Universiteit Leiden

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Workshops and meetings

During the academic year 2024-2025, the Humanities faculty offers several workshops for lecturers. You can choose 1 or more of the workshops below.


Discussing pedagogical issues.

Intervision involves working on pedagogical issues that participants bring from their own teaching. Together they explore a range of solutions to issues such as “How can I get all my students to participate actively in class?" or "How do I deal with students who don't prepare for lectures?”

Contact: Annebeth Simonsz
Workshop leaders: Maarten van Leeuwen, Astrid Van Weyenberg, Looi van Kessel, Lisa Wolring, Marjoleine Vermeulen

Active learning strategies

Get students actively involved.

In this workshop we discuss ways of activating students on the basis of case studies provided by the participants. We will discuss dilemmas such as: How to make sure that students come to class prepared? Howto engage all students in the discussion? And how do you make students responsible for their own learning process?

Contacts/ Trainers: Maarten van Leeuwen en Astrid Van Weyenberg

Active Learning Classroom

Active learning in a flexible classroom.

This workshop takes place in an Active Learning Classroom (ALC). During the workshop, you will learn how to use activating work forms and how students can collaborate using the flexible furniture and whiteboards of an ALC. Even teaching outside is possible in these rooms.

Contacts/ Trainers: Anna Benjamins, Annebeth Simonsz

Brightspace Basics

Learn the basic functionalities of Brightspace.

In the Basics workshop, we look at some of the basic Brightspace functionalities such as uploading documents, classlist, communicating with students and preparing and assessing Assignments.

Contact: ecole@hum.leidenuniv.nl
Trainer: Minke Jonk-Thuong

Brightspace Grades

Choose the right settings for your course.

In the Grades workshop we look at how Brightspace calculates grades and how to choose the correct settings so that by the end of the workshop, your gradebook is ready for use.

Contact: ecole@hum.leidenuniv.nl
Trainer: Minke Jonk-Thuong

Generative AI

How do you deal with GenAI in your teaching?

How to deal with GenAI in the classroom?
How to test robustly?

Goal: dealing with disruption

Contact: Tanja de Bie
Trainers: Anthea Aerts, Donna Schippers


Learn how to use podcasts in your teaching.

In this workshop we focus on the didactical aspects of podcasting, including different format types. Based on a prototype podcast you will have prepared for the session, you will receive valuable feedback and insights on how you can use podcasting for education.

Contact: Tanja de Bie
Trainers: Sebas Munoz, Yentl Croese

Education for large groups

Effectively organising lectures for big lecture halls.

Active education in large groups. Tips on how to deal with scaling your education.

Contact: Tanja de Bie
Trainers: various.

Roles and styles in teaching

Which teaching style suits your teaching?

In this workshop, we employ reflective tools and collaborative activities to bring teachers’ perception of roles, responsibilities and teaching styles to a more active, agent and responsive level of awareness.

Goal: Teachers can make more conscious choices based on the classroom dynamics, needs and microculture.

Contact: Tanja de Bie
Trainer: Nilou Daneshkhan

FeedbackFruits in Brightspace

Gain more from your course with FeedbackFruits.

Reduce your work pressure by using FBF in Brightspace, including Interactive document, Peer Review and Assignment Review.

Goal: after the training your course is ready in Brightspace.

Contact: Tanja de Bie
Trainers: Anthea Aerts, Yentl Croese

Self-Regulated Learning

Promote self-efficacy among your students.

In this workshop, you will learn how to promote students' self-regulated learning skills, using a variety of resources and learning processes.

Goal: How to support self-regulated learning skills in your daily teaching practice

Contact: Tanja de Bie
Trainers: various.

Blended Learning Serious Game

Turn your course into a good blended mix.

Learn in a playful manner how you can use different parts (digital and in the classroom) of your curriculum or course design to come to a good blended mix.

Contact: Tanja de Bie
Trainers: Marijne Scherjon, Marjoleine Vermeulen


Interested in one of these workshops? Please let us know via the button below before 15 September 2024. The time and place of the workshops will be communicated at the start of the new semester.

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