Universiteit Leiden

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University managed accommodation

Leiden University offers housing facilities especially for international PhD's and other visiting academic staff. The rent varies between €750,00 and €1100,00. Read about the application process for university housing.

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Apply for the waiting list

You can sign up for our SCIS housing waiting list via the button below. You will be directed to our SCIS Housing platform. The onetime fee for registration is € 35,00. Immediately after registering, you will be able to see the available private offers.


Our properties

The university owns several types of rooms, flats and apartments that are available to international staff. Most properties are intended for long lets with a maximum of five years.

Download the list of University owned accommodations.

Who can apply?

If you choose to pursue your academic career at Leiden University, we advise you to start looking for accommodation as soon as possible. Finding accommodation can be a challenge due to a housing shortage in Leiden. Leiden University has a limited supply of rooms, flats and apartments available for academic staff at Leiden University. We cannot assist LUMC staff members in the search for accommodation, except if you are a PhD from LUMC.

Are you a Bachelor or Master student? Please contact the Student Office for student housing.

At the Service Centre International Staff we find it important to help you secure housing at the start of your stay in The Netherlands. If, however, you wish to move house at a later stage of your stay in Leiden, we advise you to search for accommodation yourself.

How to apply

Since we cannot offer accommodation to all that apply, there is a waiting list for our properties. If you are interested in university managed accommodation you need to apply for the waiting list as soon as possible. The sooner you apply the more chance you have of being granted accommodation.

Waiting list

Once you have applied for the waiting list you will receive confirmation from the Service Centre International Staff. Our first priority is to assist those who are still residing abroad and are planning to relocate to The Netherlands. If none of our own properties is available, we will also look into alternative housing in the private sector. 

The length of the waiting list varies and your position on the list also depends on your own demands. Unfortunately the amount of applicants outweighs the amount of properties, so we are not able to offer everyone accommodation.

Length of stay

Leiden University offers a variety of apartments. Most properties are intended for long lets with a minimum of one year. These apartments are unfurnished. The University also owns so-called 'short stay' apartments which can be let for a period of max. 6 months. . They are intended for international employees who are staying for a period of less than one year. Please check the fact sheet for each property to determine the maximum period of residence.

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