Universiteit Leiden

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University Teaching Qualification (BKO)

The University Teaching Qualification (UTQ, BKO in Dutch) is a mandatory certification for lecturers, ud's, uhd's and professors with an appointment from 0.5 fte for one year or more (see also University Information: University Teaching Qualification (BKO)). At FSW, the BKO consists of a learning process and the compilation of a portfolio - and possibly the attainment of a Basic Qualification in English (BKE). All information about the BKO at FSW can be found in the conditions for the BKO portfolio and the Implementation Regulations. The first step in obtaining a BKO is always an intake interview with the BKO secretary.

The registrations for the UTQ-trainings (for internal employees) are organized via the Learning Management System SuccessFactors. To enroll, you need a valid SAP number. Also, your supervisor must approve your participation. The whole process is described in the Registration process manual

The FSW BKO trajectory is offered by the Leiden Learning and Innovation Centre (LLInC) and consists of five BKO modules, each offered at least once a year:

1.    Designing education
2.    Implementing education
3.    Testing and assessment
4.    Supervising theses
5.    Inclusive education

Upon successful completion of a module, a partial certificate is awarded. The five partial certificates obtained are added by the candidate to the BKO portfolio.

When the conditions for the portfolio (Terms and conditions BKO) are met, the candidate sends the complete BKO portfolio (incl. attachments, see Example BKO portfolio) to the secretary of the BKO Examination Board, no later than 10 working days before a meeting.

Note: The same deadline applies to the submission of any exemption requests, or applications for partial certificates

During the meeting, the BKO Assessment Committee assesses whether the learning outcomes for the BKO have been met based on the BKO portfolio submitted by the candidate. If the assessment committee does not yet assess the BKO portfolio as sufficient, it will indicate on which points supplementation is needed and will hold the portfolio so the candidate can adjust the portfolio. The assessment is communicated to the candidate within 10 working days after the meeting date.

If the assessment is positive, the assessment committee advises the dean to certify the candidate.

N.B. for candidates with a deadline to obtain the BKO before 1 September 2024, they may also use the old documentation, see here: 

You may wish to apply for exemption from following (some of) the LLInC training programme on the basis of previous teaching experience and/or previously taken courses or training programmes on didactics. For this purpose you can submit the exemption form to the secretary.

The Implementation Regulations contain information on the costs to be settled. 

Laura Schneider is the secretary of the BKO Assessment Committee at FSW. You can contact her with questions about procedure and support, or to schedule an intake or appointment. You can do so easily using Outlook.

Meeting dates

The committee BKO meets on a regular basis. Meeting dates vor 2024-2025 will be publised here soon.

Partial BKO certificate

The partial University Teaching Qualification (Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs, BKO) certificate provides recognition that a PhD candidate has gained knowledge and experience as a teacher.

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