Universiteit Leiden

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Tests and theses

See your Faculty’s tab for more information on what we expect of you as a lecturer, before, during and after tests and examinations, and when supervising students in writing their thesis.

Thesis assessment form

All bachelor and master theses are to be assessed by two evaluators, independently of each other. The faculty has developed a digital form to support this process. There are three forms: One for each evaluator and one for a final mutual assessment.

To the online thesis assessment form.

Getting an account

An account is needed to be able to use the online thesis assessment form. An account can be acquired by filling in the request form and handing it in to the onderwijsadministratie. Alternatively you can also send the request form to studiepunt@hum.leidenuniv.nl from your university mail account. Some steps to activate your account are required after the onderwijsadministratie has created your account. See the manual activating your account for details.

How does it work?

For questions concerning the form please see the manuals on the right side of the page under "See Also". If you have any follow up questions or if you have some feedback please contact the helpdesk by mail: scriptieform@hum.leidenuniv.nl. Or call us on 071-5271641.

Programme specific (knock-out) criteria

  1. contains a clear academic research question.
  2. is situated within a relevant academic debate.
  3. (a) places the analysis of the regionally defined topic in a global perspective, or (b) analyses the topic from at least two different disciplinary perspectives.
  4. accounts for the chosen research method(s) and materials.
  5. is based on the evaluation of a sufficiently large body of independently collected scholarly literature and/or sources (10-20, depending on whether books and/or articles are discussed).
  6. contains a well-structured and consistent argument.
  7. is written in correct English.
  8. produces a scholarly argument and analysis.
  9. counts 10.000 words (± 10%), excluding bibliography and notes
  1. Adequaat gebruik van in het Japans gestelde teksten, die voor het onderwerp van het eindwerkstuk relevant zijn.
  1. Philosophical relevance.
  2. Convincing argumentation.
  3. The candidate independently arrives at considered judgements on a philosophical debate.
  1. Adequate benadering van het onderwerp van de scriptie uit ten minste twee voor de bestudering van Afrika relevante disciplinaire invalshoeken.
  1. Philosophical relevance.
  2. Convincing argumentation.
  3. The candidate independently arrives at considered judgements on a philosophical debate.
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