4 search results for “disease prevention” in the Staff website
Jyothi Thrivikraman
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
j.k.thrivikraman@luc.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9500
Treatment before patients develop rheumatism provides lasting relief
Early treatment benefits patients who have not fully developed rheumatoid arthritis but are in the preliminary stages of the disease. This is what researchers from the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) have reported in The Lancet. Patients in the pre-arthritis stage who were temporarily prescribed…
'Migraine requires a gender-specific approach'
Migraine is a brain disease. If it were simple, we would have solved it already'. That is the title of the inaugural lecture delivered by Professor of Neurology Gisela Terwindt on Friday 3 June. In her speech she emphasises the importance of research into the differences between women and men with m…
Behavioural expertise needed for lifestyle change
The importance of a healthy lifestyle does not receive the attention it deserves, as the coronavirus pandemic made painfully clear. Twelve behavioural scientists, including Professor Behavioral Interventions in Population Health Management Marieke Adriaanse and Professor of Health Psychology Andrea…