121 search results for “decolonization” in the Public website
Inaugural lecture: Open the treasure room and decolonize the museum
The treasure houses of Leiden's University Library and Naturalis house wonderful historical collections with dried plants and botanical drawings. Tinde van Andel, extraordinary professor of History of botany and gardens, studies these collections.
Empire's Violent End. Comparing Dutch, British, and French Wars of Decolonization, 1945-1962
In the last two decades, there have been heated public and scholarly debates in France, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands on the violent end of empire. Nevertheless, the broader comparative investigations into colonial counterinsurgency tend to leave atrocities such as torture, execution, and…
Practicing Decoloniality in Museums: A Guide with Global Examples
The cry for decolonization has echoed throughout the museum world. Although perhaps most audibly heard in the case of ethnographic museums, many different types of museums have felt the need to engage in decolonial practices. Amidst those who have argued that an institution as deeply colonial as the…
Klaas van Walraven
k.van.walraven@asc.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3362
Challenging the Liberal World Order: The History of the Global South, Decolonization and the United Nations, 1955-2000
On 8 and 9 May 2018 the Workshop 'Challenging the Liberal World Order: The History of the Global South, Decolonization and the United Nations, 1955-2000' takes place at Leiden University.
The diplomacy of decolonisation. America, Britain and the United Nations during the Congo crisis 1960-1964
The book reinterprets the role of the UN during the Congo crisis from 1960 to 1964, presenting a multidimensional view of the organisation.
Fransiskus Widiyarso
Faculty of Humanities
f.x.widiyarso@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2171
IPSA RC31 Conference, Decolonizing Western Political Philosophy
Carolien Stolte
Faculty of Humanities
c.m.stolte@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7308
Alanna O'Malley
Faculty of Humanities
a.m.omalley@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2785
Eurafrica: African perspectives, 1917-1970s
How did African actors engage with the idea of Eurafrica?
Research Programme Colonial and Global History
The Colonial and Global History Research Programme of the Leiden University Institute for History combines a deep curiosity of transcultural processes such as imperialism, (de)colonization, and globalization with critical historical research on regional societies in Africa, Asia, and the Americas.
Memory Contested, Locality Transformed
Representing Japanese Colonial 'Heritage' in Taiwan
Lecturer and students taking action: 'Anton de Kom deserves a statue in The Hague’
Why doesn't the Surinamese resistance hero and independence fighter Anton de Kom have a memorial site in his former hometown, The Hague, while there are streets named after colonial leaders? The students of university lecturer Anne Marieke Van der Wal-Rémy are committed to the erection of a statue.
Ñuhun Ñuu Savi: Land and language as cultural heritage of the People of the Rain
The research focuses on the understanding of symbolic stratigraphy of the land (through time) from the worldview of the People of the Rain (one of the Indigenous Peoples of southern Mexico), by studying contemporary cultural heritage in communities of the Mixtec Highlands.
Field Labs: Testing Intersectional Approaches to Inclusive Actions
Subproject of the NWO Smart Culture Grant research project 'The Critical Visitor'.
The Future of the Dutch Colonial Past: Curating Heritage, Art and Activism
This book provides an overview of critical scholarly reflections on the history of Dutch slavery and colonization, as well as how this translates into critical cultural practices.
About this minor
Everything you need to know about the minor Cultural Memory of War and Conflict.
Southern Crossings: Indian activists and the Afro-Asian movement in the early Cold War era
Southern Crossings: Indian activists and the Afro-Asian movement in the early Cold War era
Newly appointed Art History professor, Minna Valjakka: 'Art teaches us more than you may think'
On 1 January Minna Valjakka was appointed Professor of Contemporary Art History and Theory from a Global Perspective. Valjakka sees her appointment as 'extremely topical' because of the discussions about the decolonisation of the arts: 'Art teaches us not just about art, but also about contemporary…
Anne-Isabelle Richard
Faculty of Humanities
a.i.richard@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1399
Liesbeth Rosen Jacobson
Faculty of Humanities
e.w.rosen.jacobson@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1293
Decolonizing and Deconstructing National Historical Frameworks: From the Comparative to the transnational turn in History
Lecture, Brown-bag Seminar
From Disappearance to the End Game: Reflecting on the Politics of Decolonization in Hong Kong
Lecture, China Seminar
Diversity Research Cluster
The CADS Research Cluster People, Power and Diversity aims to further theoretical and methodological debates on the classifications of human difference, such as gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, class, age, ability, religion, level of development, time, etc., and the way these classifications organize…
Time and persistence
Contemporary Maya Calendars
- Topical Issues in Museums
Tiempo, Paisaje y Líneas de Vida en la Arqueología de Ñuu Savi
This work focuses on the interpretation of the archaeological remains of the Mixtec culture in Southern Mexico on the basis of the knowledge, perceptions, economy and worldview of contemporary descendant communities.
The League Against Imperialism: Lives and Afterlives
The League Against Imperialism: Lives and Afterlives explores the dramatic and engaging story of a global institution that brought together activists across geographical and political borders for the goal of eradicating colonial rule worldwide.
The Lives Of Cold War Afro-Asianism
The Afro-Asianism of the early Cold War has long remained buried under the narrative of Bandung, homogenising and subverting the different visions of post-colonial worldmaking that co-existed alongside the Bandung project.
From closed museum spaces to inclusive cultural meeting points
As museums face more scrutiny and are being demanded to decolonize, there are opportunities for Dominican museums to adopt a critical perspective and turn their collections and exhibitions into connections to our cultural past, present, and future.
Arabic and its Alternatives
Arabic and its Alternatives discusses the complicated relationships between language, religion and communal identities in the Middle East in the period following the First World War.
Decolonising the history of Africa was a difficult process
With the aid of the General History of Africa (GHA) series of books, PhD candidate Larissa Schulte Nordholt researched what it meant to decolonise the history of Africa. This proved to be a tricky process, which was hampered by politics and lack of funding. PhD defence on 1 December.
The road to drain or gain: Dutch private investment and economic development in late colonial and early independent Indonesia
On 20 September 2023 Mark van de Water successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Return to the Interactive Past. The Interplay of Video Games and Histories
A defining fixture of our contemporary world, video games offer a rich spectrum of engagements with the past.
Beyond the Pale: Dutch Extreme Violence in the Indonesian War of Independence, 1945-1949
On 17 August 1945, two days after the Japanese surrender that also brought an end to the Second World War in Asia, Indonesia declared its independence. The declaration was not recognized by the Netherlands, which resorted to force in its attempt to take control of the inevitable process of decolonization.…
CANTOS DA FLORESTA (FOREST SONGS) - Exchanging and Sharing Indigenous Music in Brazil
How is it possible to play a song that is part of the rituals of other people? How to transpose an idea to the stage while maintaining respect for indigenous communities? Are these performances a way of throwing light on these indigenous communities looking for a strategy of decolonization? How is it…
About this minor
In this minor, you will learn about the structure, working methods, and the analysis techniques used by intelligence and security agencies in the Western world.
You can find an overview of events organized by the Platform for Post-Colonial Readings below.
Afro-Asian Visions – Blog launch
The new blog Afro-Asian Visions showcases new and ongoing research on Afro-Asian interactions through networks of artists, intellectuals, technical experts, and activists. It is designed as an online magazine.
Gerda Henkel grant to dr. Alanna O'Malley
Dr. Alanna O’Malley, from the Institute for History, has been awarded a research grant of €12,000 from the Gerda Henkel Foundation, based in Dusseldorf, Germany. The Foundation supports scientific projects in the field of humanities that have a specialist scope and are limited in time. Dr. O’Malley’s…
Gert Oostindie
Faculty of Humanities
g.j.oostindie@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
4.1 million for study on Dutch East Indies war of decolonisation
Three Dutch research institutes - including the Leiden University’s KITLV - will conduct a follow-up study on the use of violence during the Dutch East Indies war of decolonisation (1945 – 1950). The government has designated 4.1 million Euros for this study.
Carolien Stolte awarded Veni grant
Carolien Stolte lectures at the Institute for History within the Faculty of Humanities in Leiden. She intends to use her Veni grant to research the international networks of Indian activists during the period of decolonisation. We spoke to Carolien about her reaction.
CompaRe aims to conduct and stimulate research on comparative regional integration in Europa, Asia, Africa and Latin-America. To this end, CompaRe organizes conferences and workshops, and CompaRe members contribute to conferences, research papers, publications and reports on comparative regional…
Women’s Involvement in the Leftist Guerrilla Movements in Iran and Turkey during the 1960s and 1970s
This project compares and contrasts how and why several Turkish and Iranian women were compelled to participate in leftist guerilla movements in the 1960s and 1970s.
Articulating Modernity: The Making of Popular Music in 20th Century Southeast Asia and the Rise of New Audiences.
Who were the main artists and producers who generated new forms of popular music? What was the music like that was produced by artists in particular urban settings? How were particular lifestyles articulated to identify new audiences and what does this reveal about the way popular music contributed…
Diversity and inclusion policy research - Leiden University
Diversity and inclusion are core values of Leiden University. Leiden University has committed itself to a policy that aims to become an inclusive community which enables all students and staff to feel valued and respected, and to develop their full potential. The Diversity & Inclusion Expertise Office…
After Orientalism
Critical Perspectives on Western Agency and Eastern Re-appropriations
'social Subjecthood?’ the Inclusion of Imperial Citizens in the Dutch Post-War Welfare State
Emily Wolff, PhD candidate at Leiden University, wrote a paper about the inclusion of imperial citizens in the Dutch post-war welfare state.