Universiteit Leiden

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If you cycle to work, you can use the University’s bicycle racks or lockable bicycle sheds; to use a lockable shed, however, you need a bicycle pass. At some locations you can also borrow a staff bicycle.

Bicycle parking

Bicycle racks are available on the sites of the buildings. You can park your bicycle in these, or use a lockable bicycle shed. The sheds are only for the use of University staff, and you need to have a LU Card

For safety reasons, you are only permitted to park bicycles in bicycle racks. You may never park your bicycle on the footpath, at entrances to buildings or inside buildings. The University is not liable for theft of or damage to bicycles.

Staff bicycles

At some locations you can borrow a staff bicycle. If you need a staff bicycle, you can collect a bicycle key at the reception. Staff bicycles cannot be reserved in advance and must be returned on the same day.

On the science campus employees, students and visitors can make use of various open and closed bicycle parking facilities.

Employees can use the following bicycle parking facilities:

  • Gorlaeus Lecture Hall: At the front of the building is an open bicycle parking facility.
  • Huygens building: A closed bicycle parking facility at the front and at the side of the building is accessible with your LU-card. At the front of the building there is also an open bicycle parking.
  • Oort-building: near the entrance of the building you’ll find an open bicycle parking facility.
  • Sylvius: at the front of the building there is both an open and a closed bicycle parking facility. The closed bicycle parking is accessible with your LU-card.
  • Snellius: at the front of the building there is both an open and a closed bicycle parking facility. The closed bicycle parking is accessible with your LU-card.

Don’t you have any access to one of the closed bicycle parking facilities? Please contact the Service Desk.

Students and visitors
Students and visitors can use the open bicycle parking facilities near the Gorlaeus Lecture Hall, Huygens and Oort-building, Sylvius, Snellius, LMUY and Van Steenis (see floor plan).

Scooters and mopeds
Scooters and mopeds may only be parked in the designated locations. These locations are:

  • Huygens building: near the entrance under the footbridge.
  • Sylvius: at the bike brackets
  • Snellius: at the side of the building, but not in front of the entrance.

House rules bicycle parking facilities
Long-term parked bicycles will be removed at least once a year. Removed bicycles will be transported to the bicycle depot.

The following house rules apply in closed bicycle sheds:

  1. Storing your bike is at your own risk.
  2. Bicycles may only be parked in the bicycle racks.
  3. Wrongly parked bicycles will be removed.
  4. Scooters & motorcycles are not allowed in bicycle parking facilities.

Service bicycles
Service bicycles cannot be reserved in advance. The service bicycles are issued through the reception desks.

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