An ORCID iD is a unique code that identifies you as a scientist in a reliable and consistent way, much like the social security number in a passport. DOI does the same but for a scientific publication instead of a person. DOI and ORCID iD are examples of persistent identifiers.
Personal ORCID iD
Using a personal ORCID iD you can connect your name to all your scientific results in a uniform way. This makes it much easier to create clear and accurate summaries of your scientific publications. An increasing number of grant providers and publishers now require an ORCID iD.
What are the benefits of ORCID?
Creating an ORCID iD offers you a number of advantages:
- A simply exchange of your publication data
- Improved (online) search and visibility features in bibliographic databases
- Save time: your data is automatically supplemented by grant providers or publishers who support ORCID.
- Easily keep your profile up-to-date with services such as LUCRIS, Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID and Impact Story
You can find out more about creating an ORCID and the benefits thereof on the UBL website.
Help and further information
The Leiden University Library (UBL) offers support for creation of the ORCID-iD and linking it to LUCRIS.
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