396 search results for “museum” in the Student website
Theatres and museums
In the centre of Leiden there are thirteen museums, all within walking distance of each other. Leiden is also home to the oldest theatre in the Netherlands, the Leidse Schouwburg. The Hague on the other hand has no less than thirty museums in and around the city, as well as a wealth of theatres. So…
Theatres and museums
In the centre of Leiden there are thirteen museums, all within walking distance of each other. Leiden is also home to the oldest theatre in the Netherlands, the Leidse Schouwburg. The Hague on the other hand has no less than thirty museums in and around the city, as well as a wealth of theatres. So…
Willem van Wijk
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
w.l.van.wijk@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3451
Martin Berger
Faculteit Archeologie
m.e.berger@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Trends in museums: ‘A lot of museums have a dormant collection of pre-colonial art’
What effect do trends in the art world have on the formation of museum collections? University lecturer Martin Berger wants to answer that question in his research within the Museums, Collections and Society project, which asks ethical questions about the origin of collections.
Working in a living museum
Roderick Bouman is collection manager of the Leiden Hortus botanicus. He keeps track of which plants there are in the garden, where they come from and makes sure visitors can find the right information about them. ‘We are like a regular museum,’ says Bouman. ‘Except that our objects are alive. That…
Laurie Cosmo: ‘Dutch museums are very innovative’
The plan was to research the years surrounding the creation of the signature H.P. Berlage building of the Kunstmuseum Den Haag, but due to the lockdown, University Lecturer Laurie Kalb Cosmo has hardly been able to visit museums. Yet she succeeds in continuing her research for the Museums, Collections…
Fellowship Roman glass at Allard Pierson Museum
An inspired museum director: student Anne Kremers
Anne Kremers (1989) still has to complete her thesis in Art History, but she is already director of a museum. After following an internship at Villa Mondriaan, in September 2013 she took over the position of the oldest museum director of the Netherlands, becoming in the process the youngest museum director…
Caroline Fernandes Caromano
Faculty of Humanities
c.fernandes.caromano@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Ruurd Halbertsma
Faculty of Humanities
r.b.halbertsma@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Grant enables archaeologists to study origins of museum artefacts
Two researchers from the Faculty of Archaeology have received a grant from the Museums, Collections and Society (MSC) interdisciplinary programme. This grant is for collection-based research. Jason Laffoon is using his grant for research into the origins of Central American turquoise, while Dr Marike…
Carel’s Universe: Leiden museums depict Carel Stolker’s rectorship
Ten Leiden museums and heritage institutions have curated the online exhibition ‘Carel’s Universe’. They selected objects from their collections that symbolise retiring Rector Magnificus Carel Stolker and the research in Leiden. With direct references, playful associations and the odd nod and wink.
Fang-I Chu
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
f.chu@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3451
Gerrit Dusseldorp: A visiting researcher at KwaZulu-Natal Museum
Under the title “New insights from old collections”, the archaeological research was introduced on the Museum’s news page.
Check it out: NIMAR contributes to COBRA museum exhibition
This summer, the COBRA Museum will be focusing on Moroccan art. 'The other story' exhibition presents for the first time Moroccan modernism in the Netherlands. The Netherlands Institute Morocco (NIMAR) contributed to its exhibition
Film screening Allard Pierson Museum on Friday December 9
Education, Research
Depot or place of honour: what to do with Nobel laureates in the museum?
What do you do with a museum collection full of individual white Nobel laureates at a time when diversity, inclusion and teamwork reign supreme? Ad Maas, professor by special appointment, and researcher Hilbrand Wouters have been awarded an NWO Museum grant to answer that question.
Museum Talks: ‘Our access to the past starts with in-depth knowledge of objects’
Geert-Jan Janse has always been fascinated by the way objects can bring the past closer. On 16 November, he will present a Museum Talk about his work as the director of the Vereniging Rembrandt (Rembrandt Association).
Evelien Campfens in the New York Times on looted art in museums
In an article by the New York Times, cultural heritage law specialist Evelien Campfens discusses the difficulties surrounding the ownership of looted art.
Our perspective on history is changing and our museums are changing too
Museums have long focused on power, wealth and a few famous figures. But that is changing, says Valika Smeulders, head of the history department at the Rijksmuseum. What this change comprises and how it has come about is the subject of her keynote speech at the D&I Symposium on 11 January.
Crammed with meaning: what museum collections tell us about our political system
What does a 19th-century exhibition of traditional utensils from the province of Zeeland tell us about the current rise of populism? A lot, Ad Maas will say in his inaugural lecture.
Angus Martin
Faculteit Archeologie
j.a.martin@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1966
Jan Jansen
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
jansenj@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3996
Seepma and Aida Tadesse receive NVFA incentive prize for Allard Pierson Museum internship.
Research Master’s students in Archaeology Rosa Seepma and Aida Tadesse received an Incentive Prize from the Dutch Association for Physical Anthropology (NVFA). They were awarded this honor for their ongoing study on the human osteology collection at the Allard Pierson Museum.
Curator Ruurd Halbertsma: ‘Surely we can’t just sweep away antiquity?’
Like many others, Ruurd Halbertsma has had a rollercoaster of a year. His museum, the National Museum of Antiquities (RMO), was closed for a long while because of the lockdown. Visitor numbers picked up again from September, but it the next few weeks will be tense now the hospitals are full again. Halbertsma:…
Peter Pels in Andere Tijden about fathers of the Holy Spirit and Africa Museum
The special of the Dutch History Programme Andere Tijden 'Missie Geslaagd?' (Mission accomplished?) tells the story of the last fathers of the Holy Spirit Congregation who live in Gennep. Professor of Anthropology and Sociology of Africa Peter Pels is one of the specialists in this episode. He explains…
A blue or gold background? NICAS grant awarded for research on restoration
Should the background of the painting remain blue or be restored to its original gold colour? PhD candidate Liselore Tissen will be using 3D prints and eye-tracking software to answer this question. NICAS is giving her a grant of 18,000 euros to accomplish this.
Curator of the National Museum Marion Anker: ‘History can cause friction'
Marion Anker is a junior curator at the Rijksmuseum, the National Museum of the Netherlands. She studied History in Leiden and Amsterdam. Together with her team, she organised the controversial exhibition ‘Revolusi! Indonesië onafhankelijk!’ What did studying History teach her?
CANCELLED - Museum Talk: Negotiating museums and their digital interfaces
From a fossil to an animal skin: as a museum, do you let the original pass through the hands of your visitors, or a replica?
Educators in European science museums sometimes think rather differently about the definition of an 'authentic' object. They think carefully about how they present those objects to teach visitors something or make them curious. This was shown in research by the Science Communication & Society department.…
Archaeology students make museum exhibition on Sugar: ‘Before this I had no idea how sugar was produced’
When following a course on archaeology of the Crusaders, five archaeology students were presented the unique opportunity to create a small exhibition at the National Museum of Antiquities. The coronavirus situation made a complex task even more challenging. ‘We had to work through the lockdown with…
Museum Talk: The Future Museum: Digital Replicas, Virtual Reality and Storytelling for a New Audience
Museum Talk: Maps, Navigating and Manipulating
Gina van Ling
Faculty of Humanities
g.i.van.ling@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9512
Museum Talk: Art amid the Ruins
Werkbezoek ‘Werken in een museum’
Career and apply for jobs
Exhibition BrAInpower at Museum Boerhaave
Between Diversity and Decolonisation: Museums as Media, and the Representation of Ainu in Museums in Japan
Museum Talk with Annabelle Birnie (Hermitage Amsterdam)
Alumni event, Lecture
Online voorlichting - Werken in een museum
Career and apply for jobs
Untold Stories: representation, heritage and museums
Conference, D&I Symposium
Alumnus Shivan Shazad: 'I would like to have been a member of a diversity and inclusion committee'
It was his thesis supervisor during his master's in Film and Photographic Studies who encouraged Shivan Shazad to pursue a second master's in diversity policy at Ghent. He is now Manager of Diversity and Inclusion at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam.
When deciding what to study you undoubtedly read a lot of information about your study programme. Leiden University employs various systems to provide information about programmes and courses and to facilitate communication between lecturers and students.
- Museum Talks at the Leiden Department of Art History
A peek inside art objects: new algorithm makes CT scan more accessible
An X-ray scanner, some small metal balls, and a newly developed algorithm. That is all you need to make a 3D model that enables you to look inside art objects without dismantling them. Thanks to the research of Francien Bossema (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica and Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer…
Seminar: Fleeting Commitments or Can the Museum be Decolonised?
Ad Maas appointed professor by special appointment: 'Exhibiting scientific research is at the cutting edge of museology
On 1 September, Ad Maas, curator of Rijksmuseum Boerhaave, was appointed professor by special appointment. In this role, he will primarily focus on the representation of natural sciences in museums.
Museum Talk with Geert-Jan Janse (Vereniging Rembrandt)
Alumni event, Lecture
Why looted art lawsuits often fail (and what can be done about this)
There are as good as no clear rules for the return of stolen art. This means that rather than in court, many cases are decided in the political arena instead. In her PhD research Evelien Campfens suggests how this could change. PhD defence on 11 November.