de oplossing kunnen zijn voor Nederland, waar samenleving en overheid elkaar steeds verder uit het oog lijken te verliezen?
‘Europe actually listens’: three Leiden political scientists about the responsiveness and effectiveness of EU policy
The image of the European Union (EU) as a remote law-making machine is widespread. Quite often journalists and politicians deliberately depict ‘Brussels’ as bureaucratic, even undemocratic, bypassing its citizens. And many of us buy into that image. Nikoleta Yordanova, Anastasia Ershova and Aleksandra…