Universiteit Leiden

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Career guidance and mobility

Would you like to explore the next step in your career, or find out what your future options are? Do you have specific qualities that you’d like to develop further in your work? Or are you wondering whether you’re still in the right place or might like something different, but don’t know what or where to start?

Leiden University’s coaches will be pleased to help with all your questions in this area. Read more here about finding the best coach for you, or read on for information about exploring your next step and looking for job vacancies.

Career orientation

The Career Platform has many useful tips and tools for exploring your talents, weaker points and energisers. It also has online tests, so you can get to know yourself better and effectively target the next step. You will discover how to make the best choices for your development and workplace satisfaction. Use the platform yourself or look at the options for coaching.


We recommend that you check the university’s vacancies on a regular basis. New vacancies are posted every Tuesday. As an internal candidate you will be given preference over others who are equally suitable. Vacancies elsewhere in the academic world can be found on academictransfer.nl. The Career Platform includes a list of job sites.

Information for managers

Are you the manager of someone who’s ready to take the next step? The GROW Interview is the perfect time to evaluate, and to discuss possible training wishes or a desired career step. You can also remind your team member of the coaching opportunities available to them.

If you’d like some tips on how to engage in discussion about personal development, then Help your team members excel is a useful New Heroes course for managers. You’ll learn how to introduce the topic of personal development to your team members, initiate discussion with them and keep them activated and motivated.

PhD candidates and postdocs

If you’re currently on a PhD track or working as a postdoc, it’s likely you will have reflected on what lies ahead in your future career. You’re welcome to contact the university’s internal coaches for a free introductory session. To register for this, simply send an email to coaching@bb.leidenuniv.nl.

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